We’ve all heard the term self-love a time or two. Some people may think of it as a luxury that they can’t afford to have. But self-love is not about the value of the things we acquire for ourselves but the value we give to ourselves. It’s an essential component in looking after our mental health and entire well-being.
Self-love starts with an appreciation for yourself. Through that, you can identify which helps you be better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s also about your happiness and not sacrificing your well-being to please other people. Self-love is advocating for what you deserve.
It is not about being selfish, and it’s about putting your need first so you can give to others without taking for granted your being. It encompasses the way you feel, thinks, and treat yourself. You become more confident to put yourself out there in the world and face each day with courage because self-love rejuvenates your self-compassion. It helps you recognize your strengths, the value of your feelings, and the ability to have a more positive outlook in life.
Self-love shouldn’t be confused with narcissism. It’s all about taking responsibility for your physical and mental health and not
Why Self Love is Important and How We Can Cultivate It
When you depend on other people to be happy, it’s not self-love. You have to be careful because you will be prone to possible manipulations and micromanaging other people if you depend too much on them. Not believing in yourself is another effect of a lack of self-love. It is self-doubt in the making and also manifests indecisiveness.
When you feel drained, exhausted, and finding it hard to love yourself, it makes you turn your thoughts against yourself. Although everyone has their way of coping with it, let me share some tips that work for me in cultivating it, and I hope you can take some ideas to help you practice self-love.
Motivates you to make healthy choices

Self-love is making yourself a priority. You hold yourself with confidence and high esteem, which leads to decisions and choices that serve you well. You eat healthy food, set boundaries from toxicity, and take time to rest your mind.
Helps you set boundaries in relationships
Loving yourself means learning to value your abilities, strengths, and weaknesses and finding the courage to set boundaries to protect them. It’s about being assertive so that you’re speaking up when something is being pushed on you that is unhealthy within a relationship. Loving yourself is protecting yourself. An article medically reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board says that it will be difficult for you to find a loving partner if you don’t love yourself. So be with someone who makes you feel good. Invest in healthy relationships by setting boundaries.
Increased self-confidence
We are our worst critics, so be careful about what you tell yourself. It’s a powerful voice, and the challenge is how to swerve away from negative thoughts and maintain self-love. When you give yourself more value, you put less pressure on yourself and focus on what you can do instead of comparing with other people.
Resilience through challenges
Finding the guts and tenacity to face life’s challenges is what resilience is all about. Often when you’re critical of yourself, it’s
How To Cultivate Self Love
Cultivating self-love is different for everyone because we have varying ideas on what makes us feel good, what gives us comfort, peace, a fulfilled life, and love. As for myself, here are the ways that help me when I struggle to find reasons to love myself.
Practicing loving self-talk
Choose your words wisely, especially the ones you use to talk to yourself. Start using words that likely inspire more resources and empower your self-love communication prowess. Affirmations are an excellent example of this. On Pinterest, you’ll find many affirmations that you can save and use for different situations.
Figuring out what you are good at
What are your strengths? Find out about yourself through the people you trust and respect. Discover more about your personality to help you land a job you like and partner with people who don’t value and are not a good fit for you.
Eliminating toxic relationships
Some people are good at manipulating others. You have to think about how they are treating you with their words and their actions. If red flags and problematic behavior are showing, try respectful disagreement. This will keep you from being drawn in their toxicity. Always pay attention to how these people make you feel about them and, most significantly, about yourself.
Treating yourself well
The way you treat yourself is an indication of how well you value yourself. Be comfortable with yourself. You can start by complimenting yourself and by being a self-advocate. Be your own cheerleader.
Getting rid of negative self-talk
Silence your inner critic. When self introspecting, highlight your more desirable qualities instead of dwelling on your weaknesses. Don’t be consumed by negative self-talk. Accept your mistakes and let go of the things that make you feel bad about yourself. Remember, perfection doesn’t exist, and you only live once, so make it count.
Forgiving yourself
Give yourself a break. Making mistakes is part of human nature, so don’t beat yourself up. Trust what you can do, that you’re capable of making the right decision, and if what you expect doesn’t happen, then remind yourself that nothing is guaranteed in life and what you can control is how you react to these situations.
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