When we talk of happiness, we usually base it around a condition or circumstance in the future. We often tend to forget that happiness can be found in the present moment as well.
For achieving happiness and being content with what you already have, you have to make changes at the grassroots level. The small things that we do every day – habits, beliefs, and thought processes matter a lot. The change must be made at the micro level to see results in the macro view. If you are struggling, remember it’s all about the long run, not the short gain.
By letting go of certain practices which have become a die-hard habits for us, we can achieve peace of mind and happiness. With New Year’s approaching quickly, leaving these habits in 2022 will help you achieve your goals, and get you want you want in the new year.
Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life
Read on to find out what those habits are and how to quit them.
10 habits you need to get rid of to attain a positive mindset and lead a happier life
1. Negative Thought Patterns

Negative thought patterns stemming from self-doubt, insecurities, anxiety, criticisms, etc. are immensely harmful to our mental well-being.
People who harbor these negative thought patterns often project low self-esteem and a glum state of mind.
These negative notions eat into us until we lose sleep at night and start obsessing over them. To lead a happier life, we must accept ourselves as we are and quit spending too much time on these harmful thought patterns.
Personal growth happens when you are willing to stop the negative feedback first between your own two ears, and then you can start removing the toxic people and patterns from your life. Change those negative emotions to positive emotions starting from within.
2. Blaming Oneself
No human being is infallible in this world. We all make innumerable mistakes in the span of our lives, and it is easy to get caught up in a cycle of guilt and self-loathing, thinking of them as a punishment for what you did. It’s so easy to talk and feel bad for yourself because you live in your mind and body.
Forgiving yourself is harder than forgiving others. But it is indeed one of the most important habits you should form. It is essential to acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them, and equally important to forgive yourself and move forward with the lessons you have learned.
Wallowing in guilt and self-pity does not right your wrongs, instead makes them worse. You owe it to yourself to forgive and speak kindly for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Then, practice gratitude for all your body and mind do for you.
3. Procrastination
This is one of the most common negative habits that we harbor. Putting off work or responsibilities until the
However, procrastination has a very negative impact on your well-being. It leaves you feeling stressed and more often, it leaves you feeling frustrated with yourself for doing it again. Not to mention that it affects the quality of your work and creates a bad impression on others. Being more proactive and productive is essential to leading a happier life.
Starting today, spend those extra few minutes to take care of and check off the list of things you don’t want to do. Or even start thinking more about starting a morning routine. Either way, it will help you have a happy life in the long term and have less stress.
4. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle
When we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, we put our physical as well as mental health at stake. Spending money too much, eating too much sugar, not drinking enough water, smoking, bad dieting for weight loss, and consuming intoxicants are just some of the bad habits to break in our lifestyle.
Fast food is one of the modern conveniences which has gotten us into so much trouble as a society. Not only does it cause unneeded stress for our digestive system and contribute to high blood pressure, but also added weight and fat onto our already heavily strained bodies. The more you can eliminate fast food from your diet, the better off you will be overall. Especially when it comes to preventing sickness and heart disease as we age.
5. Comparisons
Another poison we drink too often. Constantly comparing yourself to others means waiting for others to fail to realize your self-worth.
It’s easy enough to get caught up in this day-to-day cycle of compare and contrast and to forget that each of us is
In the day and age of social media, this is one of the ways to fall into this trap so easily. Studies show if you can take days or spend time off the platforms it will be best for your mental health. So, take a social media break and get into your comfort zone. The crazy will world will be there waiting for you.
6. People Pleasing
When the only standard you have to meet is your own, and not someone else’s, you truly achieve peace of mind. Happy people are not happy because of other’s opinions, they are happy from within.
We often become too dependent on what others are thinking of us, so much so that we often trade our health for their approval. This can lead to some real negative emotions. However, who ends up losing each time we fight for someone else’s approval? No one but ourselves!
7. Being Lazy

Like procrastination, laziness also hampers our productivity. A whole day of doing nothing will leave you feeling more tired and sick than a day of too much work.
And at the end of the day, we sit to blame ourselves for it. Laziness is a disease that can only be cured by fruitful work done on your part. Much like procrastination, a daily routine can help you break this habit.
But, to be honest, there might be days when you don’t want to do anything, and your body and mind want to fall asleep. And that’s ok. It can’t be every day or every week though because that’s where being lazy comes in.
8. Perfectionism
Perfectionism asks you to do the best in all aspects of your life, but that is not beneficial to your state of mind, though it might seem so.
When you try too hard to be too perfect for some external standard, you sell yourself short. Your confidence level takes a hit and you are unsure of your capabilities and potential. Treat yourself with the same compassion with which you treat others.
9. Giving Excuses
Making excuses is just another bad habit you might be struggling to get rid of. There is always an excuse not to do something, not to act in the present moment. It could be as simple as giving excuses not to perform your daily physical activity.
Excuses prevent positive change and stop you from being a better version of yourself. Stop making excuses and start being more proactive.
10. Holding Grudges
When you work on forgiving yourself, you must work on forgiving others as well. Forgiveness and acceptance are the keys to attaining daily happiness.
And whether you believe it or not, what goes around comes around, like karma. You don’t want to hold the grudge so long that it manifests or creates disharmony in your own body and world. It’s better to forgive and forget for yourself and others.
Final thoughts
Accepting that certain situations are beyond our control, and learning to let go can lead to a better life. Remind yourself through affirmations that everything happens for a reason, and try to see the silver lining to every cloud.
These habits are difficult to give up, as they are embedded deep in our personalities, sometimes working more like a reflex action. However, when you learn to retrain your mind and identify the problems in your thinking pattern, you can slowly relinquish these ill habits and attain a positive mindset, ultimately living a healthier, happier life.
Was this helpful? What are your tips to live a happy life? Do you have any good habits to share? Let me know in the comments below.
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