It’s the start of a new year, and with it comes all sorts of resolutions. Whether you have one or not, self care is always something we should be striving for. Self care has been around for years but in recent times its popularity has grown immensely. It’s not hard to see why – when we focus on our well-being and time for ourselves, we can feel more refreshed and happy than ever before!
One of the best things about self care is that it comes in all shapes and sizes. There’s no one right way to do it, and what works for someone else might not work for you. That’s why having self care goals for the new year can be so helpful – they give you a set of specific things to aim for, and they’re all different!
Here are some self care goals worth trying in the new year. Pick at least one of them to dedicate yourself to, and see how it goes:
Self Care Goals For The New Year
1) Take More Breaks During The Day
This helps you reorganize and refocus so you are being more productive when you are working.

2) Plan Ahead For Your Week And Prioritize
No need to rush everyday when you can take one day out and plan what you want to do to keep your day and week in line. Only do the things that are a priority first to make sure you get them done.
3) Take care of your body
We only get one, so why not take good care of it? There’s no better time than now to start eating healthy, exercising and getting enough sleep!
4) Gratitude journal
Start a gratitude journal. Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for – no matter how small they may seem! Doing this will help remind ourselves of all the great things in our life and it can even improve mental health .
5) Bubble Baths/Spa Days
Turn your regular shower into a spa day! Add in some candles, relaxing music and maybe even a few drops of

6) Get out of your comfort zone
If you’re feeling like there’s something missing in your life, maybe it’s time to try a new activity. Try going hiking for the first time or taking up an instrument! It can be scary at times but this is how we grow and develop as people so why not give it a shot?
7) Say No To Guilt
It’s okay to say no. You don’t have to do everything you’re asked of, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Learn how to set your own boundaries so people respect them properly, which will help keep life from feeling overwhelming.
8) Make Better use of your Time
Do you find yourself doing the same things over and over again? Maybe it’s time to try something new! Take up a new activity or hobby, challenge yourself in some way – all these are ways to make our lives feel more fulfilling.
9) Connect with Friends and family
Spend time with the people you love. Whether it’s going out for coffee, watching a movie or taking a walk outside,

10) Give Yourself A Break!
This one may seem like common sense but we often forget how necessary it is. We’re only human after all – sometimes we need to just take some time for ourselves without feeling guilty about it. Relax, recharge and then get back at it!
11) Go hiking for the first time or take up an instrument!
It can be scary but this is how we grow and develop as people so why not give it a shot? And who knows, you might be the next rockstar!
12) Spend some quality time alone each day doing something you love
(This could range from bubble baths/spa days, reading books in bed, watching movies, catching up on Netflix shows, etc.)
13) Go through your home and work space to get rid of everything that doesn’t “spark joy” or give you energy.

14) Try something new everyday
Explore the world around you! If it’s learning a language, cooking food from another country, working on solving puzzles or even trying yoga for the first time – anything goes as long as it brings us some kind of excitement/joy/energy in our life.
15) Take a day each month to completely unplug from social media and the internet altogether
Not only will this free up more time, but it will also free up more emotional and mental space in your body.
17) Spend some time outdoors each week, whether that means going for walks, hikes, bike rides etc.
18) Declutter your living space both physically and mentally
19) Volunteer your time with local organizations who need help
(This could be anything from animal shelters, soup kitchens, youth centers, etc.)
20) Practice self-care and take time for yourself each day
21) Figure out what you want to achieve in the new year and then break that down into manageable daily or
weekly goals.

22) Keep your home organized all throughout the month
So it’s easier to keep up with during busy periods such as winter months, holidays etc.
23) If possible, spend at least 30 minutes every day learning something new
(Try taking online classes through sites like Coursera , Khan Academy , Udemy, or a new language with Babbel )
24) Try cooking healthy meals instead of resorting to fast food options!
It will save money and also help boost energy levels which is especially important when we’re feeling.
25) Take some time each week to reflect on your goals
Both personal and professional – and how you can work towards achieving them
26) Spend more time outdoors in nature
(This includes camping, picnicking, etc.)
27) Cut out caffeine from your diet for a certain period of time to see if there are any changes in terms of energy
levels, moods etc.

28) Mindfully eat three meals per day with no distractions
(Put away phones, laptops, etc.) and really focus on the taste, texture and flavors of the food
29) Take some time to meditate before you go to sleep so you can set up healthy sleeping habits and better mental health.
30) Go on vacation somewhere new over winter break with friends / family who will offer support during times where it’s needed most
(Especially if dealing with tough things.)
31) last but not…practice random acts of kindness!
Whether that means helping out a stranger, holding the door open for someone or paying it forward at Starbucks – these little things can make all of the difference!
Self care is about taking care of ourselves in a way that works best for us. So if you don’t like to exercise, try something else like meditating or writing in your gratitude journal. The most important thing is that you find what makes you happy and stick with it!
There are countless self care goals you can set for the new year, these are just a few to get you started! But whatever you do, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t achieve your goals straight away – Rome wasn’t built in a day! Just keep trying and eventually you’ll see results.
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