Do you feel that the day is too short for you? Guess what we all have been there wishing if we could add a few more hours to the day.  

But unfortunately, neither of us possess a magic wand to make that happen. And so, the earth will revolve the same way, and you won’t get any extra minute to the day for at least a gazillion years.

But what you can certainly do is wake up early. In fact, if you are a mother, this will come as a blessing for you.

Wondering how? Stay tuned, and keep reading.

How waking up early can make you a better mom

  1. You’ll find time for yourself

Motherhood can have you trapped in a fixed schedule. In simple words, it leaves you no time to take a

How Waking Up Early can make you a Better Mom
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moment for yourself and relax.

But when you wake up early, you can find some leisure time for yourself as:

  •       Your family would be asleep
  •       There wouldn’t be many chores for you to do early morning
  1. It is the best time to meditate and exercise

Motherhood and fitness don’t go hand in hand for many mothers. But this is when you need it the most as your body changes a lot after pregnancy. Apart from that, you might still be a young mother, so there’s a whole lot of life ahead of you where you have to value your health in order to thrive.

Therefore, do not think twice. Engage in a workout, and if your body is too stiff for that, do yoga or meditation at least. Both cardiovascular exercise and meditation release happy hormones, ultimately providing you the peace that motherhood often snatches away from you.

  1. You’ll get to call it a day much sooner

It is a no-brainer that you’ll get done with your tasks sooner when you wake up early. Consequently, you’ll have more time for yourself.

That’s not just it, you’d also observe an improved quality of work because your mind would be well-rested and fresh in the morning.

  1. You will be more energized

Being a mother, there’s a lot of running around the house and in the kitchen. You require energy for that.

How Waking Up Early can make you a Better Mom
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Turns out, waking up early can help you in this regard as well.

Well, it has something to do with your bedtime. It is likely that when you know you have to wake up early, you sleep early. Hence, when you are well-rested, you are more energized than ever. 

  1. You’ll be more productive

You are more active when you wake up early. Consequently, you do not feel lethargic, and you’ll do your tasks with greater enthusiasm and a better focus. Ultimately, it will bear a positive impact on your productivity.

  1. You’ll have a better mental health

There’s something about early mornings that sets you in a good spirit. In other words, you feel a much pleasant vibe around. Well, perhaps because the air is pleasant and there is a charming silence around. And we know being a mother, it is almost impossible to find such a moment throughout the day.

But that’s how early mornings improve your mental health – they make you feel peaceful from the inside. You feel lighter and happier.

  1. Allows you a peaceful breakfast

Breakfasts are something that a person enjoys the most. But given a hectic schedule and rushed

benefits of Waking Up Early as a mom
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mornings motherhood offers to you, you probably leave for work with a sandwich in hand or have it at home while stressing about a thousand things you have to do just a few minutes later.

However, waking up early can allow you to have your breakfast in peace. You can have it sitting on your balcony, amidst the greenery, or even inside breathing peace and solace.

Last but not least

Waking up early might seem a lot at first, but once you develop it as a habit, it will all be easy-breezy for you. Remember, waking up early has done everyone well, and you are no different than the crowd in this respect.


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