How To Stay Positive Despite Adversity
I don’t need to tell you that the world is facing both a lot of collective and personal adversity right now, but I do want to share with you a few tips on how to stay positive even in the face of adversity.
Many of us have taken on additional roles, including our own learning to educate those around us and those we are responsible for raising. It seems as though we may never get a break, or see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s been a challenging start to 2020 and I have seen a saying floating around saying that it’s going to be one for the history books. It certainly seems that way. And for those of us really wanting to make a difference, it’s sometimes difficult to find our way out of the negative tunnel we get into when we dive deep into the situations at hand. But we must, at all costs, try to avoid negative thoughts and create a positive environment.

Here are a few of my tried and true ways on How to Stay Positive Despite Adversity
- Movement always helps me, either indoors or outdoors. This is always something to lift my spirits.
- Taking a nap or resting when you need it.
- Getting outside for a walk or enjoying the sun.
- Taking a drive with the windows down and the music up and/or just listening to nature.
- Dance parties with or without other people.
- Visualizing how you will feel once you have completed your goal
- Journal about your feelings, or what you are going through, especially when you’re experiencing difficult times.
- Write about or say aloud the good things that happened to you that day/week/month
- Phone a friend or family member who you can chat with but also who can help console you if needed
- Lean on self care more and make it a priority
- Try learning something new either something you’ve been wanting to do or something you’ve never considered.
- Get plenty of rest and ensure that it’s restful, not just another thing you have to do in a day
- Take care of your body and what you are putting into it in the midst of adversity.
- Focus on the positive as much as possible and less on the negative.
- Focus on the future and not looking back into the past trying to wish away the mistakes.
- Make time to smile and laugh – they are the best medicine. Especially after a long cry or release of the emotions.
- Use positive affirmations, positive visualization, positive mindset growth to help realize there’s still good.
- Limit your social media and media usage to help decrease the negativity in your life.
- Take time to educate yourself on great achievements in History, watch the movies that celebrate and bring light to adversity.
- Take the time to process in the tough times while keeping your goal in mind and celebrate the wins along the way, big and small.
- Look at every situation as an opportunity to learn, not just as something that happened to you, but instead for you.
- Get out of your comfort zone and try something new to keep positive in the face of adversity.
- Watch the way your kids, nieces, nephews, or even kiddos on YouTube play if that’s all you have access to – and learn from them to be carefree.
- Practice gratitude by focusing on the things in your life that you are thankful for.

Life right now is anything but ordinary.
It’s not going to get much easier as we go, because change is needed, and with change comes discomfort. It will be most important to find joy in the tough times with a support system who gets you and knows your goals. So it might be exercise or healthy eating that gets you through it. It might be positivity or goals. But right now, the only way we get to the other side is to face the adversity head on and going right through. It’s going to mean seeing the light when the tough times want to bring you down. It’s keeping a positive outlook when things look bleak.
I hope you understand these ideas and tips can help in ANY situation of adversity you may be faced with. They apply all the same.
Tell me, did I miss some? Which is your favorite? I’d love to hear from the community how we can support one another.
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