The family is the core element of community building, and a parenting style nourishes a child’s socialization values. It includes compassion, ethics, respect, and a sense of responsibility. When it comes to my daughters and precarious situations, I take that precious 5 seconds of deep thinking. It’s both a struggle and an opportunity to learn.
As a parent, the task of raising decent human beings with good character is on your shoulders from the second you find out you’re pregnant. You do your best so they’ll become better members of society. The idea of positive parenting is daunting but it’s not without fun moments and golden opportunities.
I’ll share with you some of the tips and tricks I learned along the way on how to raise good kids!
How To Raise Good Kids
Whether they’re inside or outside your home, teach kids the power of having positive thoughts and a

Create a Sense of Certainty
Your children learn when you set boundaries for them. They need to have a sense of certainty to think their actions through and mindfulness when making decisions. If there’s an opportunity, include them in the decision-making.
One example is delegating household chores. Huddle with them while creating a list, and discuss every part of the process. Explain to them why these rules are in place or what will happen if they fail to do their tasks. Raising emotionally capable kids includes encouraging them to be patient, compassionate, resourceful, and gritty.
A child learns through what they see in their environment, and it’s up to us, their parents, to help them mold their logic and ethics. Society is not without laws and structure, and in your home, make them follow a set of rules and guide them in understanding the consequences of their actions.
Encourage Learning
Kids have different learning motivations, the same way that their personalities vary. Show them that anywhere is a place for learning, it is not limited to traditional educational environments such as school. By giving them the right motivation, you are helping them enhance their passion, abilities, and desire to learn. Here are some ways that help them discover the fun of learning:
1. Let your child explore instead of imposing control.
Guide them through the process. Learning is a positive experience,

2. Encourage your child to explore their favorite topics.
Let them enjoy the learning journey by focusing on what they consider a fun lesson. Listen actively to what they have to say, and learn about what things they pay attention to more than the others. In doing this, you are bringing joy to their idea of learning.
If you show interest in their interests, they might perform better. Research has shown that successful kids who grow up with adults that encourage them to pursue what they are most passionate about, tend to do better in school and develop good socializing values.
3. Encourage questions.
When kids develop curiosity, you allow them to explore their surroundings. As it is essential in their learning, it’s also crucial in personality development. When you are nurturing a curious child, you are raising happiness in their lives.
Be Present
To raise good kids, spending time together as a family and allotting one-on-one time with each child is key! Maybe, make a Friday tradition of

University of Minnesota researcher Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Ph.D., MPH, RD, said that “It doesn’t have to be a home-cooked meal. The idea is to bring people together”. Through her research, she found out that those who experience eating meals regularly in a positive atmosphere are less likely to show signs of eating disorders like vomiting, diet pills, and chronic dieting.
Allow Them To Express Their Opinion
Encourage sincere and open communication, they’ll feel comfortable expressing their thoughts. It fosters trust and minimizes negative thoughts. It will be easy for them to tell you if uncomfortable situations overwhelm or confuse them.
According to Judith Smetana, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester who studies the development and family relationships, one of the common challenges in most families is the ability to “balance teen’s need for autonomy with other concerns.” In her study published in 2016, she and her colleagues found that disagreement regarding the bounds and limits of parental authority can cause bad behavior problems. It’s usually the source of adolescent-parent conflicts. As well as the use of drugs and alcohol at a young age.
Be Consistent
If you want to raise good kids, then help then become fully functioning adults. Your children will remember how you connect with them emotionally, the activities you did as a family, and the frequency of sharing a meal. It’s where consistency comes in and it matters because it indicates how you sincerely and mindfully engage. Model positive behavior and keep a positive attitude – be a role model.
If in every instance of a

Consistency comes with expectations, and children see the world through patterns. I constantly struggle with it because parenting could be so frustrating and alienating at times, but every time I try, I also feel better that I did. If you’re like me and patience is not your strongest suit, take time to reflect and remind yourself that you are creating the blueprint of your child’s emotional well-being.
Raising good kids isn’t an easy task, but it certainly is doable.
Positive parenting solutions work wonders when it comes to parent-child relationships. The influence of happier parents strengthens the emotional intelligence and mental resilience of their young children. Kids learn positive behaviors from their parents – you!
Parenting is the most critical public health issue faced by societies across the world. Young children need to have a nurturing relationship with their parents or guardians. Another published study claims that if children have their parents’ social support coupled with an open and positive parent-child interaction, they will most likely do better in the community.
So, next time when you’re on vacation, about to enjoy an exquisite steak, and your child suddenly decides that it’s the best time to throw a fit, give yourself a chance to pause. Think things through. Remind yourself that kids feel with big emotions, it’s up to you how you will help them navigate them. With all the resources available on positive parenting, look at your role holistically. In essence, you are a teacher, a nurse, a transformational leader, an inspiration, and an ultimate supporter.
How Does Responsible Parenting Affect a Child’s Physical Health?
Studies have shown that responsible parenting has a positive impact on the physical health of children, including improved sleep and fewer behavioral problems. Responsible parents are able to spend more time with their children, which may help them regulate their emotions. Furthermore, responsible parents who help their children with good behavior are also raising kids who will be successful as adults and feel like they can succeed in life.
Responsible parents are also better able to help their children learn how to control their emotions and understand how other people feel. Helicopter parents tend to hover over their children too much, but if you can strike a balance between being present for your child and giving them space when they need it, then you’ll be teaching your kids how to take responsibility for themselves—which is arguably one of the most important things you can do as a parent.
Being a parent is a commitment.
You set the foundation so your kids will have a positive outlook on life and healthy emotional well-being. You are their provision of support – give them positive affirmations, provide them with respect, protect them, and convey your love to them. As they grow, you should develop that depth of knowledge on how to best support them in every milestone of their lives. And it’s never too early to start developing that positive psychology.
While they’re little, time seems to be so slow and their dependence too high. However, that could all change. In a blink of an eye, you are releasing them to the world, and hopefully, with the innate pride that you’ve raised a good person who will do positive and great things.
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