From social media posts to chic stationery, everywhere you go, you can find one quote doing the rounds – “Find yourself.”

But what exactly does it mean to find oneself? Frankly speaking, it is a lot of things. For starters, it is understanding who you really are. It’s also getting a sense of things. Not to forget, it is finding what makes you content. The list will go on but the real deal here is: How do you find yourself?

If you’re feeling lost in life, experiencing negative thoughts, and wondering how you can feel like your old self again, here’s your answer. Dive in with me and check out these tips to finding yourself again!

How to Find Yourself Again: Hot Tips

1. Reinstate the principles you upheld.

We all have our own values we believe in. But every time we do things that violate such values/

How to Find Yourself Again
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principles, we feel uncomfortable. In fact, it can make us feel really distant from who we are now and who we were when we set this values in place. Basically, this is when we stop being ourselves. So the solution here is to abandon the project if you are uncomfortable doing it. Don’t let your core principles slip, even if it causes you discomfort or you have to set boundaries. 

2. Remember your past and learn from it.

We are always told not to be in the past. But just sometimes, it can do us more good than harm. It can remind you how you used to be before you changed for the worse. And that, you still can be that old version of you.

On top of this, it can teach you the art of survival – that if you survived in the past, you can do so this time as well. Sometimes, revisiting who you are, what went wrong, and what went right can be THE MOST POWERFUL part of finding yourself again and realigning with your values.

3. Cut yourself off from toxicity.

Sometimes the only thing that prevents us from finding ourselves is toxicity. Be it toxic ideologies or toxic people we are surrounded with. These toxic influences can drag you down and leave you feeling bleh. This is why it is important to reflect on people you surround yourself with, and their beliefs and ideas. Cutting yourself from toxicity can help you with your discovery. While it can feel uncomfortable at first, discomfort is an important part on your journey toward growth. 

4. Spend more time with yourself.

Doing Nothing is a bad set of words in the eyes of the world. But that’s not the case when you are trying

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to find yourself. Sometimes, a nap on the couch, chilling it with a nice book, or practicing self care can be a game changer. Allow yourself to live in the moment.

All this is to say that when you sit idle, you are thinking about life and aspirations. And let’s just not undermine the power of thoughts; they can do wonders. Who knows if one of them is actually trying to find yourself? It’s important to find yourself on your own terms.

5. Look around at your tangible possessions.

Things we buy, things we surround ourselves with speak volumes. In this respect, they can totally help you determine who you are. For instance, if you bear an admiration of home-décor items and styling your home, perhaps something related to interior designing can be your thing. Use the things that surround you as a guide of sorts.

6. Make a list of things you like to do.

Our likes and dislikes are integral in the sense that they form a part of us. Therefore making a list of things you like and dislike can be your best shot to determine who you are. And its okay to try some things out before you settle on what you do and don’t like! After all, how are you supposed to figure it out without a few negative days or days of feeling lost? Don’t worry! It will all come together in time. It’s so important to learn how to find your true path.

7. Ponder about things that you don’t like about people.

Points that you do not like about others, might lead you to who you are absolutely not. For instance, if you do not like materialistic people, then you know that you are a simple person and capitalistic professions might not be your thing. If you don’t like how your “friends” pick other women apart, you may be someone who is more uplifting. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so make sure you aren’t falling into bad habits that you dislike about other people just because it’s comfortable. It’s okay to not like specific things or personality traits. 

8. Think, what would you do if you were liberated of social and financial obligations?

Sometimes we do not do things we don’t like for the sake of earning a stable likelihood. Therefore,

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imagine if money is not to be a considerable factor, then what is it you would do? Singing, painting, whatever but one of your answers might be the end of your search.

9. Evaluate the subject of your social discourses.

The subjects and topics you talk about can bring you closer to the discovery. For example, if you find yourself engaging in conversations related to stocks and securities frequently, then you know finance may be your purpose in life. Being more aware of yourself and what you focus on is a great way to find yourself and who you really are.

10. Determine what gives you peace, even after a hectic schedule.

When you are doing something that defines you, you would be tired but you won’t ever run away. And just in case if you do escape, its absence will eat you up and you’ll come back to it eventually. This could be as simple as going to a weekly painting class or starting monthly pilates! Determine what you’re doing when you feel most at peace, even when you’ve had a big day. It will be THIS that lights a fire in your soul and makes you feel complete. The end result? Finding yourself!

11. Spend more time with the people you love.

Sometimes, the best way to find yourself again is to strip your life back to basics and spend more time with the people you love. This can be current friends and family, or someone from your childhood who makes you feel like YOU again. This can help to remind you of your purpose in life, heal your inner child, and really help you find who you truly are at your core. One chat with a friend or family member can open your eyes and make you feel like you’re returning home.

12. Stop worrying about society’s expectation.

Sometimes, the most debilitating thing on the path to finding yourself is society’s expectations. Forget about them! Forget what people are saying and ask yourself: “What do you want and like.” This way, you can dig deep, forget about negative influences, and live your best life. It’s okay to dream big without worrying about what “society” thinks. Step outside of your comfort zone and let the real you SHINE! Come on, you’re worth it.

13. Try something new.

Sure, trying something new can feel pretty daunting, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it! Sometimes, the best way to find yourself is to look forward instead of backwards. You may find that new things motivate you, inspire you, and ignite the fire within your soul. When you open yourself up to trying something new, you can meet new friends, find a love for life again, and find yourself to become the new YOU!

14. Be kind to yourself.

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you’re kind to yourself. While this does sound basic, it is so important. The journey to finding yourself isn’t easy, and may be really emotional at times. Just allow yourself some time, patience, and understanding, just like you would do for a friend. In fact, the best advice I can give is to treat yourself like a friend! Be kind, considerate, and passionate on this big journey.

This is your cue to find yourself.

Well, this is your cue people. Try out these tips to find yourself again and who you were always meant to be. If you’ve ever felt lost, finding yourself can feel like coming home after a long trip.  Set your own short term and long term goal list, and smash it without fear of anything else. 

Have you ever feel lost in your life? If so, how did you manage to find your way? Feel free to share your stories in the comments.I would love to hear your experience!

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