Minimalism has been the talk of the town lately. Precisely because many people have embraced the principle and now it’s as if their life has completely revolutionized. So, if you are someone who feels that they need to transform their lives, minimalism might be the right pick for you.
However, if you are a beginner who does not know how and where to start, we are here to help. Read on!
First Steps for the Beginner Minimalist
10 first steps for beginner minimalist
1. Be more kind, donate what you don’t want
When you would know that you are donating things that others need more than you, you will become much more
2. Go discursive – take one room at a time, let broken items provide you a start
We are in the habit of keeping broken things, thinking we would get them repaired. But that does not happen. If you haven’t used those things in a long time, then it’s clear you don’t need them enough. Therefore, pick any room and start looking for broken things to get rid of.
3. Head for cosmetics
We all have those products that we do not use, and those that have been way past expiry dates. Look at all the products in your bathroom, old shampoo bottles, and serums that have gone unused or expired, throw them away.
4. Look for duplicates
You don’t need two things that look the same or have the same purpose. So, look all around the house, and get rid of
5. Head to the closet
Disclaimer, this part is the most time-consuming, and exhausting.
Start with torn, old, and worn-out clothes. It is clear you are not going to get them repaired, nor they can look new, so the best thing to do is throw them away, or better, repurpose them.
Secondly, be honest with yourself and get rid of clothes that you have not worn in years. Your life won’t come to a halt if you throw them away.
Just ensure that you don’t keep more than 10 pairs of clothes. Once you are done with it, head for accessories.
6. Separate those that you can sell
Generally, furniture and old gadgets are some of the stuff that can be sold for a good price. So, instead of throwing
For the record, furniture takes a lot of space, and too much of it can make your house look compact and suffocating. Hence, when you are practicing minimalism, make sure you don’t keep too many storage spaces. Sell the extra ones.
7. Fight your urge to shop
Minimalism is not limited to decluttering, but it also involves limiting future expenditure on material things. Therefore, uninstall all shopping apps and don’t go to the mall regularly to buy things.
8. Borrow clothes
If you are supposed to go to a party, then instead of buying new clothes, consider borrowing them from a friend. You can even consider renting clothes.
9. Go digital

First Steps for the Beginner Minimalist
If you happen to have a lot of books in the house, consider lending them to those in need. In addition to that, if you wish to read more books, then think about investing in a kindle. You can store thousands of books in it, and it would never burden your house with storage.
10. Cut your bills
Minimalism doesn’t limit itself to physical possessions but bills and resources as well. So, in case you have a cable connection, and you don’t use it, consider going for OTT platforms. (You have to be minimalist there too. Don’t get the subscription of all the platforms)
Likewise, try to reduce your energy consumption to cut out unnecessary bills.
Minimalism demands what other life-changing principles demand – consistency and determination. If you are consistent and determined with this approach, there’s no way your life would not change! So try it ASAP and give it your best shot. Once you get into the groove of it, it’s fairly easy to maintain, and you may even notice such a change to your bank account it will deter you from going away!
Hey there. If you have something to say, we are all ears. Drop your views and suggestions in the comments below.
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