Social media has changed our lives in many ways, many of which are beyond our imagination. It affects our buying habits and purchase decisions. Over time, it has also evolved into a new kind of marketing. Nowadays, it’s all about digital marketing or, more specifically, influencer marketing. And this modernized version of digital marketing is remarkably effective.
Quality content is king, or so they say, and the use of it by social media influencers to influence the public is growing by leaps and bounds. But who are these influencers anyway? An influencer can be a social media personality, celebrity, blogger, or industry expert. Social media is a platform that influencers utilize to increase their reach and their influence. By uploading content, both sponsored and not, on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, and many more emerging platforms, these influencers can establish authority and authenticity.
Influencers have become useful tools in the marketing strategies of business owners. Although we typically see influencers marketing for small and medium businesses, large, big-name businesses have been known to use influencers as well.
Influencer marketing is considered a combination of traditional and modern marketing strategies. A particular celebrity or personality endorses a product or a service using online or modern-day marketing campaigns. This unique type of online marketing creates a mutually beneficial relationship for influencers and brands. For example, a beauty cosmetics blogger with millions of followers tagging a startup lipstick company in a review of their lipsticks creates traction for the business while the influencer benefits from free lipstick.
A 2019 influencer marketing report by MediaKix claimed that 17% of companies allot more than half of their marketing budget to influencer marketing campaigns and that it grows by 5000% each month. Even more astounding, approximately 92% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is the most effective kind at the moment!
Businesses work with influencers to improve their brand recognition. In this day and digital age, it’s crucial to build a successful relationship with at least one influencer because of the sheer number of people on social media. With massive amounts of followers, influencers are considered to have the power, knowledge, and position that affects the decisions of their audience. And their followers care about the opinion of influencers. This dynamic is what drew brands to influencers to begin with. Plus, once a long-term partnership is developed, brands often begin considering the creative ideas of influencers regarding how they incorporate the brand in their content. However, brands can’t fully impose their marketing strategies if it’s not aligned with the branding of the influencers.
To develop and maintain a good reputation, your brand needs to build a good relationship with influencers. News travels fast, and it’s all about content and branding these days. So, how do you go about it? Where do you start? Based on my experiences, I’m sharing insider tips on how to build relationships with influencers. Let’s get into it.
How to Build Relationships with Influencers
Whether it’s a short-term or long-term collaboration, setting a good relationship with influencers can help you gain more benefits like authentic endorsements, sustainable brand recognition, and consistent market user engagement. Here are the tips that will help you build relationships with influencers.
Identify Influencers in Your Industry
To get to your target audience, you have to know how to find the best people to help you build brand awareness. In looking for influencers in your industry, consider the following steps:
Specify your branding objective. Outline what you want to establish through brand awareness and brand identity.
Know your marketing objective. Set an influencer marketing plan that specifies the type of campaign you want to focus on. is it sponsored content, affiliates, brand ambassadors, or gifting.
Research who is famous in your niche. Use keywords, hashtags, and industry-related terms to know who is getting engagement in your industry.
Research Influencers Your Competitors Collaborate With. Find out who is helping your rivals make traction in their online presence and note their strategies.
Consider the Influencer’s Authority. Look at the quality of their content. Does it get a lot of engagement, followers, and higher website rank?
Provide Value to Your Influencers
Just like any other relationship, the brand-influencer kind takes two to tango. Brands shouldn’t only focus on their gains. You should make sure that the influencer will get good value out of your collaboration too.
A good strategy example is offering giveaways to the influencer and their audience. Always consider their audience. Giveaways and contests are win-win marketing for you and the influencer who will boost their followers and engagements.
Provide them with great exposure. If you have other marketing platforms like newsletters or blogs, feature them to create new fans.
Create online events that highlight the brand and the influencer, whether they’re macro or micro-influencers. This tactic also helps them get more awareness and brand identity.
Following All Social Media Profiles of Your Influencers
By following their social media profiles, you show support, which helps them strengthen their credibility. It’s also easier to tag them when you follow them.
Treating Your Influencers as Collaborators
As a collaborator, allow influencers to give marketing input. Let them have their creative freedom. In addition, they have insights into what your target audience wants and need. Communicate with them with a personal message.
Provide Appropriate Compensation
To foster long-term relationships with influencers, you have to remember that you’re both building your brands. So, provide compensation that aligns with both your branding. It can be cash, personal exposure, or experience. If you’re a travel and hospitality brand, then you can offer free travel to influencers.
Sharing Your Influencers’ Content
It’s a give-and-take relationship. So, share influencer posts with your network. They’ll appreciate it and most likely respond positively to our requests.
You, as a brand, and the influencers, have a term partnership. It would be best if you approach influencers as a collaborator. It is not an employer-employee relationship. Create opportunities to connect with them on the creative side and make sure that those are mutually beneficial. It’s your mutual goals that are the core of how you build relationships with influencers.
Whether it’s a job interview, launching your business, meeting someone on a date for the first time, or raising kids, we’ve all been there. We questioned our ability to make the right decision. Self-doubt usually floods our thoughts when we’re in a challenging or new situation. In my experience, it manifests through worrying, panicking, and selling myself short.
When you’re feeling like me and doubting your capabilities, it can feel like you’re in a battle with yourself. Sometimes you might have a voice in your head telling you that an opportunity is too good to be true, or that it’s something that doesn’t happen to the likes of you. You might hear yourself thinking:
“You’re just going to embarrass yourself.”
“You are not good enough.”
“You are bound to fail because you are not that smart.”
When you frequently deal with self doubt, leaving it unrealized and unchecked can be harrowing and dangerous. Cautiousness is not bad, but just like everything else, it can be harmful if overdone. When feelings of uncertainty are holding you hostage, you can miss opportunities by letting doubt overpower you. Even if you prefer your comfort zone, staying there will prevent you from reaching your full potential. So, this has to stop as early as possible. It will keep you stuck, with your time wasted and your chances possibly gone.
How to Stop Self-Doubt
So what causes it? Why is self-doubt a common occurrence?
Feelings of self doubt develop for a lot of reasons. One of the most common causes is past mistakes. Heartbreaks and work-related disappointments are an example of this. Somehow, when you experience frustrations, you try to build a wall to forestall future pains. Another cause is your upbringing which shaped your point-of-view, beliefs, habits, and personality. Fear of failure or success is a reason that is connected to comparing your life or performance with others. New challenges keep you on your toes in both your professional and personal life.
Even most experts experience self-doubt. The famous painter Vincent Van Gogh is said to be the epitome of self-doubt. He was posthumously recognized. I’ve read this quote by him “If you hear a voice within you say ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” His self-doubt is apparent in his works that show angst. It is often called the Imposter Syndrome, which is known to affect newbies and professionals alike. The internalized fear of not having the right skillsets and talents can make or break opportunities. I had my fair share of stories about this, and I’ll share with you some tips on how to stop self-doubt.
Stay in the Present
As I mentioned above, one possible cause of self-doubt is past experiences. When you’re in a relatively similar situation, an opportunity comes around, and your mind goes back to the past with apprehensions. What you can do is muster the courage to tell yourself STOP. Ground yourself and focus on what’s in the present moment. It is challenging but doable. You can save affirmations on your laptop or phone. It can be something you find on Pinterest or something you’ve written yourself. Examples of these are:
I am worthy.
I am enough.
I’ll start appreciating myself.
I’ll find prosperous ideas and efficiently act on them.
Aside from this, you can set up an inspiration board with photos of things and people that make you smile. Prepare your favorite snacks and play the music that makes you excited.
Change your Perspective about Mistakes
Mistakes are part and parcel of being human. We doubt our capabilities because we want to give our best, and we don’t leave any room for mistakes. What you need to remember is that it’s a solid ground for improvement and growth. Learning curves is essential in understanding life better. Everyone’s authentic self comes with unpopular decisions and wrong choices made.
Call Out Your Inner Critic
Your doubt is not the absolute truth. Challenge your reasons, practice self compassion, and be your good friend. If your inner critic is rearing its not-so-pretty head, write it a letter. Tell that voice that you’re in control and you are taking the reigns.
Embrace Discomfort
New things, new situations, new people can make you feel weird and uncomfortable. It’s part of growth. So, use that feeling as a gauge of your improvement. Maybe keep a journal where you list down what you’re feeling, then check your progress at the end of the week or month. Adjust your standard. Embrace learning. If you’re new to the position, then strive to be the best newbie there is. Spend time to set a timetable, then adjust your following goals.
Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others
Comparing yourself to others is inevitable at times. It’s part of human nature to take a peek at what other people have accomplished, what they gained, what they’re doing. Often, you forget that everyone has their path, and you can’t control some things. However, you can control what you feel and how you will act on something. It won’t change overnight, but as soon as you begin consciously trying to stop comparing yourself to others, you’ll begin to see that it is possible to overcome self doubt.
Try Journaling
Journaling is an under-utilized practice that is proven to improve your well-being. When you think of ways to practice self-care, journaling isn’t probably something you thought of right away, if even at all. But there are too many benefits to not at least give it a chance. As you work on overcoming self-doubt, try incorporating journaling into your daily routine. It can be as simple as writing down a few things you’re thankful for as soon as you wake up. You can also use it to gain a better understanding of where your feelings of self doubt stem from by writing down the situations that cause you to doubt yourself the most and identifying a potential pattern.
Remember That Progress is Not Linear
Some days, you ran out of creative ideas and plateau, and there are days when it’s abundant. Progress is the same, highs and lows, and often, this is not what you see on social media. It’s the winning seasons that take over almost everyone’s news feed, but it’s an open secret that life is not without bumps and humps. So, yes, it’s okay to be frustrated but always remember to pick your thoughts up. Accept that progress is complex. There are things about it that you can work on, and there are those that you can’t. Just keep on putting yourself out there. And embrace the imperfections of progress. Look at it as an adventure.
Seek Help if Needed
If you think working on your own is no longer cutting it, don’t hesitate to ask for support from a family member, friends, mentors, coaches, or a mental health specialist. Self-doubt can sometimes get the better of you, but that can be addressed.
However, for all the negative connotations linked to self-doubt, it also serves its purpose in self-actualization. When you doubt your abilities, you can turn that struggle into an opportunity to learn. When there’s a job opening that you’ve been eyeing for years, self-doubt motivates you to prepare. It keeps you learning because it opens your mind to possible vulnerabilities. Humility is another positive outcome of healthy self-doubt. It keeps you grounded and more attuned to situations and the people around you. In a turnabout way, it helps you build confidence.
Doubt is an essential part of living but don’t give it power. It’s in taking courage, in believing yourself, in stepping out of your comfort zone that you are truly living deeply.
When it comes to dreams and deepest desires, some people I know prefer to keep theirs in secret, afraid that putting it out into the world will jinx it. I believe in the Law of Attraction which is the core of making a manifestation list.
Writing it is somehow solidifying those dreams and desires, and I think that makes it more real. When you see your goals on a piece of paper, it makes you more accountable, maintaining a positive mindset.
We all have our big and small dreams -a vacation in the Maldives, enrolling at a prestigious culinary school, finding a house with a good pool and backyard, meeting your favorite musician, or getting a raise. To dream and have specific goals can be a bit scary and overwhelming if they’re just swarming in your mind. You think about what to prioritize first and what is not that important.
With a manifestation list, you can sort out which genuinely makes an impact in your life and which are fads and crazes. Writing about your dreams can help you assess where to best put your energy in and starts taking simple steps to achieve them.
These manifestation techniques foster positive thinking. It is essential because it helps in stress management and in overcoming negative thoughts and self-perception. The most critical part of this is having faith and trusting the process. In this blog post, let me share with you how to create a manifestation list so you can start writing yours.
How To Write A Manifestation List
Write On A Specific Manifestation Notebook
First of all, carefully choose your manifestation journal or notebook. It should be something that resonates with your personality. I prefer mine to have affirmations and quotes with pretty colors and floral patterns. If a more minimalistic aesthetics appeal to you, then choose a journal with this vibe. The same goes for if you would prefer to use vision boards. This is a great option for more creative types.
Your manifestation notebook is an extension of yourself, your dreams, and your hopes, so it’s essential to be intentional in choosing it.
Clearing Your Mind
You can meditate, do yoga, listen to your favorite music, or look at the lake nearby, whichever helps your clear your mind. Being centered and focused is an important step as it helps to keep the stressors and distractions at bay. To manifest your dreams, you need you to be grounded because it’s with a clear mind that you can be open to receiving and seeing what truly will make you happy and at peace.
Visualizing Your Success
After clearing your mind and heart from stressors and distractions, it’s time to start writing. There’s no limit nor pressure in what you write. You can write in paragraphs, sentences, phrases, or just words as long as what you write is all about what you deeply wanted and desired to have. Visualize your success like it’s already happening.
Writing Down The Details of Your Vision
Be specific about your goals. If manifesting a trip, write the country, if it a house, write the number of bedrooms and other specific parts of it, if it’s a date, write the kind of personality and relationship that you see yourself happy to have.
Checking How You Feel About Your Manifestation List
Now it’s time to assess how you feel about your list. Review what you’ve written and organize them. Categorize the item based on how they make you think if they evoke a strong emotion or not. Don’t overthink this part. Let your feelings flow so you can visualize your list better.
Writing In The Present Tense
By writing your list in the present tense, you are already claiming them to happen. It is the essence of manifesting. It’s believing that what you want, even your dream life, is what is real and very possible. here are some examples of how you write your list in the present tense:
*I enjoyed strolling along the French Riviera.
*I always go on international trips for summer. And;
*I enjoy riding in my pink Tesla.
Using Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are powerful when it comes to changing your thoughts and actions for the better. You might find that they were the most useful tool when looking back at how you manifested your desire to improve your life, because of the self-confidence they gave you.
Updating Your Manifestation List
Rewriting your manifestation list is part of the process. Add events in your life that made you extra happy. If it’s your dream job as a teacher or having a supportive spouse, you can create new manifestations from these and feel grateful for all these beautiful amazing things.
There you have it! Use this step-by-step guide to help make your manifestation list. Try it now and see for yourself how you’re going along with your manifestation list.
Parenting is hard. It’s one of the most challenging and rewarding things that you will ever do in your life, but it’s also difficult. One of the hardest things to learn as a parent is how to be patient. Children don’t come with instruction manuals, so it can be tough to know what to do when they’re acting out or throwing a tantrum. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for being a more patient parent!
How to be a Patient Parent: Tips and Tricks
1. What is patience and why do we need it as parents?
Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be one of the most challenging. One of the hardest parts of parenting you will face is learning how to be patient. Patience is about more than just being able to wait for things; it’s about having the ability to remain calm and collected in the face of adversity. As a parent, there will be times when your patience will be tested by bad behavior, but it’s important to remember that losing your patience can have negative consequences for both you and your child.
There are a few things you can do to help you cultivate patience as a parent. First, it’s important to try to see things from your child’s perspective. When you understand why your child is behaving a certain way, it can be easier to remain patient and understanding. Additionally, it’s helpful to take a break when you feel yourself getting frustrated. Step away from the situation for a few minutes and relax; this will help you approach the problem with a fresh perspective. Finally, it’s important to remember that mistakes are a part of parenting. Nobody is perfect, and you will make mistakes from time to time. When this happens, don’t beat yourself up; simply learn from your mistake and move on.
Patience is a virtue, and as parents, we need to be patient with our children.
2. The benefits of being a patient parent
The benefits of being patient are many and varied, but perhaps the most important is that it helps to build strong relationships. When we are patient with our children, we send the message that we value them and their feelings. We also show that we are willing to listen to them and to understand their perspective. This can be an important lesson for children, who may not always be able to see things from another person’s point of view. In addition, when you practice patience it often leads to more cooperation from children, as they are more likely to respond positively to a parent who is calm and reasonable. Finally, showing patience can help to you to be a good role model for kids, who may need to learn how to manage their own emotions. While it can be challenging to remain patient as a parent, the benefits are worth it.
Patience is key when it comes to parenting, and with these tips, you can start to develop more of it! Being patient allows us to build strong relationships with our children, and it also teaches them how to manage their own emotions. When we are patient, we show that we care about our children and that we are willing to listen to them. This can be a valuable lesson for kids, and it can help to strengthen the bond between parent and child. So the next time you’re feeling frustrated with your child, try to take a step back and remember these tips! You may find that being patient is a little bit easier than you thought.
3. How to be more patient with your kids
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have, but it can also be one of the most frustrating. There are moments when our child’s behavior seems to deliberately push all of our buttons, testing our patience to the limit. It’s important to remain calm and not lose control in of our emotions in the heat of the moment. Here are a few tips that can help:
Taking deep breaths:
When we feel ourselves getting angry or frustrated, taking a few deep breaths can help to diffuse the situation and keep us from losing our cool. It can also give us the moment we might need to gather our thoughts as to how to proceed forward.
Counting to 10:
This is an oldie but a goodie. Counting to 10 gives us a moment to pause and collect our thoughts before responding to a situation. It can also help to prevent us from saying something we may regret later.
Leaving the room:
If things are getting too heated, it can be helpful to leave the room for a few minutes. This will give both you and your child some time to cool off and help you to avoid a power struggle.
Getting organized:
One of the reasons we may become frustrated with our children is because we feel overwhelmed. When our lives are in chaos, it can be difficult to remain patient. One way to combat this is to get organized and create a routine. This will help to reduce the amount of stress in our lives, making it easier to be patient with our kids.
Taking breaks:
Sometimes it’s just impossible to be patient, and that’s okay. When this is the case, it’s important to take a break. Step away from the situation for a few minutes or even hours, and come back later when you’re feeling calmer.
Knowing your Triggers:
It’s helpful to know your triggers. What sets you off? Once you identify your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them or prepare yourself for them.
Have a Positive Mantra: When things get tough, it can be helpful to have a positive mantra that you can recite to yourself. This will help to keep you calm and focused. Some examples include “I am capable”, “I am strong” and “I can do this”.
Showing Compassion and Kindness:
One of the best ways to be patient is to show compassion and kindness. When we are kind and understanding, it is much easier to remain patient.
Take time to play with your kids:
Spending time with our kids is a great way to show them that we care about them and that we are willing to listen to them. Playing games, reading books or just talking with them can help to strengthen the bond between parent and child.
Paying Attention to Self Care:
It’s important to remember to take care of ourselves, especially when we are feeling stressed. Taking a break for a few minutes or hours can help to rejuvenate us, and it will make it easier to be patient with our kids when we return.
Getting Help When You Need it:
If you find that you are struggling to be patient with your kids, it’s important to seek help. There are many resources available, including parenting classes, counseling, and support groups.
4. Tips and tricks for dealing with difficult behaviors
Every parent feels the stress of dealing with their child’s difficult behaviors from time to time. However, it’s important to remember that you are the parent and coach, while they are still learning how to be a good person. Therefore, it is your job to help them learn patience and how to deal with difficult behaviors positively. Refer to the previous tip #3 for ways for both of you to deal with the difficult behaviors. They work well for you as the parent as well as the child experiencing the difficult behaviors.
5. Strategies for calming down when you’re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed
We’ve all been there – feeling impatient with our kids when we’re frustrated or overwhelmed. It’s normal to feel this way sometimes, but it’s important to find ways to calm down so that we can constructively respond to our children. Here are some tips and tricks for how to be a patient parent:
– Take a few deep breaths. This will help you to physically relax and clear your head.
– Step away from the situation if you need to. If you’re feeling too overwhelmed to deal with the situation calmly, take a break and come back when you’re feeling more level-headed.
– Find an outlet for your frustration. Sometimes, just getting your feelings out in a constructive way can help to calm you down. This might involve writing in a journal, working out, or spending time with friends.
– Talk to someone about your feelings. It can be really helpful to talk to someone who will understand what you’re going through and offer support. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or parenting group.
6. Helpful resources
It can be difficult to be a patient parent, especially when you’re dealing with a tantruming toddler or a teenage daughter who’s just slammed her bedroom door in your face. But losing your patience will only make the situation worse, so it’s important to find ways to stay calm and constructive when dealing with your children. There are a few helpful resources that can provide some tips and tricks for being a patient parent. Try reading some parenting articles or books, listening to podcasts, or watching videos on the subject. There are also online forums and support groups where you can connect with other parents and share advice. And if you’re struggling to keep your cool, you might want to seek out professional help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in parenting issues.
Patience is a virtue that all parents need to have. It’s not always easy to be patient, especially when we’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. But if we take the time to relax and focus on being positive with our kids, then we can slowly but surely learn how to be patient parents. And that’s a skill that we want to have in our parenting toolkit. Do you have any other ways you are a patient parent with your children we missed? Please share so we can all have another tool in our parenting toolkit in the comments.
Have you ever looked back on a moment of your life and realized how much it shaped where you are today? Our past experiences — both good and bad — determine our decisions, relationships, goals, and so much more. But if the weight of your past overwhelms you every now and then, you could benefit from learning how to let go of the past and be happy with who you are right now.
The past can be a valuable source of wisdom and guidance, yet many people become mired in their mistakes, resulting in missed opportunities to seize joy and fulfillment now. I’m here to help guide you through understanding how our past can affect us in the present as well as strategies for letting go so that we may be free to embrace true joy within ourselves! I’m sharing my top tips for releasing the burden of the past and embracing what life has to offer.
How To Let Go Of The Past And Be Happy
Recognize That The Past Is Not Who You Are
Have you ever looked back at your past and cringed at some of the things you’ve done or said? Maybe you wished you could go back in time and change a few things. I totally get it! But it’s important to recognize that your past does not define who you are. Your mistakes and shortcomings do not make up the entirety of your identity. Try to focus instead on who you are now and who you want to become in the future. Use your past experiences as opportunities for growth and learning, but really try to live in the moment. Remember, the person you were yesterday is not the same as the person you are today. So, let go of any past regrets, stay focused on the present, and start living in the present moment. If you’re not sure how to make this mindset shift, check out my post on How to Practice Mindfulness for Anxiety!
Acknowledge Your Feelings and Embrace Them
It’s important to take some time and acknowledge your feelings, no matter how big or small. Embracing your emotions, especially negative emotions, can be scary and vulnerable, but it’s also necessary for growth and development. Try as you might to avoid pain in your life, it’s practically impossible to overcome emotional pain if you can’t even acknowledge it. Recognizing your feelings allows you to understand yourself better and can lead to better communication with those around you. Remember, it’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling and it’s okay to talk about it. So let’s take a deep breath, acknowledge our emotions, and embrace them with open arms.
Let Go of Negative Thoughts and Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a negative thought pattern or believing that you’re not capable of achieving something? Well, it’s time to let go of those limiting beliefs and start embracing positivity and possibility. It’s not always easy, but with a little bit of effort and self-awareness, you can break free from the chains of negativity and tap into your full potential. Remember that your thoughts have a powerful impact on your actions and behaviors, so why not choose to think positively and believe in yourself? It might just be the key to unlocking a world of opportunities and abundance. If nothing else, it’s at least effective for reducing stress! So, take a deep breath, let go of those negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, and get ready to live your best life. You got this!
Reframe Your Experiences As Learning Opportunities
Have you ever felt like you’ve failed at something? It’s easy to beat ourselves up over mistakes and setbacks. But what if we reframed these experiences as learning opportunities? Every misstep is a chance to grow and improve. Maybe you didn’t get the job you wanted, but you learned about the interview process and can use that knowledge in the future. Perhaps a relationship didn’t work out, but you gained a deeper understanding of what you want and need in a partner. By looking at our experiences through a lens of learning, we can turn what may feel like failures into valuable lessons. So next time you face a challenge, remember that it’s an opportunity to learn and grow.
Take Time to Reflect on the Past, But Don’t Dwell On It
Reflecting on the past can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. It’s important to take the time to look back and recognize how far we’ve come and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. However, it’s equally important not to get stuck in the past and dwell on what could have been or should have been. Instead, we should focus on using the insights we’ve gained to move forward and make positive changes in our lives. By acknowledging the past and letting go of any regrets or mistakes, we can create a brighter, more fulfilling future. So take a moment to reflect, but remember to keep your eyes on the road ahead.
Surround Yourself With Positive People
They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, why not choose those people wisely? Surrounding yourself with positive people can have a huge impact on your mental health and overall happiness and well-being. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or coworker, you want to spend time with someone who helps you feel good when you’re feeling down, who encourages you to chase your dreams, and who celebrates your successes as if they were their own. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity and let that drag you down, but when you surround yourself with positive people, you’ll find that their energy is contagious. Their optimism and enthusiasm is exactly what your mind and body need. It will motivate you to be your best self, and that’s something to be grateful for. So, choose your tribe wisely and watch as your life becomes brighter and more fulfilling.
In summary, allowing yourself to take the time to reflect on the past can be really beneficial as it allows us to learn and grow. However, this should be done without over-dwelling on it as that can have damaging effects. It’s important to acknowledge your feelings of the past while recognizing they don’t define who you are in present day. By letting go of any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs and reframing experiences as learning opportunities can help you find more joy and happiness in life. Lastly, surrounding yourself with positive people helps bring in a sense of positivity and joy into your life. If you’re having trouble letting go of the past, enlisting help from a coach, mentor or even friend can often be incredibly beneficial. Doing so will ultimately lead you towards a brighter future and perspective on life.
Enrich your family life through family goal setting. Learn what it is, how it will help strengthen family relationships, and check out some goal ideas to help you get started.
A family is more than simply a group of people who live together. A family is a cohesive unit of people who live together and share similar values. Those family values are the glue that binds a family unit together and provide a guide for creating family goals.
What are family goals? They are objectives that every family member works towards accomplishing.
For example, one goal might be to go on a family vacation. As a family, each person plays a part in making that happen. Another goal idea might be to host a family movie night every Friday and every family member makes it a point to avoid scheduling anything else on that night.
These goals can be easily attainable as long as everyone is involved and actively working to make it happen.
If I’m being completely honest, family goal setting wasn’t something we really did before 2019. We each went our separate ways, and hope the calendars align. I understand, our family may be way different than many since my husband traveled so frequently prior to March 2020, and we really didn’t plan anything. We were at the mercy of a client and if they needed to see him. We couldn’t really plan vacations, or even a weekly date night.
If you haven’t sat down as a family and brainstormed ideas and come up with a goal or two to work toward, I want to encourage you to try it!
How to Use Family Goal Setting to Strengthen Your Family Bond
Why Is Goal Setting With Families Important
Why is family goal setting something to incorporate into your family life? Doesn’t it just make more work for the parents?
Actually the opposite is true. Family goal setting doesn’t create more work – it lightens the load because everyone is pitching in for the “reward” at the end.
Although, perhaps the biggest reason for setting goals together as a family is that the process builds an even stronger connection as a family unit because all members are working toward accomplishing a common goal.
It has some other cool benefits too, such as:
Learning things together to move forward and grow together.
Setting family goals makes family members think about what’s important to them.
Achieving more when everyone works toward a common goal.
Teaches children a life skill they need to learn before they go out and live on their own.
Research shows that people who work towards achieving a goal live happier, more satisfied lives.
Family Goal Setting
Now that you have an idea of why setting goals together as a family is beneficial, what are goals that families can set and work on together?
When COVID hit in March 2020, things changed drastically, as I’m sure it did in most homes. We were home all the time, we needed to get a plan together that actually worked for everyone. We started to plan dinners, and when we could vacation, more than a day ahead. I decided to get a Peloton and have some more accountability in the fitness department. We started planning when we would go to Hawaii, since it’s our yearly vacation and who we would take. Our plan and common goal was to get there by the end of 2020, no matter what we had to do.
Another goal we have as a family and more long term is to grow our rental home number and business on a regular basis. We had to figure out how to manage the funds for the remodels, and also keep the units full among the pandemic.
I sat down and brainstormed a list of examples, but this list is by no means exhaustive. I hope it inspires you to think of and set a goal that’s not even listed!
Plant a Garden
Growing a garden together is a fun way to produce something very tangible.
If this is something you want to do, you can sit down and for family meetings to:
plan your garden space
decide what you want to grow
prepare the soil
plant the seeds
water the plants
harvest the hard-earned fruits of your labor.
Then you take it a step farther by working together to incorporate your homegrown food into your meals.
A garden is a great way to see something through from start to finish together and it’s a great way to keep younger kids engaged in the process! Plus, tending to a garden over several months is a great way to spend quality time as a family.
Plan and Save for a Family Vacation
Who wants to go to Disney World? Ok, nothing says you need to plan a trip to Disney, but planning a trip makes for a terrific objective to work toward together.
Family goal setting works well for a family vacation because everyone can pitch in to help determine the destination, save money to put toward the trip, and plan activities.
Get Physically Active Together
Physical activity is good for your mental health and physical health. You might even go so far as to say that they who sweat together stay together 😁 A great idea of a healthy familial goal is to be active together.
Maybe you take the dog for a walk as a family every day. Or perhaps you train together to run a 5K and then do it. Hiking, skiing, tubing, playing sports, biking, are even more ways to get active together and also double as great quality time ideas!
Divide the Chores
If you find that one or two people take care of the bulk of the household workload, it might be time to set a family goal of dividing chores among all family members. This allows all members to share the workload. And it also gives every member an important sense of ownership in the family.
Learn a New Skill Together
Facing a challenge and overcoming it together is a great way to approach family goal setting!
Try learning a new skill together such as fishing, cooking, dancing, or even learning a new language. Everyone learns a new skill they will need in life and gains valuable experience of positive ways to tackle challenges in life. Plus, you might just have some family fun together learning something new.
Eat More Fruits and Veggies
Set a goal to eat a certain number of servings per day. Let every family member help with meal planning and meal preparation to make it happen on a regular basis.
With a goal like this one, every member will benefit both from helping share the workload and eating healthier.
* A tip for getting the kids on board with eating more fruit — Find cute containers to store the fruit in, like these.
Volunteer Together
Helping others who need a hand in some way is a fantastic family activity that benefits the family members as well as the people they help. It can even become a new family tradition.
Volunteering ideas may include things such as spending time helping extended family with chores or yard work, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or wrapping gifts for less fortunate kids during the holiday season. The possibilities are endless!
Spending Time Together as a Family
From my experience, spending time together as a family on a regular basis is much easier to do when the kids are little. As they get older, busier, and want to hang out with their own friends, it becomes harder to carve out time as a family.
If you’re in this situation, family goal setting could mean dedicating a day or evening each week that your family spends together. It could be family dinner, family movie night, or family game night. Let everyone have input on how they would like to spend that time together.
Begin a Family Book Club
Want to encourage spending less time on devices and more time reading or having engaging conversations? A family book club is an excellent way to do all of this at one time! Less screen time and video games, and more active learning.
Brainstorm new book titles during family time and even let all family members propose discussion questions to cover when you sit down at the dinner table to discuss the book you all read. For a real treat, follow up book club night with some yummy ice cream. That’s something everyone can look forward to!
Starting a Family Goal and How to Decide on Which Goal to Make
Not sure where to start? I suggest approaching family goal setting in this way your first time. After you go through the process a few times, you may modify the exact steps slightly for your family, but here’s a good way to begin.
1. Start by asking each family member about their personal goals.
Also ask each person to name something they see as challenges in family life that could be improved. If you need more ideas, ask everyone to say something they’ve always wanted to try but have been too afraid. Write all of these ideas and thoughts down.
2. Take this list and narrow it down by eliminating items that won’t work at this time.
Use the SMART goal method to set you up for goal setting success and help you track and meet your objectives. The SMART method will help you break down a long term goal into smaller short term goals to help you stay on track.
3. Vote on the final long term goal.
I recommend only implementing one goal at a time, especially when you first start!
4. Set specific measurable short term goals and timelines.
Decide on the milestones you want to achieve and when – and write them down!
5. Get to work!
6. Build in a reward to enjoy once you accomplish the goal together.
7. Sit down together and evaluate how the process went, how you can improve it, and begin working on a new goal!
It is through challenges that we grow. When we can do that together as a family, we strengthen our family bonds. The ultimate purpose of family goal setting is to build a stronger, healthier, and happier family, and that only happens when every family member feels connected and part of the process.
I hope this post helps you plan family goals and transform your family in new and powerful ways!
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