10 must-know Life-Changing Christmas Shopping Hacks

10 must-know Life-Changing Christmas Shopping Hacks

The only time we do not entirely love to shop is during the Christmas season. It’s not that we do not love Christmas (We wait for it the entire year after all) but because Christmas shopping can cause dire financial stress to our budgets. From shopping for gourmet food for lavish dinners to buying gifts for everybody – with a hundred heavy expenses, Christmas can often feel like a luxury we cannot afford to have. But then again, it’s Christmas, and you cannot “not celebrate” it. But you can certainly make some adjustments and try these Christmas shopping hacks that I’m about to disclose.

10 must-know life-changing Christmas shopping hacks

1. Use coupons and cash back

Do you know why some e-commerce websites keep coupon codes deep within the categories? Because we are too naïve of their existence. We shop without using the coupons, either because we’re incognizant about them, or we consider their hunt hassling. Mostly, it’s the former.
Thus, this Christmas, wherever you shop, make sure you check for coupons and cash back offers. Here’s one website that I recommend.

2. Compare prices on Amazon Christmas Shopping Hacks

Retail stores sell Christmas items at soaring prices. But you can get better deals on Amazon or any other E-commerce shopping website for that matter. So, every time you’re out there shopping, always make sure to compare prices. If you get better deals online, go ahead and buy.

3. Shop Christmas décor at the Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree is a chain of retail discount shops in the USA and Canada. If you happen to have one in your city, you can consider going there to shop for Christmas décor. You can get some amazing things at dirt-cheap prices – as low as $1. Hard to believe, right? Well, go see for yourself.

Alternatively, if you prefer a Target, you can find such cute decor in their dollar section at the front of their store. I’m sure you’ve seen all the influencers with the bottle brush trees (guilty here too!) all over their homes for Christmas. Those come from that section and really make decorating fun and easy.

4. Do Secret Santa

If you have too many people to gift to, skip the process entirely, and gift just one person; it will save you a lot of10 must-know Life-Changing Christmas Shopping Hacks money. Secret Santa is a group game where everybody is assigned a person, for whom they have to buy a gift. The identity of the gift giver remains unknown till the end, so the gift receiver has to make a guess.

Another great alternative is to do a white elephant gift, which can be played one of two ways. The first is to get a trick gift, like my favorite — “cold hard cash” where you would buy a cookie tin, put an amount of money into the tin, and fill with water and freeze. The person believes it’s cookies, but when they pick it up, it’s cold, and inside they have to wait to see how much money is in it if you stack the bills together.

The other way to do white elephant is to get an actual good gift, one you would want to receive as well. You can read a story and everyone sits around in a circle to be able to easily pass the gift on a specific word. Each time the word is said, you pass your gift. When the story is over, you open the gifts in order and can ‘steal’ a gift from someone else if you want. It makes it kind of fun and lets others choose what they’d really like and keeps your costs lower.

5. Shop beforehand

As mentioned before, things get extremely expensive during Christmas because of the demand. However, for the rest of the year, a standard rate is maintained. This is when you can shop for Christmas to save a lot of money– you can buy gifts, or décor even when Christmas is months away. However, you might also have to arrange for space and pack the décor properly to preserve the novelty of your purchases.

I know someone in my family who shops and makes gifts all year long so they are completely done shopping before Halloween and it serves them well. They have an area in their home they put all the gifts and it works for them.

6. Keep an eye out for sales

Brands offer sales throughout the year, and that my friend is the best time to shop for Christmas. But in case ifhow to save on Christmas shopping you are someone who remains oblivious of the sales, you have to change if you don’t want to be burdened by the financial stress of Christmas.

7. Prepare baskets

Instead of gifting someone one expensive gift, create a basket including little stuff that would together come out to become a thoughtful Christmas present. You can perhaps add dried flowers, homemade cookies and chocolates, cards, soaps and scrubs, anything that the person you are gifting to might like.

8. Register on Ebates

Ebates (now Rakuten) can be a God-sent for Christmas shopping. Rakuten is a reward website where you can shop and earn up to 25% cash back on online purchases. But for that to work out, you need to register on the platform; the cherry on the top – there’s no joining fee.

There are also several other reward sites you can choose, I also like using Capital One Shopping and Karma Now as they have a browser plug in that searches for discount codes at checkout. It makes sure you get the best price and save some money without really doing much other than clicking the check box to allow it to apply the codes and check other sites to see that you are getting the best price.

9. Create a shopping list and stick to it

This does not happen just during the Christmas season, but the whole damn year- we shop more than we need tosave money during Christmas and shop what we don’t need. Ergo, to prevent it from happening, consider making a shopping list and ensure you strictly stick to it. Before you make one, make sure to check what you already have. You wouldn’t want to buy things you already had.

10.  Buy second-hand or do a yard sale of old Christmas décor

There’s no shame in buying second-hand things if it saves you from financial troubles in the end. Thus, you can either buy second-hand products or sell what you own in a yard sale. People who are looking to change their Christmas décor from last year while saving money might be interested in buying old Christmas décors.

In Arizona, every Friday, people have estate sales, and sell off many decor items as well as items you can use for gifts. These make great ways to negotiate and find some gently used items for your decor you may never have been able to afford. I personally love going to higher end ones to find items which I would love to have, but don’t want to pay the retail price.

Now that you know these hacks, you do not need to worry about Christmas shopping. By following these tips, you can save significantly and enjoy Christmas as you should! Merry Christmas and have a happy holiday season! We all look forward to saving money, don’t we? And I’m sure this includes you, so if you have some additional shopping hacks to share, feel free to drop them in the comment section.

7 Tips to Save for Debt-Free Christmas

7 Tips to Save for Debt-Free Christmas

Christmas might be a time of joy, but it can be a threat to your wallets as well. From shopping for gifts and décor to hosting fancy Christmas dinners, there are a lot of expenses involved. Some of which, one might easily manage, but those who can’t, always end up in dire financial crunches only to add more debt in the end. Nevertheless, Christmas is just around the corner and if you are afraid more than being
happy – you don’t need to anymore. You can still save money this Christmas. Who says you can’t have a frugal Christmas of your own. It’s easy – in fact, to help you out, here are some tips that you can use.

7 tips to save for debt-free Christmas

1. Start a Christmas reserve

You might have a reserve for retirement, medical expenses, emergency funds, so why not have a reserve forTips to Save for Debt-Free Christmas Christmas as well? It does make sense if it would help you remain debt- free during the holiday season. You can consider depositing a little money every month in the reserve. But before you do that, calculate your average Christmas expenses and then divide the amount by 12 (for every month). That’s the amount you need to reserve every month for the year-end Christmas season.

2. Determine the costly expenses on Christmas

If we’re talking money-saving for Christmas, you have to first determine where your money goes during Christmas time.
Is it gifting? Or is it décor? Or fancy dinners?
When you know where you lose money the most, you can then try to save in that particular category. For instance, if you find out that your money is majorly spent on décor, then how about saving by using the past year’s Christmas décor? Trust me; you can do a lot different from what you have. In other words, you can still decorate differently using the same materials. You just have to be creative. Moreover, don’t you feel ashamed in reusing the old décor, it won’t destroy the Christmas spirit – in fact, you will be more rejoiced when you know you won’t be in financial crunches.

3. Always go by a list when you shop for Christmas

Going without a shopping list can be deadly for your budget. You’ll end up buying more than you should, and whatHow to save money on Christmas you might not even need. Thus, make a list of all the things you need before going to stores and spending your entire budget. And while shopping, make sure you stick to the list – nothing extra, I repeat nothing! Additionally, it’s important to make sure that you do not shop during Christmas days. Things become really expensive in the festive season. It’s really better to shop before even if you are months away from Christmas.

4. Make use of coupons and cash back

You’re seriously missing out on a lot if you do not use coupons and cash back available to you. Many websites and wallet services allow cash back and coupons that you can use to save money. Additionally, various banks offer credit card points on purchases. You can redeem those points to shop for free. For instance, even Amazon provides coupons. Visit the Amazon App, click Programs and features, and then finally click Amazon coupons. While you are at, don’t hold yourself back thinking you wouldn’t be able to save much. Little savings contribute to huge savings in the end.

When I was growing up, this was similar to layaway. You could put things on layaway and gradually pay them off over time. Because there were four of us kids, and my parents made very little, this was something my Mom used quite a bit. Alternatively, this is like credit cards today, because back in the 90’s I don’t know if lower income people even knew about credit cards. It certainly wasn’t advertised like it is today.

5.     Look for cheaper alternatives

We all have our favorite brands, but in case you think that your brand favorites are expensive and you can find cheaper alternatives, feel free to switch. It would be worth it if it allows you to save money and remain debt-free in the end. Quite honestly, growing up, we had a lot of cheaper, more affordable alternatives. From cereal, to candy in our stockings, to the clothes we wore. It has made me appreciate the things I have now and the ability to buy nicer things. We are trying to pass that appreciation on to the girls by helping them understand the things they WANT versus the things they NEED.

6. Sell old and unused items

When it comes to things we do not need, our houses are full of them. Thus, what you can do is clean your houseHoliday money-saving tips to find out such things. Such things can be anything from old laptops, phones, blankets, clothes, and even machinery. Once you accumulate such things you can sell them off on eBay or hold garage sales for the same. The easiest thing to sell when you have children, are toys and clothes. There are resell shops in most big towns and you can purchase gently used, but more affordable things at these places. This is especially great when your kids are young and growing quite rapidly.

If you are looking for electronics, I highly recommend Back Market for anything your family wants for the holidays relating to electronics. Back Market takes electronics that others may have traded in for upgrades and refurbishes them to like new, and sells them to consumers at a much lower rate. I have several iPads from them and they honestly don’t have scratches, dings, or anything wrong with them. They look brand new. They typically come in some sort of packaging from the brand, so you can easily make your family member happy as well as your wallet.

7. Lastly, make use of some Christmas hacks

Reserving the most important for the last, make use of money-saving Christmas hacks.

– Go for handmade gifts – Starting from handmade Christmas cards, to cake, and cookies.

– Opt for Giftcards instead of spending heavily on Christmas gifts.

– For Christmas dinners, encourage everybody to bring in dishes or wine.

– Send e-Christmas cards. Some websites allow you to send them for free. One such website is this.

– Sing Christmas carols, play poker and other games, as a part of fun Christmas traditions instead of going out to expensive and fancy places.


Well, that’s it. Now you’re all ready to save money and be debt-free this Christmas. I hope this festive season brings lots of joy, happiness, and prosperity to you and your family!

Merry Christmas!

15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget

15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget

Let’s begin with a gentle reminder – You have to enjoy Christmas, not stay afraid of it because of the usual heavy Christmas expenditure (that you have become accustomed to over the years.) Even though yes, Christmas expenses can be frightening when they can shake your budgets like a strong earthquake – but it doesn’t mean you cannot change it.

Remember, the rule is to control your finances, and not let the finances control you. This year can be a good start – plan a financially affordable Christmas that is also fun and joyous. If you don’t know how to, what am I here for? I’ve got 15 solutions waiting just for you.


15 effortless ways to plan a fun and frugal Christmas on a budget

1. Set your priorities

If your idea is to have a bunch of lavish but affordable Christmas dinners with a house stuffed with guests,15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget here’s the bitter truth, you cannot have it all. You have to pick what’s important for you, is it the budget or time spent with extended family?

The point is, you have to keep your priorities straight. Ask yourself, what do you want more? And then begin accordingly.

2. Plan a budget for Christmas

From dinners to décor to gifts, Christmas involves some heavy expenditure. Just to make sure you don’t overspend, it’s a sagacious idea to create a budget for Christmas according to the limit you can spend on each category.

3. Start making a shopping list

You’ll be needing a bunch of things to plan your Christmas evening, so start making a list. When you are done,15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget and go out there shopping, ensure you stick to your list. Make sure you do not shop extra and only buy those things that you need.

4. Think of some frugal Christmas traditions

Think which Christmas traditions can be frugal and enjoyable at the same time? Make a list, as these will be the activities you can opt for doing in the holiday season. My recommendations – Christmas carols, watching lights and decor around your city, and baking sessions with your family.

5. Think of affordable places you can do during the season

If you have to stick to a tight budget, the last place you’d want to end up is in a shopping mall. That being said, several events take place during the Christmas season all around the world, and depending on where you live make a list of some of those events that happen near you, and filter out those that meet your budget.

6. Create a reserve for Christmas

If you don’t want the blow to be hard, it’s wiser to start a Christmas reserve. Every month reserve a little portionChristmas figurines for Christmas expenses. They can be used to fund your Christmas expenditure or cover up the extra expenses – if there are any.

7. Think of affordable gifts

This is probably the one area our budget goes out of hand. If it is the same story every year, consider other gift alternatives. For instance, if you are a good baker, you can make cookies and chocolate hampers. It would save you a lot of money.

8. Shop second-hand

Remember, there’s no shame in buying second-hand things if it saves you from financial troubles in the end.Holiday sugar cookies

9. Plan gift-exchanges games

You must be wondering, since when gift exchanges began being frugal? Well, they can be, given that there are specific gift exchange games like Secret Santa and The White Elephant.

10. Do your homework – list down all the websites where you can get discounts and cashback

Most people are naive enough to let go of some great deals that could have helped them save money. Don’t be one of those. Make a list of all the websites, wallet services, and card points that can help you save more.

11. Look for Dollar tree in your city

They are a chain of retail stores in America that sells goods for as low as $1. You can get some amazing décor and Christmas items for cheap. 

12. Do Christmas shopping beforehand

Prices go up the sky heights during Christmas. Thus, it’s any day better to shop before the holiday season. InChristmas presents minimalist wrapper fact, refer to the list you made, and see which of those items can last till the end of the year.

13. Start saving wrapping sheets

This is something you have to do way before. Every time you get a gift, save the wrapping paper to reuse it. But, make sure you pull it off gently, without cutting and damaging the paper heavily.

14. Ditch the credit card

If you don’t want to become a sob story in the end, then don’t use your credit cards. It’s the worst thing you can do to yourself. Thus, consider paying through cash or debit cards.

15. Plan affordable dinners

Christmas and dinners go hand in hand. Thus, make a list of restaurants that would fit your budget. These are the ones you can go to for a fun and frugal dinner with your friends and family.

Christmas is a time of giving, and we don’t want you to miss out on the joys of the season because you’re worried about money. That’s why we put together this list of 15 easy ways for you to have a fun and frugal Christmas on a budget. From affordable dinners to ditching the credit card to shopping beforehand, there are plenty of tips here that can help you save money while still enjoying all the festivities. Plus, many of these tips can be applied no matter what your budget is. So tell us, how will you be more frugal around Christmas this year? We would love to hear from you!

How to make Pinterest your Money Making Machine

How to make Pinterest your Money Making Machine

Are you looking for ways to earn money from Pinterest or probably wondering how the bloggers rock their monthly income by leveraging the power of pinning? I was in the same place; trying and finding all the ways to earn extra cash using Pinterest.

In this piece, I’m going to take you on the ride that will open the doors of wild possibilities of earning through Pinterest and make this visual search engine your money-making machine.

This is no BS guide as everything here is tried and tested.

How to make Pinterest your Money Making Machine

Here’re some of the ways to make money using Pinterest:

But first, if you’re new to Pinterest; I would highly suggest you spend some time and learn thoroughlyHow to make Pinterest your Money Making Machine how it works.

Pinterest is not like other social media channels and your readers out here are looking for the solution. Once you’re clear with their pain-points; you can easily pitch your solutions to them.

Pinterest can be a great resource for businesses, but it’s important to set up your account correctly and make the most of the features available.

To start with, you’ll need to create a business account rather than a personal account. This will give you access to more features, such as the ability to create pins with rich data (including prices and availability) and track analytics on how your pins are performing.

You can also create pins using design tools from Pinterest itself, or use a URL shortener like bit.ly to make them shorter and more eye-catching. I also like to use split.co which allows me to see who has clicked on what link, and make a small commission when someone purchases or even signs up for their platform. It’s a win-win for me!

1. The best way to earn from Pinterest is to create a blog

It indeed is not an easy job to run a profitable blog but it’s all worth it in the end. Start a blog and submit your website to Pinterest for the claim.

Once it’s done, create your Pinterest profile, add a head-shot image and write the description using all the keywords you wish to rank for.

Now when you are done with at least 3-4 blog posts; you can create eye-catchy pins for your Pinterest boards. I would highly suggest creating the boards that are relevant to your blogging niche.

Moreover, do not forget to add keywords to your board and pin titles along with the descriptions. This will increase the chances of your pin going viral.

Now that you have a blog and a Pinterest account for the same, make sure that you’re consistent enough with your pinning strategy. Pinterest is the best medium of gaining traffic, especially for the new bloggers.

As you start getting more traffic from Pinterest; your blog’s page views will also skyrocket which will enable you to apply for various ad networks.

Bloggers earn handsome passive cash just by displaying ads. Isn’t this super cool?How to make Pinterest your Money Making Machine

But what if you don’t wish to start a blog and yet want to earn from Pinterest?

Here’s the solution:

2. Earn through Affiliate marketing without a blog

You can totally earn through Pinterest even without having an actual blog. Besides driving traffic from Pinterest to your blog through affiliate links, you can simply add the affiliate link straight for the product or the services.

However, be careful here because many companies don’t allow the direct linking of their products on Pinterest; Amazon for instance.

Make sure to use rich pins for your products – these will show extra information like pricing and stock levels when someone clicks on them. The more eye-catching the pin, the better it will perform.

You can also save time by scheduling pins using a tool like Tailwind, which will automatically post them at the best time for your audience. It’s been recommended to schedule the pins in your Pinterest account to get better organic engagement, but if you don’t have time to do that, maybe create pins one day a week or month and try to schedule them as best as possible.

Make sure to remember that Pinterest is a social media platform used like Google. That means that you should be creating great content, using keywords in your pin descriptions, and engaging with other users to get the most out of it.

Thus, do proper research before adding product links to your Pinterest pin. Moreover, also disclose your affiliate relationship while pinning by using the hashtags like #affiliatepin or #affiliate to your pin description.

Overall, Pinterest can be a great way to market your business – just make sure to use all of the features available to you and experiment with what works best for you! You can even add links created from Pinterest to other social media platforms to gain more traffic.

3. Be a Pinterest VA

Do you love Pinning and spending time on Pinterest? Here’s how you can earn by being a Pinterest Pinterest strategies and tipsVA.

Pinterest VAs are in huge demand especially for the bloggers having less time on hand. You can charge for pinning their content, designing the pins, handling their boards, planning their Tailwind account. You can be their Pinterest manager and manage multiple accounts while earning a handsome amount.

I so love this idea of being a Pinterest VA as it gives you the liberty of working on your own terms, freedom of charging as per your capability, and most importantly; building relationships with bloggers.

If you’re a people person, you’ll totally love earning by being a Virtual assistant on Pinterest.

Another way you can use Pinterest is as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant for businesses outside of blogging. Every business that wants to sell something these days is on Pinterest and many won’t have full time staff to help them take care of all the responsibilities of Pinterest. You can help them with their Pinterest accounts by creating pins, scheduling pins, and doing other tasks. This is a great way to make some extra money if you’re good at Pinterest and have some free time!

If you want to work as a Pinterest virtual assistant, make sure the business has a Pinterest business account, first and foremost. You don’t want to put in all the work and then realize you can’t look at the analytics or any other back-end information.

If you already have an established Pinterest account and create product pins and rich pins that perform well, you could create and sell Pinterest templates to bloggers, businesses, and others that could bring in additional income for you and help others who can’t create on their own.

In the end, making Pinterest your money-making machine is not as challenging as you may think in the beginning. Whether it’s through affiliates or VA or through a blog; making money on Pinterest is totally possible and people are actually doing that.

Pinterest can be a great money maker if you use it correctly!

Here are some tips to get you started and complete if you are working for other businesses as a VA:

1. Make sure your profile is complete and includes a link to your website.

2. Use keywords in your pins and board titles to help people find you.

3. Pin regularly and make sure your pins are high quality.

4. Drive traffic to your pins by sharing them on other social media platforms.

5. Monetize your pins by adding affiliate links or selling products/services through Pinterest.

6. Experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for you.

Pinterest can be a great way to make money if you use it correctly! By following these tips, you can start generating income from your Pinterest account and make it your money making machine. Good luck!

Simple tips to get more done at home with kids

Simple tips to get more done at home with kids

Having kids at home can feel a little overwhelming at times. Getting work and chores done while they are in the house sounds almost like moving a mountain. It’s true that having kids in the house means countless interruptions and constant chaos. Getting any work done is possible only when you plan your time effectively. If you try to wing it and be spontaneous, you will find yourself feeling like a complete mess, pulling your hair out. After the year 2020, I think we all can attest to letting our kids do some things while we try to work as best as possible. So maybe there are other tips I haven’t included. Also, don’t get down on yourself if you are still trying to figure things out, it’s an everyday process. Here are my tips to get more done at home with kids:

Simple tips to get more done at home with kids

To save you all the trouble, here are five simple tips on how you can get more work done at home with kids, even toddlers.

1.Create a Routine

Simple tips to get more done at home with kids

The key to getting more work done at home with kids is planning and chalking out your daily activities in the form of a routine. And adhering to it as strictly as you can. Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge says that a written schedule is most important. You need to map out your daily activities, and that of your child as well. So that your kids have something meaningful and enjoyable to do when you are in work mode. Dr. Hodge also recommends showing your kids the list of things they can do while you are working.

2. Take a Quick Break

When you are at home, dealing with one thing after the other, it makes sense to take short breaks in between to recharge your energy. You can take a ten-minute break every two hours of work. And use this break to relax. Have a snack, take a deep breath, meditate or spend some time with your kids. It’s important that you release the tension of the two hours in those ten minutes. So that the next two hours are just as productive and don’t tire you out.

3. Naps to Save the Day

This works extremely well for younger children. They tend to sleep at certain times. And you have those quiet hours to you to get the majority of your work done. Make the most of them, and according to a priority list, finish the most important chores during their nap time. 

On the flip side, it’s also very important for you to take time to rest when needed as you can’t pour from an empty cup. So if that means youSimple tips to get more done at home with kids need to rest during nap time because you were up all night with a child or couldn’t sleep, take the rest. You won’t be productive or get as much done if you are tired.

4. You don’t have to Bear the Burden Alone

It is almost impossible for one person to get everything done from home management to looking after the kids to working. This is where your partner steps in and shares your duties. So that both of you can work more efficiently.

Figure out a way to involve your partner in some of the daily activities that your kids do. So that he or she can get some quality time with the kids as well while you work.

You don’t become a bad parent if you hand over the reins to your partner for an hour or two. In fact, that is actually recommended for your and your family’s healthy lifestyle.

This was the single biggest hurdle I had to get over especially when the girls were very young. My husband has a very stressful job and I thought everything he complained about was my fault and the girls being kids was also my fault. When I realized this was a team effort, I was able to relax and get more done. I no longer felt bad when asking Steve to share some of the parenting and house responsibilities and our relationship grew stronger because of it. I no longer felt that my job or my responsibilities were a burden.

5. Netflix and Work

What to do with kids at home

Today, the thousands of kids’ movies and shows available at the tips of our fingers on Netflix is like a boon to every parent. After all, what can be better than to let your child watch an enjoyable movie and be completely engrossed in it while you get your work done? It’s true that this tactic works quite well, but only when you put a cap on the time your child gets to sit in front of the screen. Too much screen time is bad for your child’s health, and it makes you look like a lousy parent at best. Hence, Netflix time should be limited only to an hour or two during the day. — If this works for you. Some kids don’t do well with screens and would rather play. Others (like mine) could sit and watch all day so I have to really limit them.

Further, you can get your kid involved in some other meaningful activity, like painting, reading, or gardening. Research has proved time and time again that these activities help in your child’s psychological and emotional development, and are a must.

Tell your child to sit and read a storybook, or draw something nice while you work. Later, don’t forget to reward them for it. This will work as an incentive to them, and they will be indulging in these activities more frequently, on their own.

Working from home with kids can be a challenge, but there are some simple things you can do to make it work.

First, create a schedule and try to stick to it as much as possible. This will help you to stay focused on work during work time and to enjoy quality family time during other parts of the day. It’s also important to cut yourself some slack – remember that you’re doing the best you can. Older children can play independently for short periods of time, so use that time to get some work done. If you have younger children, try to schedule conference calls or other meetings during their nap times or quiet times.

And finally, give yourself some undivided attention at least 15 minutes each day – either in the morning before everyone else wakes up or at night after the kids are in bed. A house full of kids is noisy, messy, and can be chaos but it doesn’t always have to be if you can discipline yourself as well as your child. These nifty tactics will definitely help you balance out your work and parenting. No more pulling your hair out! 

5 Questions to find out What you Want in Life

5 Questions to find out What you Want in Life

Many people don’t know what they want in life. It is indeed one of those great questions of life that goes unanswered. Everybody is in the search of their passion, their purpose in life. But most people don’t actually have an idea about what their true passion is. They just whimsically chase whatever holds their interest for more than a few weeks, then forget about it a month later and pick up a new hobby.

Your true passion in life is more than just your favorite hobby. It’s that one thing you were born to do in this world. Figuring it out can be quite tricky. However, if you know how to ask yourself the right questions, then you can find out the real answer to it as well.

5 Questions to find out What you Want in Life

Here are five questions that you can ask yourself to know yourself better and find out what your true passion is.

1)     What do I have a true knack for?

Or in other words, what is it that comes so easily to you but doesn’t to others? What is that one thing5 Questions to find out What you Want in Life you can do better than the rest of your friends and peers? For me, I have always been good with words. From childhood, I used to take great pride in the essays I would write at school. That was my cue to pursue writing or literature.

However, sometimes we are not too close to realize what we are truly good at. This is when the opinions of those who know you, friends and family, can come in handy.

2)     What makes you forget to eat?

Or in other words, what activity gets you so engrossed that you forget about the rest of the world? This is actually a method used in psychology to map out an individual’s aptitude.

Think hard about that one activity that makes you forget your worries and relaxes you immediately. Something that is therapeutic and enjoyable, calming yet exciting all at once.

3)     What did your 8-year-old-self would love to do?

Or in other words, when you take away the money and materialistic want from it, what appeals to you5 Questions to find out What you Want in Life the most? Something that you do purely for enjoyment, just for the love of doing it.

For example, I would write even if no one ever read it. I always enjoyed learning new words and listening to stories.

By asking yourself what your 8-year-old self would have loved to do, you are stripping away the mercenary aspect of a job and asking your inner child what it is you actually enjoy doing.

4)     How can I redefine passion?

What does passion mean to you?

There is this misconception that passion is something that you have to enjoy lifelong and that your passion should be your profession. However, for many people, that is not actually the case. Some people keep discovering new likings every once in a while, and for them, their passion is fluid, ever-changing with time.

Write down what the word passion means to you. Map out all possible descriptions you have and see what overlaps.

5)     It doesn’t have to be forever, but what can you see yourself doing in the next five years?

Last but not the least, with every purpose comes a commitment. Ask yourself honestly what you’d be able to enjoy and do for the next five years, if not forever.

If you think you enjoy doing something but doing it for the next five years would bore you, then that is not your true purpose. It is ever-changing, but at the moment, you should be able to envision yourself sticking with it for the coming years. At the same time, you might be going through hobbies and have probably not found your true purpose yet.

To conclude

When you ask yourself these questions, the goal is to get a discerning answer. Usually, you get tohow to know your passion know yourself better when you ask these questions. Have self-talks to figure out what you are truly meant to do. The main idea is to do something that you enjoy, that helps others, and is not a waste of time.

So, what do you want in life? Ask yourself these five questions to find out. Once you know the answers, you can start working towards making your goals a reality. 1) What kind of life do you want to live? Do you want a life of adventure or a life of stability? Do you want to travel the world or settle down in one place? 2) What kind of relationships do you want? Do you want to be surrounded by family and friends or are you content with a small circle of close companions? 3) What are your health goals? Do you want to be fit and active or do you just want to be healthy enough to enjoy your hobbies? 4) What kind of work do you want to do? Do you want a job that challenges you or one that is easy and enjoyable? 5) What are your personal growth goals? Do you want to learn new skills or become more knowledgeable about the world around you? Answering these questions can help you identify your goals in life and started working towards them. It may take some time, but the process can be a very positive experience. So, take the time to answer these questions and figure out what YOU want in life.