Important Tips if You Plan to Travel with Kids

Important Tips if You Plan to Travel with Kids

Once your children are born, you get this sense like it’s the completion of the vacation time in your life. Or that the vacation is going on for a longer time because caring for a little kid is not a stress-free task. I know the feeling. On the other hand though, you can totally relax and plan a trip with your little, because traveling with a kiddo is not as problematic as you might imagine. It’s just something that can easily be built up in your head. All you need to do is make the accurate preparations and plan in advance to make sure an entertaining and stress-free trip with your child(ren) and other family members.

As a mama who travels quite a bit by herself with her girls, I can speak first hand to how important some of these things are in ensuring the trip goes smoothly.

Important Tips if You Plan to Travel with Kids

Here are some useful tips for traveling to help you plan for smart travel with your kids and have a carefree vacation. Whether you’re flying across the country or going on one of your yearly road trips to a national park, these tips will come in handy for all types of family travel. From infants to older children.


It is necessary to plan well in advance and have your travel and hotel room or other accommodation reservation confirmed before embarking on your trip when traveling with an infant. This will, of course, allow you to reduce your stress and feel reassured when you start your journey. Especially with your little baby. Plan your route considering your baby’s schedule, such as their nap, playtime, etc. If you’re traveling on a plane, remember that you can totally bring your child’s car seat which makes for easier travel. Don’t forget you can check strollers as well. More on being a responsible traveler, here.


When planning to travel with a kid, look for places like a beach retreat, family-friendly and scenic resorts, or other similar kid-friendly places. Avoid crowded and noisy tourist destinations, as these present a challenge when you have a little kid lying around. A calm and peaceful environment helps soothe babies. If you want to do something with your kiddos that may not be as acceptable for them, maybe take them to the place after they have had a nap or when their moods or ages are appropriate for the surroundings.


If you are planning to travel with your kids, here is an important tip you require to follow to keep your little one’s jaws functioning and their ears to modify altitude during the flight. It will also help keep him calm and comfortable moderately than irritable, short-tempered, and distressed at the time of take-off and landing. Always packs snacks, but if you forget, you can ask the flight attendant for a list of children’s snacks.


While planning well is imperative, you are still not aware of how your kid will adjust to their different surroundings on your trip. Even older kids. You may therefore need to modify your schedules to take into account your kid’s new schedule. Your child might be bored sitting for longer periods. So keep your route simple. Make your plans adaptable, so it’s much simpler to make last-minute alterations if your kid is tired. This goes right along with tip #2 in that if you want to go somewhere on your agenda, be flexible that maybe your time will be cut short. Or you may have to switch days in attending.


Kids get bad-tempered when open to their new surroundings. So be sure to respect your little one’s routine. Assume your child is used to taking a bath, being rocked by a soft cradle song, and cuddling in a bottle. Never diverge from this routine. This will assist her/him in calm down and feel more comfortable. Be mindful if you are switching time zones when traveling and if you will be experiencing jet lag. Adults tend to be able to handle their emotions and tempers when tired better than kids. And time zones play a big part in this around times of sleep. If you are traveling to a place which is 3 hours different than your home time, make reservations earlier or later in the day to accommodate the schedule of your child, not only your own.


Small kids may feel that they are far from their familiar surroundings. And become quite irritable to new atmospheres while traveling. Carrying a few of their desired toys is a great support to help them adjust to their new surroundings. And certainly has a soothing effect on them. It would also be an excellent indication to go shopping for some new and innovative toys that your child has not played with until now.

Storing them up for your trip is a great idea. As a different toy will automatically grab your child’s attention and keep them occupied for a while until the novelty wears off. One of my favorite places to grab new items for travel is the Target dollar section. It’s super easy to stock up on new items they can use when traveling. And I don’t mind if we lose an item or two. So when you’re making your packing lists, especially when traveling with children, make snacks and toys a priority. As well as a first aid kit for emergencies. More travel must-haves, here.


This tip is more for older children than infants, but still important to note. During travel, your children should know the importance of safety during travel. So, its a good idea to have a talk with your children and lay down some travel ground rules. These might include checking in often, staying close to family, avoiding wandering off, letting you know when they need to use the bathroom, when they’re hungry, and so on. This is not something meant to scare your children, but more to educate them on the danger of large crowds and new places, and the importance of keeping everyone safe, sound, and stress-free.


As a parent, I don’t have to tell you how important it is to keep an eye on your kiddos throughout your vacation. No matter how good of a parent you are, children can easily get lost in busy airports, crowded amusement parks, and hustling and bustling tourist destinations. So, here are a few tips to help you keeps your kids close.

First, dress your child in easily identifiable clothing. In a color you can remember. This will help you quickly find your child in a crowd. If both parents are present, designate times in which that parent is responsible. This way the other parent can take breaks here and there. Never leave your child unattended. Always make sure they are with a family member, especially if you step away for the restroom. If no one else is around, take your child to the restroom with you. Designate check-in times with older children throughout the day. And also, take a photo of your child(ren) each morning. This way, just in case your child does wander off, you can easily show authorities what your child looks like, and what they were wearing.


Throughout your vacation, remember to check-in with your children on an emotional level. Being away from home and possibly out of normal routine can be stressful on children. Even if you are having a wonderful family vacation, it could be taking a toll on your children.

Check-in, make sure all their needs are met, and ensure your children are doing ok. Take some time to reflect on the activities you are doing and ensure your child is getting plenty of fun and excitement out of the vacation. Even if you feel like they won’t remember the vacation because they are too young, its still important to ensure they are having a good, stress-free time. When your children get what they need during vacation, they will be much more likely to enjoy travel and exploring new cultures in the future. They are also much more likely have a more positive outlook on life.

Share your travel tips below!

Do you have any tips to share about traveling with children? As a couple? Or even as a solo traveler? Drop them below! For more on all things travel and living your best life, check out the blog.

Ways to be a Mentally Strong Person

Ways to be a Mentally Strong Person

Life isn’t always kind to most people. It throws challenges and bad days at you only to make you vulnerable. Nevertheless, you can’t stop life from doing what it does to everyone, but you can certainly be at your own defense by being a mentally strong person. 

Having said that. A strong mind doesn’t only help you survive but also gives you the courage to walk with your head held high. And in some ways, being mentally stronger is more important than physical strength. 

Therefore, if you want to toughen up, this article is just what you need.

Ways to be a Mentally Strong Person

What does it mean to be mentally strong

Being mentally tough is about more than just being a tough-cookie though. Mental strength shows your ability to cope with stress, pressures, and challenges, etc. All of which are a normal part of life, making mental-toughness a important skill to have. Especially when it comes to navigating adulthood with careers, spouses, and children.

Benefits of mental strength

  • Improves overall mental health and outlook on life
  • Increases your overall problem-solving skills, especially in difficult situations
  • Helps you not care what other people think (as much, at least)
  • Allows you to better cope with some mental illness
  • Encourages you to react less with anger, and more with grace
  • Reduces negative thoughts about yourself and the world
  • Improves your ability to bounce back from failure
  • Encourages you to step out of your comfort zone w/o fear
  • Helps you better face your fears
  • Motivates you to learn from your mistakes, rather than repeating them
  • Helps you learn to accept responsibility for your own actions and thoughts

7 ways to be a mentally strong person

1. Taking everything as a challenge

When we find ourselves challenged, we do everything we have to do to win. Therefore, do the sameWays to be a Mentally Strong Person here. Only this time, be the person who is challenging you.

For instance- every time you think it is too hard for you to get out of a problem, challenge yourself that you have to find a solution no matter what.

2. Prove yourself wrong

Our minds force us to believe the negative. It makes you doubt your capabilities. But consider your mind as another person who is trying to bully you into believing what’s false.

The next course of action then would be to prove this another person wrong. But how would you do that? By believing in yourself and giving all you got. 

3. Learn to say NO

Even this small two-letter word can be the toughest to utter for some people. Perhaps because it involves standing up for yourself while running the risk of disappointing others.

Well, I understand how difficult it is. But you have to acknowledge that there’s only so much you can take. You have to say no. And if it strains your relationship with people, then your relations were too weak, to begin with. 

4. Be comfortable in your discomforts

Life doesn’t hand you pretty things on a platter. Therefore, to be a strong person is to do stuff that youhow to be mentally strong are most uncomfortable doing. The task can be highly challenging, something new, and may involve a lot of risks as well. But if you know this is what it would take, go ahead with it. 

If we’ve learned anything lately, this is one of the top ones on this list. I have personally had a ton of tough conversations with people I love about topics I couldn’t even imagine yet it is important that I had the conversations to help myself as well as them understand the issues at hand. It helped me understand I could be both strong and vulnerable equally at the same time.

5. Control your emotions

You might feel as if you are cracking and crumbling down, but sometimes the wisest thing you can do is control yourself in the worst situations.

This does not mean you have to suppress your feelings, you just have to keep them to yourself for the moment and be out with it when you feel it is the best time. Also, you can have a good cry for a while only to be back at your feet and finish what you started. What is pivotal here is that you do not have to give up no matter what.

Trust me, when you think you cannot do it anymore or you aren’t strong enough, your mind is just fooling you into believing it. You are stronger than that, and you can hold on longer than you think.

6. Complain less

When things don’t go in our favor or we find something hard, we do nothing pragmatic but complainhow to have a strong mind about it.

This is not to be done. Instead, you have to accept challenges as they come. Imagine this to be like a question paper instead. The questions can be highly difficult, but instead of whining over the difficulty level for three hours, you have to apply your mind to try to solve it.

It’s important to remember if you have little ears around, they will pick up on your complaining and habits when things don’t go right, and start expressing them in ways you may not imagine. I learned really quick when my oldest was little to take a different approach as I didn’t want her to develop the bad habit.

7. Celebrate others’ accomplishments

It is easier to envy others’ growth and achievement than to celebrate them. But this is what toxicity is and a strong-minded person ought to stay away from it. Having a strong mind is to acknowledge that it’s not always about you. You just have to focus on yourself because life is just too short to be jealous of others.

8. But don’t forget to celebrate yourself as well

A huge part of being mentally strong is having confidence in yourself. Self-esteem is essential, because if you don’t respect and honour yourself, how will expect anyone else to? That might sound kind-of harsh, but my point is, you have to remember to celebrate yourself as well. When you achieve something – small or big – treat yourself, take time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished, do something special for yourself, share the good news. Celebrate yourself.

By giving yourself a big ol’ pat on the back, you’re reinforcing your confidence in yourself. And in turn, you’re showing the world you’re confident in yourself as well. Further building that mental fortitude.

9. Exercise your mind

Being mentally strong isn’t all about how other’s perceive you. It’s also about how quickly and accurately your mind can come to the right conclusion and handle everything that life throws at it.

So, if you’re ready to build mental strength and reach your goals, start by exercising your mind. It might sound silly, but things as simple as completing mind-bending puzzles, watching educational documentaries, listening to self-improvement podcasts, and reading self-help books, can drastically sharpen your mind. As well as teach you a plethora of other useful life skills.

10. Be aware of your self-talk

Even though this one is last on my list today, it’s certainly not the least important. In fact, it’s super important. In order to be mentally strong, you have to be good to yourself. You need to hold yourself in high-esteem. If you’re constantly talking down to yourself, by the way you speak about yourself to others or by the negative thoughts you have in your head, you’re crushing your mental toughness. And not crushing it in the good way.

With self-confidence and high self-esteem comes mental toughness. Really, mental strength doesn’t exist without confidence in oneself. You can’t have one without the other. As you develop your mental strength, work on developing confidence and self-esteem as well. I know, I know easier said than done. But still so important.

Well, my job here is done. But before bidding farewell, I would like you to remember that it won’t be easy to be mentally strong. And not all mentally strong people are as strong as they seem. But you will get there if you try hard and keep steadfast in your determination. One small step at a time. 

Hey, feel you have some ideas to share? Are you someone that possesses mental strength? What are your tips? I’m here to listen. Feel free to drop by the comment section.

Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes

Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes

Growing up, we always had potpourri in the house, all year long, but more so during the holidays. My Mom would leave the potpourri all year long, so we would have a Christmas potpourri smell in July if you walked by the place on the table where it was sitting. As I got older, I realized holiday potpourri makes a wonderful gift idea for those on your list. I’m not talking about the store-bought potpourri though, I’m talking about homemade potpourri that leaves a wonderful home smell for all those who enter. This is an easy and thoughtful gift for friends, family, and neighbors who may be alongside a bottle of wine or liquor.

Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes

Before we get too much into the holiday potpourri recipe making, I wanted to let you know I do have some affiliate links here that keep me being able to do these posts for you 🙂 So if you click on something and make a purchase, I do a little dance with my girls in appreciation and gratitude!

Making holiday potpourri is a delightful holiday activity that will scent your home during the holiday season. Most of its ingredients are found in your kitchen, can also be purchased online, and in the supermarkets.  Spices and packs of mixed nuts are also readily available throughout the holidays at supermarkets and specialty markets. Ingredients like juniper berries, whole nutmeg and allspice, cloves, and cinnamon sticks, when blended together, offer you a holiday potpourri that is pleasant in appearance with a wonderful festive scent.


Stovetop Potpourri: What is it?

Potpourri is a fragrant blend of spices and fruits. It can be stored in a bowl in dry form, with dried flowers, herbs, andHomemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes spices. The alternate version is to make it on the stove by simmering the ingredients. It’s frequently created around the holiday season.


Stovetop potpourri, often known as “simmer pot potpourri,” is created by combining naturally scented components in a small pot of simmering water on the stove, filling your home with a delightful and all-natural fragrance. Generally, when you want the potpourri to have a scent around the home, the stove will need to be on. 

Safety is one of the most critical issues. Even though the potpourri is simmering, you should not ever leave it alone and always turn off the stove at night or whenever you leave home. Keep in mind your stovetop potpourri shouldn’t fully dry out. Setting an alarm will remind you to monitor what’s happening with the stovetop potpourri and, if required, replace or add more water.


How To Make Stovetop Potpourri For Gifts

Cooking holiday potpourri in a slow cooker or on the stovetop will make your house smell like the holiday season. Just add printable gift tags to your package for holiday gift-giving.

5 minutes to prepare | 1 package of serving


▢ 1) 4 cinnamon sticks (crumbled) (to release the scent)

▢ 2) 1 tbsp clove (whole)

▢ 3) 1 tsp allspice berries (whole)

▢ 4) 1 tablespoon star anise (optional, but provides a licorice-like aroma)

▢ 5) 1/2 cup cranberries (fresh)

▢ 6) 1 medium orange (whole) a transparent bag, a 250 (1 cup) Mason jar, or a recycled jam jar

▢ 7) Optional: sprigs of rosemary or evergreens


▢ Step 1

Leave out the cranberries and fresh orange slices when making a dried mix packet. You can also increase the amount of ground cinnamon, cloves, and allspice in the mixture. The aroma of the ground spices will be released more quickly.


▢ Step 2

Refrigerate the cranberries and orange until ready to give as a gift. The ground spices will cling to the orange and cranberries, so leave them out.


▢ Step 3

In a stove or slow cooker, combine the dried mix, fresh cranberries, and sliced orange with 2 to 3 cups of water (or apple juice). Simmer on a low flame setting.


▢ Step 4

Keep an eye on it and add more water as needed only. This recipe can be kept for several days.

How To Make Potpourri Last Longer

If you refresh the water as needed, your holiday potpourri will last 4 or 5 days. If you’re giving your holiday potpourri as adried flower petals heart and arrow holiday gift, wrap it in craft paper or burlap and tie it off with ribbon or baker’s twine. 


How Long Does it Take for Holiday Potpourri to Simmer?

four (4) days

You can usually get several hours of very pleasant aromas, but if you use the same holiday potpourri, the fragrances can last up to four days. Simply keep an eye on the water level for precaution.


What’s the best way to make holiday potpourri smell better?

To enhance the perfume and assure the fragrance’s longevity, add a complementing essential oil to the holiday potpourri mix. For every 5 cups of the holiday potpourri, add up to 8 drops of essential oil.

You can also add dried orange slices or lemon slices, for smell and aesthetics. This addition will add a clean and fresh smell, and your house will smell amazing.

Holiday Potpourri Gift Ideas

You’ll need the following items to complete the assembly:Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes


▢ 1) Wide-mouth, Quart Jars, or cellophane gift bags – The jars are obviously more expensive, but they make the most impact. 


▢ 2) Holiday Wrapper – Choose wisely between kraft paper and wrapping paper. Kraft paper is stronger, while wrapping paper tends to rip apart easily.


▢ 3) Ribbon or thread — I prefer twine for its rustic and aesthetic vibe, but you can use everything you have on hand.


▢ 4) Scissors – for cutting. Keep it out for children below 12 years old for safety. 


▢ 5) Printer – If you don’t have a printer at home, you may have these printed the free printable potpourri recipe and holiday greetings card for a few dollars at your local office supply store.


▢ 6) Paper/Cardstock – I recommend cardstock over paper since it lasts longer. But it’s entirely up to you.


Jar Instructions:

Cover the jar lid with brown kraft paper, wrapping paper, or any other paper you want, seal with the jar lid band and put on the free printable gift tag with a ribbon or twine. 


Holiday potpourri in a jar that smells like Christmas is one of the most simple holiday gift ideas that can be made ahead of time. So, this homemade craft is a great idea if you want to start making homemade holiday gifts early. This gift can be created year round as the seasons change with different items which are popular during the season, not just during the winter holidays!

How To Take Care Of A Frenchie

How To Take Care Of A Frenchie

Do you know what the world’s most popular dog is? It’s not the Labrador Retriever or the German Shepherd Dog. It’s not even a big dog! The Frenchie is the world’s most popular breed of dog. These adorable little dogs with that irresistible flat face have won people over with their smaller size and cute looks. But there is more to French Bulldogs than just their appearance. They are also friendly and playful, and they can help reduce depression and anxiety in people who need a friend. Frenchies can also ease loneliness, and encourage playfulness and exercise. If you are looking for a perfect companion, French Bulldogs are a perfect choice. But how do you take care of a Frenchie? Read along for some tips on how to take care of a Frenchie so you are well prepared when you pick up your cute little companion.

How To Take Care Of A Frenchie

What is a Frenchie and why are they so popular

French Bulldogs, also called Frenchies, are a small domesticated dog breed with an endearing appearance. TheyHow To Take Care Of A French Bulldog are stocky and muscular, with short legs and a long body. They have large, round eyes, and their ears stand up straight. You might know them by their “bat ears”. Their coat is short and smooth, and they come in a variety of colors including brindle, fawn, white, lilac, black and tan, blue, red pied, merle, cream, lilac merle, and black. Frenchies are intelligent dogs that are easy to train. However, sometimes because they are a bulldog breed, they can be stubborn. Keep at it and use food to help motivate them in their training, they come around very quickly!

They are loyal and affectionate, and they make great companion animals. Give your Frenchie plenty of love and attention. They thrive on human interaction and need to feel loved to be happy. Frenchies can be known to cry and show their emotions if they aren’t feeling loved but you will rarely find them barking like a typical dog, which makes them great for city living. French Bulldogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. They are known for their friendly dispositions and their loving nature. Frenchies are a high-quality dog breed that is perfect for families or individuals looking for a loving pet dog.

How do French Bulldogs help reduce depression and anxiety

French Bulldogs are wonderful pets that can provide their owners with companionship, love, and security. They are also relatively easy to care for, although they do require a lot of attention and may suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long. They are also subject to several health problems due to their short noses, including breathing difficulties and congenital heart defects. Despite these potential health concerns, French Bulldogs are generally active and playful dogs that make great companions. They make great couch cuddlers and when you aren’t feeling so well or are depressed, they can help comfort you. For all these reasons, French Bulldogs can be a great option for anyone looking for a pet that will help reduce depression and anxiety.

Why are Frenchies good for loneliness

French Bulldogs are wonderful companions for those who live alone. They are affectionate and devoted dogs thatTips To Care Of A French Bulldog thrive on human companionship.

Are Frenchies High Maintenance?

They are also relatively low-maintenance, which makes them ideal for busy people or those who live in small apartments. French Bulldogs also tend to be relatively quiet, which can be a plus for those who live in close quarters with neighbors. While they do need some daily exercise, they are not high-energy dogs and are content to lounge around the house with their favorite person.

However, don’t be fooled by these quiet guys — they get the zoomies and run around like crazy for about 5 minutes, and then pass out! If they have a sibling Frenchie, they will play in short bursts and then nap for extended periods and tend to get in mischief if you let them be alone too long. In short, French Bulldogs make ideal companions for those who live alone and are looking for a furry friend to cuddle up with at the end of the day.

What do you need to know before you get a Frenchie

If you’re thinking about adding a French Bulldog to your family, there are a few things you should know first. For starters, Frenchie’s are prone to spinal cord-related issues, so it’s important to keep an eye on their activity levelFrench Bulldog and make sure they don’t overdo it. They’re also susceptible to heat exhaustion, so it’s best to keep them indoors during hot weather. In addition, Frenchies are known for having sensitive stomachs, so it’s important to feed them high-quality food that agrees with their gastrointestinal tract.

Some Frenchies have horrible allergies while others have little to none, so when you notice something different about your pup, be sure to get them to the vet as soon as possible to get them some relief.  Finally, Frenchies’ nails grow quickly, so regular nail trims are essential. With a little knowledge and care, a French Bulldog can make a wonderful addition to any family.

Common French Bulldog Health Issues
  • allergies
  • skin problems
  • breathing problems
  • conjunctivitis
  • hip dysplasia
  • cherry eye
  • deafness
  • mobility issues
  • diarrhea
  • ear infections
  • skin fold dermatitis

You can read more on the common health issues of French bulldogs HERE.

How to take care of your Frenchie

French Bulldogs are an increasingly popular breed, known for their affectionate nature and distinctive appearance. While they make great Companions, Frenchie owners need to be prepared to take care of their dog’s unique needs.

Prioritize a high quality diet.

One of the most important things you can do for your Frenchie is to feed them a high-quality diet. Royal Canin makes a specialty food designed specifically for French Bulldogs, which helps to support their digestive health and skin health. Royal Canin has adult food as well as puppy food, each specifically formulated for the best diet for keeping your Frenchie healthy. Make sure you provide your Frenchie with a good diet. They need high-quality food to stay healthy and avoid obesity which also helps keep the gassiness down. French bulldog puppy diet is also super important. Puppy and adult Frenchies should be fed different diets, as puppies need more calories to support their growth. French Bulldogs are also susceptible to health problems like eye problems, spinal deformities, IBD,How To Take Care Of A Frenchie and allergies so diet is super important. French bulldog health problems can be avoided or improved with a quality diet.

Keep their folds clean.

Poor little guys! They get gunk in their folds. It is important to keep their folds clean, as they can easily become infected. Also, if left dirty these folds can start to smell, and nobody wants that! So keep their folds clean.

Don’t let them overheat.

Frenchie’s are prone to overheat, so it’s important to keep them cool in hot weather. On hot days, especially during hot summers, bring them inside. Make sure they always have plenty of water, shade, etc. If you leave them inside on a really hot day, make sure you have the air conditioning on, and again plenty of water. NEVER leave your Frenchie in a car unattended. Take extra care of Frenchie puppies on hot days as they may overheat from playing or too much excitement. Also, here is what to do if your Frenchie is overheating.

Clean your Frenchie’s ear and tail pockets regularly.

Their ears and tail pockets also need to be cleaned regularly, as they can collect dirt and bacteria.

Get them groomed regularly.

Regular grooming is also important, as it helps to prevent obesity and keep their coat healthy.

Focus on moderate exercise.

Exercise is important for Frenchies, but they don’t need a lot of it. A short walk or play session each day will suffice. After their playtime or walks, make sure to provide them with plenty of fresh water to keep them from overheating if you exercise with them.

By taking care of your Frenchie’s needs, you can help them enjoy a long and healthy life.

Although French Bulldogs are small, they require a lot of care and attention. They are prone to heat stroke and respiratory problems, so it is important to keep them cool and hydrated in warm weather. They also require regular grooming, including baths, brushings, and ear cleanings. Additionally, Frenchies need some exercise to stay healthy and happy, but their short noses make them susceptible to overheating, so it is important not to exercise them too strenuously in hot weather. By following these simple tips, you can help your Frenchie enjoy a long, healthy life alongside you to help keep you company and help if you have depression or anxiety.

How Not To Overspend During The Holidays

How Not To Overspend During The Holidays

The holiday season is one of giving, which often means it can easily become the season of overspending too. You want to make sure you get the best gifts for family and friends. There are still a few ways to make sure you get great gifts without going overboard with the amount of money to spend.

While holiday spending might be extravagant, effective budgeting can help you avoid a month of regret later in January. Know and understand how to begin planning for the holiday season so that you can make the most of them while minimizing the financial impact. Here are a few recommendations:

How Not To Overspend During The Holidays

1) Deciding on a budget

Whenever it concerns holiday spending this season, you should have a firm grasp on just how much money youHow Not To Overspend During The Holidays are willing to spend on gifts. However, after you’ve determined that amount of money, you’re not finished budgeting yet. During this season, think about where you’re going to spend your money. Buying gifts, like flying and other holiday activities, has a significant influence on your money. To avoid overspending on something you could have prevented, allocate your budget wisely.


If you go shopping without a list, you’re likely to buy a few things you don’t really need or you don’t know who to give to.  Making a shopping list of who are the persons you are buying for and gift suggestions for each person will help you stay focused while you’re in stores. You can also just buy holiday gifts for your family members and close friends only. Make these important persons your priority, and only buy gifts for them. Regardless if you ever see something that would be ideal for someone else, keep in mind that you only have enough holiday budget put up for the people who are most important to you. If you feel awful about not being able to give holiday gifts to some people you can do the following instead: create baked goods, make handcrafted gifts, or send personalized holiday cards.


While the appropriate amount to spend for holiday gifts depends on your salary (or personal finance sitatuion), cultural traditions, and other considerations, a general rule of thumb is to spend $50 to $100 on a gift for your family (each family member) and $20 to $50 on a gift for close friends (each friend). Meanwhile, the average cost of a holiday gift for a work colleague is between $20 and $50.


2) Use an allotted amount of cash only instead of credit cards

You can also stick to a cash-only payment strategy when doing your holiday shopping. Using your credit card to pay for holiday gifts makes it easier to overspend. These credit cards nearly often feature double-digit interest rates, so your $1,000 charge for holiday gifts bought is paid off with a minimum payment that can cost you $1,800 and maybe more.

3) Use credit card rewards and points

Credit cards often offer rewards and points based on how much money you spend and the types of things you like to buy. So, consider inquiring about this with the financial advisors at your bank, and see what reward options they have to offer. Then, consider saving up these points and rewards (which often translate into cash-back to your bank account and gift cards) for the holiday spending season.

4) Creating a shopping list

Having a shopping strategy isn’t enough. It’s equally crucial to stick to your shopping strategy. Creating a shopping list willHoliday season graphic help you keep track of your holiday shopping expenses and thus prevent you from overspending.


Early in the holiday shopping season, when selection and prices are both at their greatest offers, buy your holiday gifts during the sales. Take advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Make a shopping list of all of your planned purchases ahead of time to ensure that the total amount spent is within your holiday budget, and then stick to it religiously.

Creating a shopping list will give you a general idea of what you’ll need to pay for.


Create a shopping list of all of your anticipated holiday gifts expenses. Consider the following items below:


– Gifts for friends and family

– At-work gift exchanges

– Items for gift wrapping

– Price of shipping and delivery

– Gifts for service providers


5) Making holiday goals

Before you start looking for holiday treats, take a look at your finances and figure out how much you can afford to spend on holiday gifts this year. Financial experts often recommend that you spend no more than 1.5% of your annual income on your holiday gifts budget. Make sure this combined total fits inside your holiday budget. If you believe you might be able to stretch a little more your financial budget, that’s fantastic! But don’t ever be scared to scale back. You should not go broke just because of buying holiday gifts. The best thing to do is to spend money on things that are truly beneficial for you and your financial circumstances.

6) When to shop

Really shouldn’t dismiss sales fliers in your mailbox or in your email inbox. You might be able to save money onHoliday shopping bags your holiday shopping if you shop during sales. You may get incredible prices on the newest toys, latest gadgets, and important home items, all of which make excellent gifts for both family and friends and even coworkers. Look through some sales fliers or e-discount codes before you go shopping to discover what items are up on the holiday sale.


7) Bring your imagination to life

The holiday season needs a bit more imagination. You can make cookies and other sweet treats, make handicrafts, or come up with other innovative ideas to offer gifts. You don’t need to spend a lot of money during the holiday season to show that you care for your family and friends. Instead, come up with unique and imaginative ways to show your gratitude to the most important individuals in your life. This can help you save money on your holiday budget while also giving you a more personalized gift for each important person you have in your life.


These homemade gifts for the holidays are a terrific way to save money while still demonstrating your love for the gift receiver.

Tips To Avoid Overspending On Holiday Gifts


Split up bigger ticket items with family & friends.

Rather than giving individual gifts, try splitting up bigger ticket items among family and friends. Rather than paying $25 for an individual gift, you can give a larger ticket item split amongst more people. You save money, because maybe your contribution was only $15, and the receiver benefits with a more expensive item.


Buy gifts in sets.

Oftentimes during holidays, department stores run sales where you can get a good deal on a variety of gifts. You’ll see ‘Buy One, Get Ones” or “BOGOs’, and even percentage discounts for purchasing more than one product. So basically, if you can purchase 2-3 candles (or any item) for the price of one, do it!


Budget at the beginning of the year.

The point of this tip is that holiday shopping doesn’t always have to happen during the crazy holiday season. Don’t wait until the last minute. Start budgeting in January, either by putting money aside for later in the year OR by starting your shopping earlier in the year. By shopping all year, you can reduce both hassle and costs.


Avoid feeling guilty about sticking to your budget.

I know, its easy to feel like you need to get your friends and family more gifts than you can afford. This is especially hard to avoid when dealing with kids. They’re so cute, you just want to get them every little thing they want. However, you’ve made your budget for a reason, because its what you could afford. Do your best to stick to it, and you won’t find yourself overspending this year.


It’s all too easy to get caught up in the holiday mood and spend more money than you planned. Setting clear expectations, creating a holiday budget, and sticking to it will help you avoid debt once the holiday celebrations are done.

7 Ways to Improve your Financial Literacy

7 Ways to Improve your Financial Literacy

What is financial literacy?

Very simply put, financial literacy and education is when you know enough about the crazy world of economics that you are able to make informed and effective decisions with your financial resources. It’s important to be financially literate so that you can make the right financial decisions for yourself, as well as for your family and your future.

Because we don’t learn true financial literacy in school, it’s an important set of skills to develop sooner rather than later in life. Things you should 100% be familiar with include: personal finance, credit cards and debit cards, savings accounts, interest rates, credit score, and money management.

Why is financial literacy important?

The secret to a happy, safe and secure future is financial literacy. The more financially literate you are, the better you will be with your expenses, savings, and investments. So, if you are someone who fails to manage their expenses, makes financial and investment mistakes frequently, it is probably a sign that you lack financial literacy.

Having said that, financial literacy does come with experience, but experience comes with knowledge. So, it doesn’t matter if you are an amateur or a pro at it, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t begin to increase your financial literacy.  (You can never perfect your knowledge, but you can always increase it. Knowledge is after all limitless)

Know it’s never too late to learn financial literacy. Growing up, we didn’t know what finances were, we just knew there was usually not enough to go around, and if there was, it meant we didn’t get anything extra, maybe a little less fighting by my parents.

So, if you are in, and want to make a change for a better future, here are all the ways you can improve your financial literacy.

7 ways to improve your financial literacy

1. Read Financial books

When they said, “Excess of anything can be dangerous”, they didn’t talk about books. The more you read7 Ways to Improve your Financial Literacy books, the smarter and knowledgeable you become. So, if your idea is to gain financial knowledge and you find yourself to be an avid reader, what better way is there other than reading books on financial literacy?

Best Financial Literacy Books

If you are looking for some recommendations, here are some that you must definitely read:

  • Stop Acting Rich and The Millionaire Next Door, both by Thomas Stanley
  • The Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham

2. Join an online course

Just as you are never too young or old to gain knowledge, you’re never too young or old to enroll in an online course. You might think that you are past college, your learning days are over. But trust me, when it comes to learning, there’s no age.

Ergo, a great way to improve your financial education is to consider enrolling in courses about financial literacy. You can go for weekend online courses if you cannot make space for them during workdays.  

DigitalDefynd is one website you can depend on. For more options, you can visit here. Also, since April is Financial Literacy Month, you’ll often find discounts for courses during this month.

3. Talk finance with the experienced ones

You might frequently forget study lessons, but you’ll seldom forget the important conversations you have with someone. Moreover, when it comes to it, perspectives matter. Talking about financial literacy within your experienced circle would not only provide you with knowledge but develop your perspectives about important things in life.

So, go chat with your boss, friends, or some people in the financial department at your workplace. Those who have the expertise, or experience per se, can give you a lot to learn. Or, if you have the budget, consider hiring a financial advisor to help manage your finances. They can give you financial advice, help you plan for your financial future, and even assist with long term retirement planning. Hiring a financial advisor is a really good idea if you’re dealing with estate planning. When you’ve got that much in the works, a financial advisor can really come in handy. 

4. Read financial newsletters and magazines

Remember why we were always told to read newspapers? Because it increases knowledge. Likewise,7 Ways to Improve your Financial Literacy financial newsletters and magazines would do just the same. So, if you want to witness a change, add financial newsletters to your lifestyle.

Ditch scrolling your phones in leisure time, instead read to boost your financial knowledge.

You can also subscribe to various newsletters of your favorite financial websites to keep yourself updated with the ongoing events. Make it a goal to read at least one article or financial newsletter before going to bed.

5. Practice Budgeting

You might forget theoretical knowledge. But when it comes to practical knowledge, these are the lessons you learn for life. Not only will it make you financially literate about your own budget but enlighten you about new financial concepts.  

If you don’t do budgeting, you can start with the basics. Record all your transactions during the month, total them, and now compare the number with your monthly earnings. The total amount you have saved defines your monthly financial standing. Additionally, how you use your saved money is equally significant. If you are just starting, don’t use all of it towards investment – all the more, do not invest if you lack the knowledge. Talk to an expert before you start.

6. Use social media for enlightenment

Social media is a blessing, but most of us use it for all the wrong reasons. Trust me, using it to keep a tab onHow to be financially literate everyone’s life is not as useful as using it to increase your knowledge. Now that almost all small businesses are establishing themselves on social media, small financial businesses are amongst them too. Follow them; they share tips and knowledge that might improve your financial literacy.

Moreover, you can also use social media to be a part of a network that emphasizes or shares interests about financial literacy, same as yours.

7. Have a mentor

Almost all the great legends out there have someone they feel grateful to, someone who has made them who they are. They had their mentors who inspired them in life. So, if you too can think of someone like that, let them be your mentor. It’s advisable to pick someone who possesses the financial literacy that you aspire to have. 

Should Financial Literacy Be Taught In School?

Let me know your thoughts below! In my opinion, of course it should! According to the Literacy and Education Commission, children and young adults need to be taught financial literacy for a plethora of reasons. But, the most important reason is to prepare the next generation for this crazy world of finances.

However, since its not taught at school as often as we’d like to see, it needs to be taught at home. If you’re ready to start talking to your kiddos about finance, check out these 7 ways to raise money-smart kids.

All in all, improving your financial knowledge is not a short-term process, it is not a test you can pass and declare yourself to be financially literate. It’s a journey without an end. You cannot be the best, but you can be better. So, be consistent, don’t wait for short-term results.