Do you ever feel like you’re falling behind on social media? Like everyone else is doing something amazing and you’re just not keeping up? If so, then you might be experiencing social media envy. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This is a very common phenomenon, but it can be tough to deal with. I find when I take a break from social media, I feel one of two ways: I feel jealous and envious of what I missed or I reflect on the time I spent doing something else. In this blog post, we will discuss what social media envy is, and how to overcome it!
What Is Social Media Envy
What is social media envy and what causes it
It’s easy to scroll through social media and feel like everyone has a better life than you. The photos people post of themselves on vacation, enjoying a delicious meal, or being surrounded by friends and family can make you feel envious. This feeling is known as social media envy, and it can have serious consequences. Social media envy can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and even anxiety disorders. If you find yourself feeling jealous regularly, it’s important to take some time for self-reflection. Why are you comparing yourself to others? What is lacking in your life that you hope to find by looking at other people’s lives?
Once you’ve identified the root of your social media envy, you can start to work on dealing with it. There are several ways to do this, including unfollowing accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, focusing on your own life and accomplishments, and seeking professional help if necessary. Social media should be enjoyable. So don’t let envy ruin it for you. Remember, comparisons are rarely accurate, and social media is often an unrealistic portrayal of reality. Don’t let the highlight reel of someone else’s life ruin your happiness!
Symptoms Of Social Media Envy
Comparing yourself to others
you’re feeling inadequate
feeling like you’re not good enough
feeling behind
FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
The effects of social media envy
It’s no secret that social media can be a breeding ground for envy. We compare ourselves to others, scrolling through carefully curated images of people’s “perfect” lives and feeling inferior in the process. But what exactly is social media envy, and how can we deal with it?
Also known as FOMO, social media envy is the feeling of jealousy or insecurity that we experience when we see other people’s lives online. According to a recent study, nearly 60% of millennials say that social media makes them feel worse about their own lives. And it’s not just young people who are affected; we all seem to be susceptible to the negative effects of constantly comparing ourselves to others.
How To Avoid Social Media Envy
How to overcome social media envy
Social media has become such an integral part of our day-to-day lives that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. Although social media can be a great way to connect with friends and family, it can also be a breeding ground for envy. If you find yourself constantly comparing your life to the “highlight reel” of others, it might be time to take a step back and evaluate your relationship with social media. Here are a few tips to help you avoid social media envy:
1. Approach social media with a different mindset: Instead of looking at social media as a competition, try to see it as a source of inspiration. There’s no need to compare your life to the highlight reel of others – everyone has their own unique journey.
2. Count your blessings: It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have, but try to take a moment each day to appreciate what you do have. Whether it’s your health, your relationships, or your accomplishments, be grateful for what you’ve been able to achieve.
3. Avoid comparisons: Comparing yourself to others is only going to make you feel worse. Instead of looking at what others have, focus on what
4. Seek professional help: If you find that social media is negatively impacting your mental health, it might be time to seek professional help. A therapist can help you work through any feelings of envy and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
Dealing with this problem can be tough, but it’s important to remember that everyone’s life is different. Comparison is rarely accurate, and social media is often an unrealistic portrayal of reality.
How To Deal With Envy From Others
Whether your on social media platforms or not, you will likely experience envy from others at some point in your life. Here are some tips for dealing with it:
Don’t be quick to anger – that’s what your opponent wants
Don’t take their insults to heart – what they think doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things
Be true to yourself – don’t apologize your just doing you
Be patient to respond – quick angry responses are exactly what the other party wants, a reaction
Don’t retaliate – instead, build up your opponent so that they realize you are not the enemy
When it comes to social media jealousy specifically, simply remove them from your profile. You DO have control of who can see your social media, even if its a close friend. Limit the time you spend on social media, set boundaries, and make sure that your social media makes you feel happy.
Additional tips to help you deal with social media envy
Take a break: It’s important to remember that the images we see on social media are often edited versions of reality. If you find yourself feeling envious of someone’s life, it can be helpful to take a break from social media. Maybe set a rule for yourself where you only allow yourself to check social media once a day, or better yet, take a couple of days off altogether. This will help you to remember that what you see on social media is not always an accurate representation of reality.
Reassess the positive things in your life and your goals: It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have, but try to take a step back and reassess all the positive things in your life. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for, no matter how big or small. This will help you to refocus your attention on the good things in your life, rather than what you’re lacking. Additionally, it can be helpful to revisit your goals and remind yourself of why you’re working towards them. This will help to motivate you and keep your envy in perspective.
Social media envy is a common problem that can be difficult to overcome. However, by following the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you can start to develop healthier coping mechanisms and avoid comparing yourself to others. Remember that everyone’s life is different, and it’s important to focus on what makes you happy. If social media is negatively impacting your mental health, it might be time to take a break or seek professional help.
What tips do you have for dealing with topic? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this article with your friends if you found it helpful.
Sometimes what matters at the end of the day is peace. Sadly, not everyone is acquainted with the feeling at all times especially when your head is full of worry and stress because of work, finances, or any other reason whatsoever. However, what can bring you peace is, ‘Me-Time’. In other words, a time spent with yourself. Me time can be the best form of self care and support available to you.
However, if you find yourself surrounded by people all the time, or are busy doing something or the other, you might feel that spending time alone is boring. As a Sagittarius, I would agree, however, even I enjoy alone time on the regular. I’d like to take a moment to help you understand it’s ok to spend time alone. Once you put in this boundary, even your family members will start to feel how important it is for your state of mind.
50 Ways to Spend Time Alone
Benefits Of Spending Time Alone
+ helps you get to know yourself better
+ sparks productivity, empathy, and creativity
+ builds mental strength
+ gives you some much-needed self-care time
+ allows you to consider your passions, goals, and future plans
Here are 50 ways to spend time alone
1. Read a book. If you are looking for a recommendation, You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero.
2. Watch a movie. It can help you reduce stress by taking your mind off of your work life and help improve your mental health by checking out of social media.
3. Bake a cake or cookies. My favorite thing is to melt chocolates and make something out of a chocolate mold.
4. Declutter your home. (More stuff, means more mess) Take as little as 15 minutes to clear a certain space in your home and I promise if you do it often, it will make you feel better in the long run.
5. Go for a walk. (You can plug in your earbuds, and explore the world with music.) This one helps you learn how to spend time alone in nature, and helps to improve your mood and physical, triple win on the health benefits front!
6. Do your pedicure, manicure, facial. Let it be a self-care day! Enjoy your time and take it slow, even throw in a bubble bath to make it seem spa like!
7. Indulge in a workout. (Kill time and burn calories at the same time.)
8. Go for a drive.
9. Sing songs. (You can be as bad you want to be. No one’s watching)
10. Decorate your home. (Scroll home décor on Pinterest for inspiration)
11. Meditate and/or do Yoga. (Peace and meditation go hand in hand) If you feel lonely, let the mediation and yoga take over that feeling, and really let your emotions go. These are my favorite things to do when I need to cry or let out other emotions because they feel safe to me.
12. Listen to music. (You can listen to new songs, or treat yourself with some nostalgia)
13. Dance your heart out. (Once again, no one’s watching. Be as crazy as you can)
14. Pick up the painting brush if it has been too long. (Reminisce your childhood days perhaps?)
15. Call a long-lost friend with whom you have lost touch. Revive those social connections with family and friends.
16. Visit a bookstore or coffee shop.
17. Declutter your emails. (Hours would go, and you won’t realize)
18. Clear your phone’s storage. (Yeah, you can delete those thousand pictures clicked in one pose)
19. Create a new meal plan.
20. Play any musical instrument. (if you happen to have one)
21. Read some blogs.
22. Write something. You may learn something new about yourself if you just let go of the judgement and let the pen do the magical work. (Again, you don’t have to be as good as Maya Angelo to express yourself, just let your mind wander..)
23. Make a vision board. This doesn’t have to be at the beginning of the year, you can make them for anything and anytime!
24. Set targets for the week. (A little organization and systematic approach will bring you closer to success)
25. Go grocery shopping.
26. Rearrange your closet. (That includes folding your clothes, and keeping them properly)
27. Try a new hairdo.
28. Write things you are grateful for. (Don’t just do it today, include it in your daily routine to be happy and satisfied in life.)
29. Make career plans. (Think, where do you see yourself in the next five years?)
30. Plant a seed.
31. Update your resume.
32. Write a letter to your future self.
33. Have an ice cream date with yourself. (Chocolate ice cream for us, please!)
34. Explore a new place you’ve been wanting to try around your home or work.
35. Look at old photographs. (Always a good day for some nostalgia :’) )
36. Make new outfits with the pieces you already own.
37. Do a photoshoot.
38. Make candles. (Believe it or not, it’s easy. Make a trip to the store if you don’t have the materials)
39. Practice calligraphy. You don’t have to be an artist for that.
40. Watch an inspiring Ted talk.
41. Watch stand-up comedy and laugh your ass off.
42. Water your plants.
43. Rearrange your furniture to give your room a new look. After all, it is your sanctuary.
44. Customize your gadgets. (Head to Pinterest for wallpapers!)
45. Do a little window shopping (from home, or go out for that)
46. Prepare a hot beverage for yourself. Couple it with a magazine reading.
47. Create a journal if you do not have one. In case you have, try redecorating it.
48. Read a newspaper. (Trust us, it is a life-changing habit)
49. Learn a new skill, or consider learning a new language. (Every skill is a plus-point for your resume)
50. Take a long shower or relaxing bath. (Feel free to sing at the top of your voice.)
That’s it. I hope I have given you plenty of options to choose from to pass the time. Consider alone-time your blessing, there’s so much you can do after all! Especially when you are a new parent, in a new relationship, in a new environment, or newly out of a relationship. Time alone can also help the grieving process, so if you are also grieving, like many during these times, these suggestions can help.
What do you do in your alone time? Feel free to share it with us in the comment section.
It’s that time of the year again where everything will be all about roses, chocolates, and love. The month of February is quickly approaching and I know; you’d be busy planning your V-day.
However, how about spending this Valentine’s Day taking care of the most important person in your life? How about showering some self-love and practice self-care this V-day?
In this fast-paced life where we’re always running to meet never-ending deadlines and working super-hard to pay our bills on time; it’s challenging to find time for ourselves and relax. This V-day, it’s your chance to spend some quality time nourishing your mind and body.
If you’re wondering how you’re going to have a super peaceful Valentine’s Day this year, keep reading for I have 6 wonderful self-care ideas and tips for you.
6 self-care ideas for Valentine’s Day:
Spa Night At Home
If you’re someone who enjoys spending time alone at home, this is the best way to pamper yourself. Light a candle, play some soft music, take a hot bubble bath with essential oil and apply a refreshing homemade mask. This is surely going to make you feel out of this world and you will be able to spend some quality time with yourself.
You can always look out for some online tutorials to make healthy face-masks that would nourish your skin.
Disconnecting From Social Media For Mindfulness
Take a break from social media and enjoy this alone time.
We’re so busy scrolling our Instagram or Facebook feed that we hardly realize how much negatively we’re impacted by this mindless activity.
Spare some time this V-day to practice mindfulness and be actually there for yourself. Experience every single moment and be mindful of everything you do.
Declutter Your Way To Happiness
Clutter in your space shows clutter in your head.
It’s indeed necessary to keep your space clean and tidy. I really don’t mean doing a deep-cleaning thing here but having a neat and refreshing space will give you a soothing feel and you’ll actually love spending time there.
Throw away everything that doesn’t serve the purpose. This is a sign of welcoming new things, creating space for better, bigger things.
Move your body
How about getting some ‘feel-good’ hormones?
Endorphins appear whenever you keep your body active. This doesn’t mean that you have to practice hard-core exercise or go to the gym. You can always move your body by going on a long walk, jogging, dancing your heart out and so much more. Deep breathing exercises are also known to release endorphins and calm the body.
Just make sure that you’re waking up those hormones and spending some time nourishing your physical health.
Just say no
We have a hard time saying no to everyone. Be it a friend or a colleague or even our family members. It’s so conditioned inside our heads to do every single thing. However, you need to realize that you’re just like other humans and you cannot do it all.
So, it’s okay to say no to late-night parties and have a deep sleep meditation instead. You don’t have to keep saying yes beyond your capacity of doing things and you’re worthy of saying ‘no’.
Practice gratitude journaling
If you’re looking for doing some mindful activity this V-day then journaling is your best friend.
While chasing life’s achievements, we usually forget how blessed we’re for having everything we desired. This is your time to sit in peace and appreciate all the little things in life. Be grateful for your own self as well. You have come far and are so worthy of celebrating your journey.
Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for and write a little note of gratitude for yourself. Not only will this make you feel good in the moment, but with continued practice, it can improve your overall mental health.
In the end, may this V-day remind you to spend some quality time with yourself by showering much-needed love and care. And don’t forget to treat yourself to your favorite meal and a glass of wine (if you partake).
I hope that these self-care activities show you the path to practice the art of being with yourself and living a stable life.
I don’t know about you, but when I feel like things are out of place and not where they are supposed to be, I can’t think.
Or really function for that matter…
I immediately have to start cleaning and clearing so I can have clarity in my external environment. Until I’ve cleared and cleaned my space, I have a hard time focusing on the tasks at hand and even creating new things.
Clutter Clearing and Hidden Treasures
So today, after about a month too long, I cleared clutter from my office. I was able to clear out old books on topics I’ve read already. And things I’m no longer interested in reading. None of these were sentimental items, so it was pretty easy for me to let go. a
I think I grabbed about 30 books and card decks from my collection!
I also grabbed some books from my kiddos rooms that they have grown out of and took them to the resale shop. Much to my surprise, each and every book that I took into the store, they purchased!
$42 cash is what they gave me!
I know this might not sound like a lot, considering I probably paid at least that for 2 of the books in the collection. However, think about how much money I was getting for them sitting in my home….
Not only did I get to clear my space of things I no longer need, but I also received some money for them to put towards our new home purchase. And now, I don’t have to have as many boxes for moving in a few weeks! Major wins today 🙂
On this same note, I have a habit of hearing about something new that I can learn and buy books/programs/courses on this new thing that end up collecting somewhere and I don’t finish them. Today, I got rid of some of those books on topics I became interested in and never cracked the book after purchasing. This sometimes add to a cluttering problem, which can cause issues when your space is limited.
Be Minimalist.
My goal is eventually to be a minimalist in all facets of my life, and today is a step in that direction that it is actually possible for me to do!
I found a few websites online with the full version of the books I will need in the future. And I have a newfound appreciation for Kindle and Audible – mostly because I can do them in the car or when I’m traveling on the plane – with less clutter in my bags.
Clean One Room At A Time.
If you are like me and sensitive to your surroundings, do yourself a favor and go through one or two rooms of your house and clear them out of all the clutter.
Things you purchased and haven’t used, things that have seen better days, things you are holding for a rainy day or when you can fit into them again, or things that you have received from people who you have negative emotional attachment to, etc. Doing so will allow you to clear space out for things you actually want in your life and clean your home. You can then donate clothes and home goods which are still usable to charities who need these things for the people they help in the end. It also helps you feel better about the donation of your things and declutter your home at the same time!
If you struggle with bringing in clutter and things, it might be smart to hire a professional organizer to help you create spaces where you care happy and comfortable in your home, while also ensuring the clutter doesn’t come back.
Clean Living Environments For Healthier Self.
In addition, many studies have shown that when you have too many things in your environment, it can help manifest illnesses in your physical body.
You hold onto anger much longer than you should creating discomforts in your emotional, physical, and mental bodies.
For me personally, I would prefer my children to have less THINGS and more EXPERIENCES and memories for when they are older. Things they won’t remember as much, memories last much longer, positive or negative.
These are great reminders, especially now that the holidays are upon us, and smart to do before bringing in new toys, clothes, home decor, etc on those lists that come during the holidays.
Clean thoroughly.
Not only will cleaning throughly free up your mental capacity and reduce stress, but it will help improve your immune system to keep you healthy.
Let’s take the kitchen for example. It is one thing to simply declutter and clean. It is another to grab your cleaning products, clean the kitchen with warm water and a drop of dish soap, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe clean from top to bottom, AND don’t forget to hit the ceiling fan as well. That’s a deep clean. Sounds like a lot of work, but it also sounds live a clean living environment fit for a healthy family.
Not sure where to start? Start with your kitchen and bathroom. Then move on room by room. So, grab your cleaning supplies, utilize these cleaning tips, and get to decluttering and cleaning the house. You will be pleasantly surprised by the mental health benefits you realize later.
Clean your clutter. Clear your mind. Bring in new possibilities for you and yours. Start clean living today.
Oh! and you can even earn a few bucks to do something fun or pay a bill with the money you get from clearing your clutter 🙂 Double bonus!
Have you grown tired of listening to people go on and on about minimalism? I mean it’s everywhere – on Instagram, Pinterest, and in people’s way of life.
But being a stranger to the term, you must be asking one question, WHY? Why is it so much in trend, and why are people practicing minimalism every day? How does it make life any different?
Minimalism Trend
Well, there are many questions and we are going to provide answers to all of them. But, before we proceed let us reflect on what Minimalism is.
In simple words, minimalism upholds the very idea of, “Less is more.” The fewer things you own, the more sorted you will be in life. From your closet to home décor, minimalism is being applied everywhere because it has simplified a lot of things for people. It has made them reevaluate all their principles and values, and at the same time, it has made them reflect on their way of life.
That’s just the trailer here. There are plenty of benefits of minimalism, making it so popular these days. Let’s dive in and explore all the other reasons why people are choosing minimalist living!
5 reasons why minimalism is so popular right now
1. For the aesthetics
It all started from the art movements of the 1960s. Minimalism was a concept originating from art – paintings, sculptures, and aesthetic preferences. However, in recent years, the architecture and interior décor industry have borrowed a lot from it. Architecture and interior design’s concept of home minimalism focuses on simplicity, neutral color schemes, and of course “less is more”.
It prioritizes simplicity and subtlety by maintaining an even, neutral, warm, and light color scheme that significantly includes whites and nudes. While as for “less is more” when you have fewer things lying around the house, it boosts the aesthetics of your home. Your home no longer looks compact and stuffed; rather it feels spacious and elegant. At the most extreme level, this might look like a tiny house with a minimalist design.
At the same time, minimalism solves storage issues. I bet many of you think a hundred times before buying something.
You think, “Where would I keep this, my home already has a lot of things”
It goes by the simple logic, when you have fewer belongings; you would never again be bothered about storage. In addition to that, you would not have to add extra storage cabinets to store extra things and destroy the aesthetics of your home. The more storage cabinets your home has, makes it look more compact, and suffocating. You don’t want that and that’s what minimalism promises – a space, a kind of emptiness that makes the space much more breathable, classy and elegant all at the same time.
2. COVID Pandemic
Covid-19 has changed our lives for the worse. With millions of people suffering and thousands dying because of Covid, it has made us value life. And it is a reason that many people have adopted minimalism and changed the way they spend their money.
Life is precious, and you cannot buy it from the mall nearby. In the face of a pandemic, with suffering and death all around, material things don’t matter much. What matters is the health and safety of our loved ones and the people around us. Sadly, it took a pandemic for all of us to realize it.
Covid-19 has been no more than a wake-up call for most of us that happiness does not lie in a dress we can buy off the mannequin, but with people who we cannot live without.
It is one of the reasons why Minimalism is so in trend right now – it drives our focus away from materialism and consumerism, instead of towards the value of life, moments, memories, and experience. We can see this in the United States, with this trend of spending money on experiences abroad or with family and friends – versus spending on the fleeting joy of consumer items.
3. It helps us save money
Minimalism does not only contribute to the aesthetics of our homes but our financials as well. Especially for those with tighter budgets. It’s simple – as every purchasing decision affects our financial budget, every amount we save up by not buying unnecessary objects affects our overall savings.
Consequently, we can invest in other financial assets that only increase our investment portfolio and improve our financial standing. At the same time, it reduces our debts. With declining expenditure, we can channel money towards debt payment, reducing our overall debt.
4. Improves mental health
As Lord Budhha has remarked, “desires are the root cause of unhappiness”, we know how true it is. At some point in time in life, we all have been bothered and crestfallen about things we do not have.
Whether it is an advanced remote-controlled car, kids our age had, or a real car that every family has but ours. Desires never end as we age. We crave for this, and when we have it, we crave for another. It’s all a chain, and it never ends for most of us.
However, minimalism has helped people in this light. It has diminished their desires by making them satisfied with things they already own. At the same time, they do not wish to buy up quantities of things, thanks to minimalism.
In addition to that, with minimalism, people can free up most of their time. When we own less stuff, we do not have to spend hours managing and cleaning everything, and this way we can focus on things that we like to do.
All of this, the diminished desires, the opportunity to focus on moments, and free time, significantly aids in the improvement of our mental health.
5. Environmental concerns
With growing consumerism, we have significantly exhausted and exploited the earth’s natural resources. You might think that we are just a family of four, how does such a small number have a greater impact on the environment. But let’s open our eyes for a while, that there is always some effect, and we are responsible for it, – every person, every family.
Looking at it from an economical aspect, every product we buy, or every time we buy it, our purchasing adds to the demand, in other words, we create demand. An added demand adds to productivity, and more production leads to the exploitation of natural resources.
Likewise, the product we buy matters significantly. If we keep on buying plastic, we are jeopardizing the environment when we dispose of it. Plastic takes millions of years to get decomposed, and if it is burned, it releases harmful toxins into the atmosphere. And let’s not even get started on the waste produced by computers and smartphones. As well as the carbon footprint caused by personal computing, social media, and maintaining an online presence.
However, with minimalism and our controlled purchasing decision, zero wastage, and recycling and reusing, we are putting significantly less strain on the environment, and are doing our bit to save the earth’s natural resources. And let’s not forget even for a second that we must protect the environment which sacrifices itself for our needs. We owe earth at least that much.
That’s all we had to say. But I hope that you now understand why minimalism is so popular these days.
At the same time, I hope we have managed to make you understand and acknowledge the benefits of minimalism. We sincerely hope that you consider practicing it yourself if you have not already.
Hey there! We would love to hear your ideas and opinions about minimalism as lifestyle choice. Do you live a minimalist lifestyle? What do you think about minimalism? Has it helped you in any way? Let us know all about it in the comment section below.
Emotions make a human being. Your emotions allow you to vent your thoughts and feelings. It is the response to any kind of circumstance that affects you, and when you are attuned to your emotions, it can be really beneficial to you.
Even though emotions play an important role in our lives, too many emotions can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health. When our emotions start getting out of control, or rather, starts controlling us, it takes a great toll on our health and well-being.
It’s necessary to know when to temper your emotions to bring more balance into your life. Listed below are some ways with which you can regulate your emotions so that they don’t get out of hand.
How To Not Let Your Emotions Control You
1)Give yourself a little space
Sometimes, a situation can trigger our emotions to such an extent that we start to lose control of how we are behaving. This is when you need to create some distance between yourself and your emotions.
Blocking emotions and distracting yourself are two different things. When you block emotions, you avoid or repress them. But, feeling emotions is a good thing. You should not strive to forget about them completely.
When you give yourself a little space, you temporarily distract yourself from the emotion, only to revisit it later when you are in a better headspace. You might feel angry now, but you won’t feel as angry later.
Some ways you can create a mental distance between yourself and your emotions are:
a) Talk to a friend
b) Read or watch something funny
c) Go for a walk
2)Breathing exercises
When you feel too happy or furious, just slowing down and taking a long deep breath can help you regain control and composure. As well as prevent a possible emotional outburst.
Once again, the purpose of this is not to stop the emotion you are feeling, but to bring it under your control.
Deep breathing exercises can help you avoid any extreme reactions to the situation.
Take a deep breath in and then hold it while you mentally count to five. Then exhale as slowly and steadily as possible on the count of five. You can also use a mantra like ‘I’m calm’ to calm yourself down. Repeat the mantra over and over in your head and it will serve to lessen the intensity of your emotion.
3)Accept all your emotions
Often, when we have an extreme emotion, we tend to repress it instead of accepting it. This leads to bottled-up feelings that burst one day in a massive reaction, an emotional outburst.
This can be prevented by acknowledging and accepting all your emotions. When you can’t find a pen and you start hyperventilating, what do you do? You try to convince yourself that it’s just a pen, and it’s no big deal.
This is counteractive. By trying to convince yourself that this is not a situation you should have such emotions for, you are invalidating yourself. That simply doesn’t help in any situation.
Instead, start practicing how to allow yourself to feel intense emotions without blocking them. It won’t happen in a day or two, but with regular practice, you will be able to master it. And once you master it, you will be able to easily handle strong emotions without letting them affect you in some kind of huge reaction.
4)Maintain a mood journal
Journaling is a superb way to tap into your pent-up emotions. Writing down your feelings allows you to think deeper about them and helps you identify any distorted thought patterns or specific triggers.
Once you can identify which triggers get the most response out of you, you can then come up with ways to manage your emotions in that particular situation. Resulting in a healthy relationship between you and your emotions.
Journaling leads to better results when practiced daily. Maintain a mood journal where you write down whenever you feel an excess of any emotion, be it sadness or anger or even happiness. Write when you feel bad and when you feel good. The key is moderation, not repression. Maintaining this journal helps you to get in tune with all your emotions and seeing them from a different point of view. Plus, journaling is a great way to practice mindfulness.
If your emotions are too unstable or you feel like you cannot get them under control, you should try talking to a therapist. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. Once you learn how to balance your moods and feelings, you will feel much more in control of your life. Reclaim your life now, by dealing with your emotions in a healthy and positive way.
It’s normal to feel anxious, angry, or sad from time to time. This is a normal part of life. However, if you find that your emotions are constantly controlling you, it may be time to learn some emotional regulation strategies. Luckily, there are many different techniques you can try. Some people find that journaling or mindfulness helps them to control their emotions in the moment. Others find that cognitive-behavioral therapy or medication is more effective in the long term. If you’re not sure where to start, talking to a mental health professional can help you figure out which approach is right for you.
Learning how to control your emotions takes time and practice, but it’s worth it. After all, feeling calm and in control of your life is a goal worth striving for. I hope this article helps you in controlling your emotions better. What are your thoughts on the same? Feel free to drop your experiences and views in the comments below.
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