DIY Door Curtain

DIY Door Curtain

DIY Door Curtain

If you are like me, you usually find the perfect curtain in the most wonderful print or color but the length is wrong. No matter how many times you measure your window.

I always find the most amazing curtain that’s either too short or too long.

Never the right length.

Add in custom french doors and custom windows and the length will never be found in stock in a store. I wish our dining room was standard sized, but without looking standard.

So without needing to raise or lower the curtain rods every time you want to change the curtains, or putting a drop hem in by sewing the curtains, I came up with a better solution. Custom curtains.

DIY Door Curtain

I bought too long of curtains.

Well, I didn’t intend for them to be too long when I purchased, but it happened. 

I had a really full cart already with 2 kids at Ikea and they were an impulse purchase, but one that I really liked. But in all honesty, I don’t ever mind a DIY project either. 

Making the mistake to go to Ikea on a Sunday was the first issue. It was full of people and my Mom radar was on super high as I didn’t want anyone to steal them when I was too busy looking at the length of the curtains too long.

So I grabbed the first 3 panel curtain packets I saw, and went with it. These are the ones I grabbed. 

I also thought that our windows and doors were at least 96 inches long… not remembering that we had custom heights for them making them take longer to get in during construction. (I don’t know how I could forget that)

Anyways, I got the curtains home, put them up, and realized that they are a good 8 inches too long…

I did what every person would do.

Contemplated taking them down, raising the curtain rod, and sewing them. We have to have a window treatment for the french doors that lead from the open concept kitchen and living room so these door curtains weren’t negotiable.

I also put up another set of curtains panels which are 64 inches and you can see in the photo they are too short.

Taking them down isn’t an option since we wanted to watch tv without a glare and shutting out the light at night. 

DIY Door Curtain hack

DIY Curtains Without Sewing


hem adhesive

Raising the curtain rod also entails fixing the drywall and having it repainted.

Both things we’ve done about 100 times now it feels like in this process. And it’s more expensive than purchasing all new curtains – so that’s also out.

With the pandemic happening and stay at home orders in place, taking them to get hemmed professionally are not options.

So, I took to Amazon to see if I could find some double sided fabric tape to make it work.

And thank goodness Amazon came to the rescue! The tape arrived in 2 days and I set out to fix them up using a diy no sew method. I have about 8 inches to hem to make them barely drag the floor, which I think will be fine.


Personally, I believe this will work with any curtain length – valance, kitchen curtains, cafe, longer curtains, etc.

Two rolls of this tape from Amazon should do the job. If you have fewer curtains, you may need less. If you have more, see how many it will take. Other options were available, but the shipping time was longer, and we couldn’t stand the curtains being so long anymore. Here’s my step-by-step process.


I simply laid the curtain across our countertop and put a towel under it to ensure I didn’t damage the butcher block. I moved the top edge out of my way in order to protect it as well. You can also fold the top to move it out of the way. If you have an ironing board, that probably works better. We don’t, so I improvised with what I had on hand.


DIY Door Curtain tutorial
Make A Curtain work for Any Window or door

And the other thing you need is an Iron. We borrowed one from my Mother In Law because we only have a steamer for our clothes. 

I measured out how far I wanted to bring the curtains up from the bottom hem. In my case, that was 8 1/2 inches. I put the tape at about 7 inches so I could fold the fabric, iron, and cut a new hem. I made sure to measure from the top and bottom to ensure a straight cut on the raw edges.


After cutting the hem and realizing how much new fabric was left on the folded edge, I decided to cut the new line so it wasn’t as thick looking when hanging. I reduced the edge of the fabric to just a few inches.

Make A Curtain work for Any Window or door
ironing curtain
Adjusting curtain length
DIY curtain hem

Final Product: Perfectly Fit

The final product is a curtain that’s not dragging the ground and custom fit to your door/window!

I will play around with the lengths as our floors aren’t completely level. For me, each door and window will need a different length.

One note – cute doggie not included 🙂 

Another note, my hubby decided he wanted to help with the project and didn’t heed my instructions to cut the extra fabric, which I did mention above, and you can see the reason. Look at Champ’s face and front area versus where is tail is. The extra fabric is a bit crazy!


If you don’t want to mess with curtains and you for sure don’t want to whip out the sewing machine, you can always check out window film as an option for a window covering. I have used window film on other properties that you can tie into the home decor. They work great as DIY curtains that don’t need washing, don’t ever get dirty, and don’t have a stretched rod pocket. 


pug by the curtains

Hopefully this is something you find helpful and useful in your home when doing projects or redesigning your space.

Let me know in the comments if you have other ideas to make a curtain fit a space you have.

Clutter Clearing and Hidden Treasures

Clutter Clearing and Hidden Treasures

I don’t know about you, but when I feel like things are out of place and not where they are supposed to be, I can’t think.

Or really function for that matter…

I immediately have to start cleaning and clearing so I can have clarity in my external environment. Until I’ve cleared and cleaned my space, I have a hard time focusing on the tasks at hand and even creating new things.

Clutter Clearing and Hidden Treasures

So today, after about a month too long, I cleared clutter from my office. I was able to clear out old books on topics I’ve read already. And things I’m no longer interested in reading. None of these were sentimental items, so it was pretty easy for me to let go. a

I think I grabbed about 30 books and card decks from my collection!

I also grabbed some books from my kiddos rooms that they have grown out of and took them to the resale shop. Much to my surprise, each and every book that I took into the store, they purchased!


$42 cash is what they gave me!


I know this might not sound like a lot, considering I probably paid at least that for 2 of the books in the collection. However, think about how much money I was getting for them sitting in my home….


Not only did I get to clear my space of things I no longer need, but I also received some money for them to put towards our new home purchase. And now, I don’t have to have as many boxes for moving in a few weeks! Major wins today 🙂

On this same note, I have a habit of hearing about something new that I can learn and buy books/programs/courses on this new thing that end up collecting somewhere and I don’t finish them. Today, I got rid of some of those books on topics I became interested in and never cracked the book after purchasing. This sometimes add to a cluttering problem, which can cause issues when your space is limited.

Be Minimalist.

My goal is eventually to be a minimalist in all facets of my life, and today is a step in that direction that it is actually possible for me to do!

I found a few websites online with the full version of the books I will need in the future. And I have a newfound appreciation for Kindle and Audible – mostly because I can do them in the car or when I’m traveling on the plane – with less clutter in my bags.

Clean One Room At A Time.

If you are like me and sensitive to your surroundings, do yourself a favor and go through one or two rooms of your house and clear them out of all the clutter.

Things you purchased and haven’t used, things that have seen better days, things you are holding for a rainy day or when you can fit into them again, or things that you have received from people who you have negative emotional attachment to, etc. Doing so will allow you to clear space out for things you actually want in your life and clean your home. You can then donate clothes and home goods which are still usable to charities who need these things for the people they help in the end. It also helps you feel better about the donation of your things and declutter your home at the same time!

If you struggle with bringing in clutter and things, it might be smart to hire a professional organizer to help you create spaces where you care happy and comfortable in your home, while also ensuring the clutter doesn’t come back.

Clean Living Environments For Healthier Self.

In addition, many studies have shown that when you have too many things in your environment, it can help manifest illnesses in your physical body.

You hold onto anger much longer than you should creating discomforts in your emotional, physical, and mental bodies.

For me personally, I would prefer my children to have less THINGS and more EXPERIENCES and memories for when they are older. Things they won’t remember as much, memories last much longer, positive or negative.

These are great reminders, especially now that the holidays are upon us, and smart to do before bringing in new toys, clothes, home decor, etc on those lists that come during the holidays.

Clean thoroughly.

Not only will cleaning throughly free up your mental capacity and reduce stress, but it will help improve your immune system to keep you healthy.

Let’s take the kitchen for example. It is one thing to simply declutter and clean. It is another to grab your cleaning products, clean the kitchen with warm water and a drop of dish soap, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe clean from top to bottom, AND don’t forget to hit the ceiling fan as well. That’s a deep clean. Sounds like a lot of work, but it also sounds live a clean living environment fit for a healthy family.

Not sure where to start? Start with your kitchen and bathroom. Then move on room by room. So, grab your cleaning supplies, utilize these cleaning tips, and get to decluttering and cleaning the house. You will be pleasantly surprised by the mental health benefits you realize later.

Clean your clutter. Clear your mind. Bring in new possibilities for you and yours. Start clean living today.

Oh! and you can even earn a few bucks to do something fun or pay a bill with the money you get from clearing your clutter 🙂 Double bonus!

Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes

Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes

Growing up, we always had potpourri in the house, all year long, but more so during the holidays. My Mom would leave the potpourri all year long, so we would have a Christmas potpourri smell in July if you walked by the place on the table where it was sitting. As I got older, I realized holiday potpourri makes a wonderful gift idea for those on your list. I’m not talking about the store-bought potpourri though, I’m talking about homemade potpourri that leaves a wonderful home smell for all those who enter. This is an easy and thoughtful gift for friends, family, and neighbors who may be alongside a bottle of wine or liquor.

Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes

Before we get too much into the holiday potpourri recipe making, I wanted to let you know I do have some affiliate links here that keep me being able to do these posts for you 🙂 So if you click on something and make a purchase, I do a little dance with my girls in appreciation and gratitude!

Making holiday potpourri is a delightful holiday activity that will scent your home during the holiday season. Most of its ingredients are found in your kitchen, can also be purchased online, and in the supermarkets.  Spices and packs of mixed nuts are also readily available throughout the holidays at supermarkets and specialty markets. Ingredients like juniper berries, whole nutmeg and allspice, cloves, and cinnamon sticks, when blended together, offer you a holiday potpourri that is pleasant in appearance with a wonderful festive scent.


Stovetop Potpourri: What is it?

Potpourri is a fragrant blend of spices and fruits. It can be stored in a bowl in dry form, with dried flowers, herbs, andHomemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes spices. The alternate version is to make it on the stove by simmering the ingredients. It’s frequently created around the holiday season.


Stovetop potpourri, often known as “simmer pot potpourri,” is created by combining naturally scented components in a small pot of simmering water on the stove, filling your home with a delightful and all-natural fragrance. Generally, when you want the potpourri to have a scent around the home, the stove will need to be on. 

Safety is one of the most critical issues. Even though the potpourri is simmering, you should not ever leave it alone and always turn off the stove at night or whenever you leave home. Keep in mind your stovetop potpourri shouldn’t fully dry out. Setting an alarm will remind you to monitor what’s happening with the stovetop potpourri and, if required, replace or add more water.


How To Make Stovetop Potpourri For Gifts

Cooking holiday potpourri in a slow cooker or on the stovetop will make your house smell like the holiday season. Just add printable gift tags to your package for holiday gift-giving.

5 minutes to prepare | 1 package of serving


▢ 1) 4 cinnamon sticks (crumbled) (to release the scent)

▢ 2) 1 tbsp clove (whole)

▢ 3) 1 tsp allspice berries (whole)

▢ 4) 1 tablespoon star anise (optional, but provides a licorice-like aroma)

▢ 5) 1/2 cup cranberries (fresh)

▢ 6) 1 medium orange (whole) a transparent bag, a 250 (1 cup) Mason jar, or a recycled jam jar

▢ 7) Optional: sprigs of rosemary or evergreens


▢ Step 1

Leave out the cranberries and fresh orange slices when making a dried mix packet. You can also increase the amount of ground cinnamon, cloves, and allspice in the mixture. The aroma of the ground spices will be released more quickly.


▢ Step 2

Refrigerate the cranberries and orange until ready to give as a gift. The ground spices will cling to the orange and cranberries, so leave them out.


▢ Step 3

In a stove or slow cooker, combine the dried mix, fresh cranberries, and sliced orange with 2 to 3 cups of water (or apple juice). Simmer on a low flame setting.


▢ Step 4

Keep an eye on it and add more water as needed only. This recipe can be kept for several days.

How To Make Potpourri Last Longer

If you refresh the water as needed, your holiday potpourri will last 4 or 5 days. If you’re giving your holiday potpourri as adried flower petals heart and arrow holiday gift, wrap it in craft paper or burlap and tie it off with ribbon or baker’s twine. 


How Long Does it Take for Holiday Potpourri to Simmer?

four (4) days

You can usually get several hours of very pleasant aromas, but if you use the same holiday potpourri, the fragrances can last up to four days. Simply keep an eye on the water level for precaution.


What’s the best way to make holiday potpourri smell better?

To enhance the perfume and assure the fragrance’s longevity, add a complementing essential oil to the holiday potpourri mix. For every 5 cups of the holiday potpourri, add up to 8 drops of essential oil.

You can also add dried orange slices or lemon slices, for smell and aesthetics. This addition will add a clean and fresh smell, and your house will smell amazing.

Holiday Potpourri Gift Ideas

You’ll need the following items to complete the assembly:Homemade Holiday Potpourri Recipes


▢ 1) Wide-mouth, Quart Jars, or cellophane gift bags – The jars are obviously more expensive, but they make the most impact. 


▢ 2) Holiday Wrapper – Choose wisely between kraft paper and wrapping paper. Kraft paper is stronger, while wrapping paper tends to rip apart easily.


▢ 3) Ribbon or thread — I prefer twine for its rustic and aesthetic vibe, but you can use everything you have on hand.


▢ 4) Scissors – for cutting. Keep it out for children below 12 years old for safety. 


▢ 5) Printer – If you don’t have a printer at home, you may have these printed the free printable potpourri recipe and holiday greetings card for a few dollars at your local office supply store.


▢ 6) Paper/Cardstock – I recommend cardstock over paper since it lasts longer. But it’s entirely up to you.


Jar Instructions:

Cover the jar lid with brown kraft paper, wrapping paper, or any other paper you want, seal with the jar lid band and put on the free printable gift tag with a ribbon or twine. 


Holiday potpourri in a jar that smells like Christmas is one of the most simple holiday gift ideas that can be made ahead of time. So, this homemade craft is a great idea if you want to start making homemade holiday gifts early. This gift can be created year round as the seasons change with different items which are popular during the season, not just during the winter holidays!

10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

Do you come back home after a long day at work, only to feel suffocated? Do you wish to leave home to find peace?

It’s a no-brainer that your home should make you happy; it should make you breathe a sigh of relief just as you enter the door. But if you feel differently, it’s a sign that you need to change the atmosphere around the house.

Removing toxic things, and working on relationships can certainly help if you think they are a problem. However, if you know that you live in a happy family and that your family is your comfort and strength, then let’s just say your home merely needs a few changes to fix the problem.

Here are 10 ways how you can instantly change the atmosphere in your home:

10 ways to instantly change the atmosphere in your home

1. Add music10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

If I say music can help you calm down, I would not be sharing any new piece of information. We all already know it and have witnessed it too. So, if you wish to change the atmosphere of your home for good, you cannot afford to miss adding music.

However, you can skip hip-hop and heavy metal; you’re not having a party in your house. Instead, you can play your favorite music, but make sure it’s calming and soothing to your ears.

2. Change wall colors10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

Believe it or not, décor can change the whole vibe instantly – especially wall paints. Keep a neutral color scheme around the house. It is highly suggested to go for light colors – if you ask me, white or off-white is the best. They make your home feel calming by making it spacious, and bigger.

I love to do removable wall paper or if you have less patience, like me, I started doing splatter walls, where you don’t completely paint the wall. Instead, you use a paint brush and splatter a color onto the wall to give it a different look. It doesn’t take a lot of time, and only needs to be taped and plastic the area off to ensure nothing but the wall gets the splatter. (Trust, I learned the hard way!)

3. Do home-décor right

If you have painted your walls right, you would want to get to the styling and décor. If you are looking for ahome decor tips calming décor – white, grey, and nude colors are in trend for their minimalist touch. So, whatever you pick, it is suggested you pick from the neutral color scheme.

Additionally, you can add plants, wind chimes, and white rugs for an aesthetic and pleasant makeover. If you are looking for additional ideas, you can scroll through Pinterest for some home-décor inspiration

4. Keep the tabletops clear

The rule is not to keep the house cluttered. Neither the floor nor the tabletops. I know, tabletops seem the most convenient place for dropping stuff throughout the day, but the more things get accumulated on the tops, the more suffocating it can get. Ergo, keep tabletops as empty as you can. You can of course add décor to it, but don’t overdo it.

5. Let your home smell mesmerizing

Imagine this, you went out, and came back home to be blessed by a mesmerizing fragrance. How enchantingusing diffusers at home would it feel? Time to make your imagination a reality. There are so many ways of doing so.

You can make your home smell enchanting using these objects

  •   Diffusers
  •   Essence sticks
  •   Candles
  •   Potpourri
  •   Room freshener spray
  •   Fragrance Sachets

6. Add family photos

Your home must not only smell amazing, but it must reek of the people who live there. Adding family photos is a great way of adding a personal touch to your home. You can go simple by hanging in some of the happiest, and memorable photographs, you can add a touch of décor to it by creating a gallery wall with a color scheme. Gray and white if you ask me.

Tip – You can make use of mold photo frames – they are quite in trend these days.

7. Keep your home ventilated and allow natural lightKeep your home ventilated and allow natural light

A breath of fresh air, natural light can change your mood for the better. So, if your blinds are on, or curtains are closed, undo them. Not only will it save you electricity bills, but make you feel tranquil. (I would have loved to talk more about that effect or say that feeling, but forgive me because that feeling cannot be described in words)

8. Make your home cozy

Do you jump or drop yourself down on the hotel’s bed as if you are lying in heaven and would never want to get out of the bed? Guilty, right? Well, that’s because hotel rooms are cozy. You have to do the same with all the rooms so that you feel more than just comfortable – your happiest self.

You can do that by working on the mattresses, pillows, and cushions around the house. Go for thick soft mattresses, and soft and fluffy cushions and pillows. At the same time, add a soft duvet to your bed.

9. Say words of affirmations

If affirmations can make anyone feel optimistic, how can they not change the atmosphere around the house? You can say affirmations together with your family or have them play on the speaker. You can even add décor that emphasizes these affirmations. Try to add cushion covers and quoted frames with affirmations written on them.

10. Laugh more

Décor can surely help you instantly change the atmosphere, but it cannot match the transformation laughter can bring. So go on, share some jokes, and watch some hilarious movies together. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow.


Now that you know 10 easy ways to instantly change the atmosphere in your home, it’s time to get started! Pick one or two of these tips and give them a try. See how your mood changes and how your family reacts. Once you have had some success with a couple of these methods, add more until your home feels like the haven you always dreamed of. Share which of these tips worked best for you in the comments below – we would love to hear from you!

7 Ways to Create a Calm and Peaceful Home

7 Ways to Create a Calm and Peaceful Home

Life can get exhausting – you work all day, walk in heels, deal with people and their tantrums, get stuck in traffic, only to come back home dead tired – both mentally and physically. Now you may not be able to take a long break, go to some faraway island, or quit your job, but what you can definitely do is come back home to spend some time in the calm, cozy, and peaceful ambiance to relax and unwind.

But a calm and peaceful ambiance? How would you create one for yourself? A clean home, perhaps? Yes, but you can do more (Don’t settle for less). You can make use of some tips to create a cozy space at home.

7 ways to create a calm and peaceful home

1. Reduce clutter

We all tend to make our home more of storage space, than a home. They are full of items that we do not use but keep for the sake of using7 Ways to Create a Calm and Peaceful Home them someday – which I bet never comes.

That’s the story of all the houses. But just so you know, lots of cabinets and tons of things can make your space look compact, which consequently might make you feel suffocated as well.

Thus, try reducing your clutter – whether they are bunches of boxes, or extra furniture lying around the house, or plenty of stationery items on your desk. Declutter every section of the home. You’ll have a peaceful atmosphere, better focus, hassle-free, and quick cleaning sessions.

If you need help and a place to start, check out this blog post I wrote about clutter clearing and how you can make some money.

2. Use a diffuser

Diffusers have only grown popular in recent years. They are devices that produce aroma and fragrance to relax your7 Ways to Create a Calm and Peaceful Home senses. They can be electric or contain tea-lights and tea-holders to produce mesmerizing fragrances around the house.

Not only that but the essential oils present in the diffusers promote relaxed and deep sleep. Additionally, diffusers can also help with anxiety, any emotion, and stress by relaxing your body and mind. If you are looking for a great brand and great diffusers, check these out

3. Have suitable decor in the room

Décor plays an important role when it comes to adding a soothing vibe to the home. Here are a few tips that can help:

  1.     Try to have lighter color paints in your room, following a neutral color scheme is suggested. Avoid darker colors, including blue and purple as they can make the room look compact. However, if you do go for darker colors, make sure you paint it on one wall and leave the other three walls white. (unless it’s the bedroom which you will want darker colors to be able to sleep)
  2.     Let natural light come in. Once again, dark rooms do the opposite, they can make you feel restless and suffocated. So, it is suggested you allow natural light to come in. For this, open the windows and go for sheer blinds (If morning rays are your concern, try using a sleeping mask, or have a mixture of light-blocking curtains and sheer/white ones.
  3.     Add plants to the rooms – Plants can promote a natural and soothing vibe around the house. Add them but make sure you don’t add too many of them only to make your home look like a jungle. Keep the plants near the windows, where they can get sunlight.

4. Light aromatic candles

Candles with essential oils can produce aromas even if you don’t light them. However, as is obvious they’ll be the mostLight aromatic candles effective when burnt. Nonetheless, try to add some candles to the décor. However, do make sure that you keep them away from combustible objects such as curtains and bedsheets. 

If you don’t use candles, you can get diffusers with lights and use those instead, which is what I prefer if I want to create an ambiance. If I don’t but want the scent, I turn off the light on the diffuser and it works the same.

5. Work on the lighting

Little things matter, this includes lighting as well. They can have a tremendous effect on your senses and overall mood. Dim warm lights for that matter work the best to make your home comfortable, cozy, and serene, all at the same time. Having said that, you might want to avoid white tube lights, neon, and pink ceiling lights.

 However, if you already have them, you can add lamps to create a more soothing and comfortable look.

6. Add a Himalayan Rock salt lamp

Himalayan Rock Salt lamps not only serve as a splendid piece of décor but have many health benefits. They promote atips for a cozy home peaceful ambiance, improve the air quality, help you sleep better, and lighten up your mood.

It has a light bulb attached to it on the inside but the magic lies in the Himalayan salt that the lamp is made of and gets its’ name. 

7. Play soothing music

You would not be stranger to the fact that music has been proven to calm one down, and improve mood. Ergo, this is what you must do – play some soothing music around the house. Refrain from playing any Billboard hits, go for instrumental music. You can even play calming background sounds, such as those of waves and rains.


Well, I just spilled the tricks to make your home feel like heaven. After all, your home is your sanctuary. Let it be the place where you can relax, unwind, and be who you are. Who knew, the secret of peace and calm can be your cozy room?

Hey there, how do you make your home calm and peaceful? Feel free to share some extra tips with everyone in the comment section.

10 Secrets to Keeping a Clean House as a Working Mom

10 Secrets to Keeping a Clean House as a Working Mom

We all dream of a clean and tidy home as if it’s something supernatural or impossible to achieve. Supernatural – definitely not. Impossible – well, it can feel that way if you are a working mom who spends all day working and running, only to come back home dead tired, and on the edge after finding their home nothing but a mess.

The same goes for the work from home mom who spends all of their time in front of their desk only to come out for lunch and sometimes a water refill. Many would assume we would have all the time in the world working from home to keep the house clean during our working hours.

Does that sound familiar? If yes, then I can understand how bad you wish to have a clean home. It might feel impossible, but it is not. Given, there are working moms out there who manage to keep a clean house.

You must be wondering, “How the hell do they do that?”

Well, they have their secrets, which I am going to spill out in this very article. So, keep reading.

10 secrets to keeping a clean house as a working mom

1. Prepare the night before

Tell me if you don’t throw away your sweaters, jackets, and scarves on the bed or floor every time you leave10 Secrets to Keeping a Clean House as a Working Mom for work, all because you don’t have enough time to keep things in their proper place. Guilty, right? Well, the morning rush does that to everybody. So, the trick here is to prepare the night before so you save time and don’t leave a mess behind. Here’s how

  • Select your clothes, iron them, and hang them by the hanger on a door, or at the front of your cabinet.
  • Keep your essentials in the bag the night before.
  • Chop vegetables for breakfast. While you are at it, look for quick breakfast options that won’t create a huge mess.
  • Keep the cosmetics you would need to get ready nearby.

2. Don’t procrastinate

Have a jacket to put in the closet? Well, don’t just leave it there, even if you think you’ll pick it up later. Just know the word, Later is a scam.

So, make it a rule to do things then and there. Don’t procrastinate, pick up the things, wash the dishes, and keep things properly right at the moment. You wouldn’t want to come back home to a messed-up home, would you?

The same goes for your kids, if they have something laying around, it’s good practice to teach them to pick it up and put it where it goes the second they (most likely you) see it.

3. Encourage your family to do their own chores

Yes, you are the mother, but it doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself – even the chores thatencourage kids to do chores are not yours to do in the first place. Gender roles are history, so it’s time you encourage your family to do their chores – whether it is washing their dishes, doing their laundry, cooking their food, or cleaning their rooms.

In our home, my husband does his own laundry because he likes to wear the same things multiple times a week, even with a closet full of capable clothing. Our girls do the dishes and are responsible for keeping their rooms cleaned as well as the dog messes in the yard once a week.

Leila’s teacher let them play a game in school in her 5th grade class and one of the questions was if they had to do chores at home. Out of 20 students, only 3 of them had chores. 3! It’s no wonder us moms and dads are overwhelmed by housework! Now is the time to teach your children how to do chores and at the very least clean their own rooms!

4. Encourage your family to help you out

Another variation to the former point, but the logic is the same – you are not a superhuman who can dochild stacking toys everything. Your family should help out. Ergo, if everybody is in favor, consider dividing chores between your family members – You can reserve the easiest for your children – like collecting dirty clothes in the laundry basket and picking up things.

Sometimes when we have a lot of laundry from returning from travel, or just a hectic week I will start a load of laundry and let them collect in the laundry baskets. Steve is very adamant about the 4 of us getting all the laundry and dumping it on the couch and folding and putting it away together. While we do have a cleaning crew that comes once a week, sometimes the laundry is out of control and needs help. This is a nice relief when we can all do it together.

5. Use technology to make your work easy

It’s simple – if you can afford cleaning technologies, why wouldn’t you? Cleaning machines like vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and washing machines exist to make our lives effortless. You cannot remain an old school for the rules of it. Be open-minded if you aren’t already.

Pro Tip — We have the iRobot vacuum (this is the exact one we have) and also a mopping robot that clean and mop the floors because our dogs are major shedders! They go off on a specific schedule each day and it’s one less thing I have to worry about because they clean the whole floor and when they are done, they go back to their home for the rest of the day. 

6. Don’t over clean

Do you wash your clothes after every wear? If you do, you’re making yourself work for no reason at all. Thistips for keeping a clean house needs to be said a lot – some clothes don’t require washing after every wear. Consider this guide for details.

7. Keep everything organized

Does cleaning seem like a mountain to climb? Well, it can certainly feel that way if one doesn’t have everything organized. If you want your cleaning to be quick, organize right by allocating a place for every type of item.

Tip – If you find your drawers extremely cluttered, you can invest in storage items like small boxes, and trays to make everything more organized. 

8. Own fewer things

Do you know the root of the problem? Our homes are full of clutter, which is why cleaning seems a hassle. The solution is easy (but requires you to have a strong heart to let go) – Declutter and own a few things. The fewer things you own, the less will be the mess.

9. Get professional help

Don’t hesitate to dial cleaning services when you are in desperate need. These services can be a little investment but are totally worth it if they can save the day.

10. Take it easy

You are a working mom who runs like a robot – cut yourself some slack and take it easy. The world won’t collide if you don’t clean for a day or don’t make cleaning your priority if you have other things to worry about. It’s okay. Try your best, and it will still be enough.

Hey there, do you have some cleaning tips we all can use? Feel free to share them in the comment section.