The 10 min Pinterest strategy for 2021

The 10 min Pinterest strategy for 2021

If you’re a blogger or a business owner, you would want to scale your business and bring in more traffic. In order to do so, you need to upgrade your marketing strategy so as to keep getting readers and customers.

The best option to grow your readers is through Pinterest marketing. Pinterest is more of a visual search engine, unlike other social media channels. However, last year, Pinterest came out with lots of new changes which frustrated the bloggers, especially the small niche ones. Thus, it’s so very crucial to have a proper strategy for Pinterest marketing in order to beat all the upcoming algorithm changes.

The 10 min Pinterest strategy for 2021

Here’s a 10 min Pinterest marketing strategy that will skyrocket your traffic in 2021:

  1. Redo your Pinterest account

If you already have your business account on Pinterest, it’s time to update it according to the new changes. The 10 min Pinterest strategy for 2021Pinterest clearly stated that they would be preferring more relevant content from creators so be mindful of what you’re posting on your boards.

If you have your personal boards for inspiration, make sure that you are hiding them all. You surely don’t want to distract your ideal user with some cute quote pins or mood boards.

Claim your site, enable rich pins, redo your description so as to reach the maximum audience. It’s essential to keep updating your Pinterest profile timely.

  1. Create fresh pins

Pinterest also made it clear that they will be preferring fresh pins over the re-pins. So the creators all over the world are focusing on creating multiple pins for the same content. Also, make sure that your pins are highly engaging, attractive, and have a call to action. Having a CTA to the pin makes it easier for the readers to take some targeted action.

  1. More video and story pins

Being a visual platform, Pinterest also announced that they will be pushing video and story pins more in 2021. Moreover, the story pins enable the users to check your profile towards the end of the slide. This will increase your views and saves.

It indeed takes more time to create a story and video pin than creating static ones but it’s all so worth it in the end.

  1. Choose the right keywords

Pinterest SEO is super important in order to gain targeted traffic. Use the keywords that are relevant to your The 10 min Pinterest strategy for 2021niche at various places such as pin title, pin description, board title, board description, and main profile details.

Make a list of all the words that your potential reader and customer will be looking for. Know their pain points and craft the content accordingly.

Having the right keywords will help you gain more readers for your site and you can leverage Pinterest’s power of redirecting the traffic.

  1. Check your analytics

Checking your analytics matters the most because it gives you a clear idea of what your user or readers are searching for.

Your analytics will give you a clear idea of what you should be posting more and the best time as well.

 Learn to study your Pinterest analytics and focus more on saves and clicks. It’s so easy to get impressed by the monthly views but keep in mind that it’s just a vanity number. What matters the most is having more clicks and this comes with consistency.


In the end, Pinterest can be the powerhouse of generating more traffic and helping your business to grow to use Pinterest to generate traffic However, it indeed requires some tactics and patience to grow your Pinterest account.

I hope that you put the above points into practice and be consistent with your Pinterest marketing, I’m sure; you will totally gain the desired results.

Also, do let me know which strategy helped you the most this year.


2020 Economy

As a millennial who grew up super poor, the fall of 2008 and into 2009 was something I don’t really remember. I was still a poor college kid, trying to figure things out. I don’t remember the crash for different reasons.
For me, 2008 was the year that my dad burn 11% of his body with me finding him and helping put out the fire in January. At the end of June, my first nephew and the one who still influences my parenting, drown in a swimming pool. My dad was still recovering from his burns and his 48 day hospital stay. I barely went back to work as a server.
I don’t really remember the restaurant industry slowing down either. I’m sure it did, but my mind was so hectic and crazy that it was the last thing I could think about. I sort of remember when the market started to recover a few years ago, and now know for sure the last 2 years it for sure was good.

2020 Economy

So now, with the whole virus thing and places being closed and people potentially losing their jobs, I will remember this. Not only as a business owner, but as a Wife, Mom, newly homeschooling teacher, and consumer. Mostly, I will remember the fear and uncertainty everyone is having over the whole situation.
On one hand, I’ve got my husband who’s a business owner and employer who’s nervous about having a business to return to once this is over but also knowing that money needs to be made to continue operating and keeping people employed but on the other the health and safety is such a concern.
Another hand is my business is based on helping people and sharing products, experiences, and opportunities for people to also enjoy in their own lives. One of those businesses includes a few AirBnB properties that have basically become their own ghost towns due to the reduction in travel.
As a Mom with younger children who don’t quite understand the whole situation of what’s going on and then adding in homeschooling unexpectedly, I can only imagine what parents were saying in 2008 when life went hectic. It’s clear to me where our priorities have been the last few years as parents when the girls ask why we can’t go to Target or to get another new toy.
Lastly, as a consumer, I want to shop because that’s how I handle stress.
I also like to support small businesses, and empathize with those businesses who literally don’t know if their doors will be open tomorrow. I realize not everyone is like this, and I feel like now is when the pyramid schemes and sleazy sales tactics come out that just feel icky to me. I’ve been holding back on sharing with my audience things I’ve purchased and continue to purchase because I know if I have those feelings, I know others are thinking and feeling the same thing.
It’s super clear the sleaziness is coming out more and more each time I check my inbox when I find these random emails from people whom I’ve not interacted with in YEARS trying to sell me stuff.

Immediate unsubscribe.

So yes, I’m a bit scared and confused as this is similar to 2008 but also different because we have a huge pandemic throwing a wrench into the workforce and economy. I hope for everyone on this planet that it ends soon, but also realistically know that’s probably not going to happen. Going forward, I will continue to consume and shop and live life as best as I can as normally as we can to help leave a positive experience for our girls during this time. We will modify and not go out to dinner as much or purchase things mindlessly or take things for granted. We will clear and keep the clutter clear because spending time in social distancing will help with ensuring once this is over, we will enjoy staying at home versus not.
I hope this is helpful for other millennials in a similar situation and those who may be reading this that have little to no idea what I’m talking about. Just know, everything comes in cycles and this too shall pass.
And someday, we will look back on this and hopefully learn from the things we went through during these times. I have for sure left things behind that no longer serve me, and learned a WHOLE LOT about myself, my girls, my husband. We’ve made deeper relationships, and connected on different levels than when we were rushing around all the time. Hopefully you have done some deep diving and learned some things about yourself and not just focused on the negative.
As always, I’m here if you need to chat, or a shoulder to lean on. Send me a DM on Instagram.