Having kids at home can feel a little overwhelming at times. Getting work and chores done while they are in the house sounds almost like moving a mountain. It’s true that having kids in the house means countless interruptions and constant chaos. Getting any work done is possible only when you plan your time effectively. If you try to wing it and be spontaneous, you will find yourself feeling like a complete mess, pulling your hair out. After the year 2020, I think we all can attest to letting our kids do some things while we try to work as best as possible. So maybe there are other tips I haven’t included. Also, don’t get down on yourself if you are still trying to figure things out, it’s an everyday process. Here are my tips to get more done at home with kids:
Simple tips to get more done at home with kids
To save you all the trouble, here are five simple tips on how you can get more work done at home with kids, even toddlers.
1.Create a Routine
The key to getting more work done at home with kids is planning and chalking out your daily activities in the form of a routine. And adhering to it as strictly as you can. Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge says that a written schedule is most important. You need to map out your daily activities, and that of your child as well. So that your kids have something meaningful and enjoyable to do when you are in work mode. Dr. Hodge also recommends showing your kids the list of things they can do while you are working.
2. Take a Quick Break
When you are at home, dealing with one thing after the other, it makes sense to take short breaks in between to recharge your energy. You can take a ten-minute break every two hours of work. And use this break to relax. Have a snack, take a deep breath, meditate or spend some time with your kids. It’s important that you release the tension of the two hours in those ten minutes. So that the next two hours are just as productive and don’t tire you out.
3. Naps to Save the Day
This works extremely well for younger children. They tend to sleep at certain times. And you have those quiet hours to you to get the majority of your work done. Make the most of them, and according to a priority list, finish the most important chores during their nap time.
On the flip side, it’s also very important for you to take time to rest when needed as you can’t pour from an empty cup. So if that means you need to rest during nap time because you were up all night with a child or couldn’t sleep, take the rest. You won’t be productive or get as much done if you are tired.
4. You don’t have to Bear the Burden Alone
It is almost impossible for one person to get everything done from home management to looking after the kids to working. This is where your partner steps in and shares your duties. So that both of you can work more efficiently.
Figure out a way to involve your partner in some of the daily activities that your kids do. So that he or she can get some quality time with the kids as well while you work.
You don’t become a bad parent if you hand over the reins to your partner for an hour or two. In fact, that is actually recommended for your and your family’s healthy lifestyle.
This was the single biggest hurdle I had to get over especially when the girls were very young. My husband has a very stressful job and I thought everything he complained about was my fault and the girls being kids was also my fault. When I realized this was a team effort, I was able to relax and get more done. I no longer felt bad when asking Steve to share some of the parenting and house responsibilities and our relationship grew stronger because of it. I no longer felt that my job or my responsibilities were a burden.
5. Netflix and Work
Today, the thousands of kids’ movies and shows available at the tips of our fingers on Netflix is like a boon to every parent. After all, what can be better than to let your child watch an enjoyable movie and be completely engrossed in it while you get your work done? It’s true that this tactic works quite well, but only when you put a cap on the time your child gets to sit in front of the screen. Too much screen time is bad for your child’s health, and it makes you look like a lousy parent at best. Hence, Netflix time should be limited only to an hour or two during the day. — If this works for you. Some kids don’t do well with screens and would rather play. Others (like mine) could sit and watch all day so I have to really limit them.
Further, you can get your kid involved in some other meaningful activity, like painting, reading, or gardening. Research has proved time and time again that these activities help in your child’s psychological and emotional development, and are a must.
Tell your child to sit and read a storybook, or draw something nice while you work. Later, don’t forget to reward them for it. This will work as an incentive to them, and they will be indulging in these activities more frequently, on their own.
Working from home with kids can be a challenge, but there are some simple things you can do to make it work.
First, create a schedule and try to stick to it as much as possible. This will help you to stay focused on work during work time and to enjoy quality family time during other parts of the day. It’s also important to cut yourself some slack – remember that you’re doing the best you can. Older children can play independently for short periods of time, so use that time to get some work done. If you have younger children, try to schedule conference calls or other meetings during their nap times or quiet times.
And finally, give yourself some undivided attention at least 15 minutes each day – either in the morning before everyone else wakes up or at night after the kids are in bed. A house full of kids is noisy, messy, and can be chaos but it doesn’t always have to be if you can discipline yourself as well as your child. These nifty tactics will definitely help you balance out your work and parenting. No more pulling your hair out!
Working with your spouse or significant other can be a bit of a challenge, but it is doable! In this blog post, we will discuss 5 ways to work with your spouse/significant other successfully. By following these tips, you and your partner can successfully work together and avoid any potential conflict. Let me tell you a little story about how I know this is possible before we get started.
Before meeting my now-husband, I interviewed at his business for an office manager role and had no intentions of being in a relationship with him. I had only ever worked with a significant other one other time, and it was in a restaurant. We weren’t in the same area, but he was a bartender and I was a server. Way different dynamics than the one I have with my husband now and even throughout our entire relationship.
I don’t know a ton of people who have worked in the same department or roles where they report to one another and have success. For the first 2 years of our relationship, my husband was the president, and I was involved in many different roles of the business, mostly on the operations side of things.
There were times when I wasn’t sure we would make it through, and other times when I don’t know how we could have gotten any closer. At the end of the day, what allowed us then and even to this day, when the business looks different, is 5 key ways we can work together successfully.
5 Ways to Work with Your Spouse/Significant Other Successfully
1. Keep business and personal separate
When you’re in a relationship, it can be hard to keep work and home life separate. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance between the two. Here are five tips for successfully working with your spouse or significant other:
1. Set clear boundaries. Make sure you both understand what is and isn’t acceptable in terms of work-related communication and behavior.
2. Respect each other’s space. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you need to be attached at the hip. Give each other some time and space to focus on work.
3. Be supportive. It can be tough juggling work and personal life, so make sure you’re supporting each other. lend a hand when needed, and offer words of encouragement.
4. Communicate openly and honestly. If something is bugging you, say so in a constructive way. Similarly, if you’re struggling with work, let your partner know so they can help out where they can.
5. Take breaks together. When things are getting stressful, step away from work for a bit and spend some quality time together. Whether it’s going for a walk or just taking a few minutes to chat, taking breaks together can help you both de-stress and stay connected.
2. Cool it with the pet names
In any relationship, it’s important to maintain a certain level of respect for your partner. This is especially true when working together on a project or goal. Nicknames and pet names may be fine in your personal life, but they can create an air of familiarity that can lead to conflict in a business setting. If you’re used to calling your spouse “babe” or “honey,” it can be easy to slip into using those terms when discussing work matters. However, using terms of endearment in a professional context can come across as unprofessional and disrespectful. It’s important to remember that, while you may have a close personal relationship with your partner, you are also colleagues. When working together, it’s best to keep things formal and use each other’s given names. This will help to create a more respectful and productive working environment.
3. Never go to bed angry
When dealing with conflicts in your romantic relationship, it can often be tempting to simply retreat and go to bed while you’re still angry. However, as the old saying goes, “never go to bed angry.” This advice is especially important when you are working with your significant other, as it is essential to maintain open communication and a positive attitude at all times. Here are 3 ways to successfully navigate conflict in a relationship:
1. Keep an open mind and be willing to listen to your partner’s perspective. It can be easy to get defensive or jump straight into arguments, but these behaviors are unlikely to lead anywhere productive. Instead, try putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and really hearing what they have to say.
2. Practice active listening skills rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. Listening involves far more than simply hearing words – it also requires you to pay attention and accurately evaluate how your partner is feeling. By practicing active listening skills, you can ensure that both you and your partner feel understood and respected throughout any conflict or disagreement.
3. Cultivate healthy boundaries in terms of respect, physical distance, emotional space, etc. One of the biggest challenges in any long-term relationship is balancing the need for closeness with the need for independence. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to communicate this to your partner and set clear boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship.
4. Schedule or make time for weekly date night
According to numerous studies, one of the best things couples can do to keep their relationship strong is to schedule regular date nights. Date night gives couples time to reconnect and focus on each other without the distractions of work, parenting, or other everyday responsibilities. It can be difficult to find the time and energy for date night when you’re juggling a busy schedule, but it’s important to make it a priority. There are a few ways to make sure date night happens regularly. You can schedule it in advance and put it on the calendar like any other appointment. If you have trouble getting out of the house, you can have a stay-at-home date night and order dinner or watch a movie together. The important thing is that you take the time to focus on your relationship and enjoy each other’s company.
5. Have the same goals in mind and be going in the same direction
Becoming a successful team often starts with having the same goals in mind and being aligned in the direction you are heading. When it comes to working with your spouse or significant other, this is especially true. To successfully work with your partner, make sure that you are both committed to the same set of goals and share a similar vision for what your business should look like down the road. Additionally, focus on communicating regularly about changes and challenges that arise along the way. By aligning your efforts and prioritizing open communication, you can effectively navigate any obstacles that may come up as you work together toward achieving your shared goals. After all, when you’re going in the same direction, there’s nothing that can stop you from reaching the finish line!
Working with your spouse or significant other can be a challenge, but it’s also hugely rewarding. By following these five tips, you can successfully navigate any obstacles that come your way and build a strong, lasting partnership.
What are some other ways to work with your spouse/significant other you would add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
If you found this article helpful, be sure to share it with your friends or colleagues who might benefit from some relationship advice.
Whether you’re an established blogger or someone who is just starting out, you really need Pinterest to drive free traffic to your blog. However, in order to do so, you would need to understand how Pinterest works and how you can make it work for your business.
How to Keyword your Entire Pinterest Account
While many of us think of Pinterest as some social media channel but it’s actually a search engine just like Google. Pinterest curates the home feed as per your recent activities and brings the most relevant posts in front of your eyes. It really doesn’t work in chronological order.
Thus, when you upload your Pin, there are high chances of it getting lost in Pinterest’s algorithm if it’s not SEO optimized.
Now, what is SEO for Pinterest:
It’s as simple as this; Pinterest allows users to search for their queries on the search bar and delivers the best result depending on the keywords.
Thus, it’s really important to Keyword your Pinterest account and make sure that you’re utilizing the best one.
Where to use the keywords for Pinterest:
Now, if your goal is to show up on the search bar; you really need to utilize the power of placing the right keywords at all places.
Just as visuals are important; keywords also play a huge role in pushing your Pins and showing them to relevant searches. Here’s where you should place your keywords:
1. Profile
To attract the right audience, you really need to have a strong bio with all the keywords you’re targeting to rank for.
2. Pin description
Pinterest allows 500 characters for Pin description and this is your space to play around and embed the best keywords. However, make sure that you just don’t stuff your keywords without any sense. Your Pin descriptions are read by people so make it seem natural.
3. Pin Image
So yes, Pinterest can actually read your Pin image, and having a keyword on beautifully curated Pin can definitely attract more readers. Hence, be sure to use keywords while creating the Pins.
4. Board title
This is really important as per the updated SEO to have the most relevant boards. Your board titles should have all the keywords you’re targeting for your blog. Moreover, make sure that you’re pinning your pins to the relevant boards only.
5. Board description
You can use all the relevant keywords in your board description just as you did for the Pin description.
6. Image filename
Now instead of saving the file name as image.jpg, save it using a keyword like journaling.jpg or whatever your keyword is. This will make Pinterest understand what the image is all about.
7. Promoted pins
Keywords can be super helpful in reaching your target audience. You can use 25 or more keywords for promoted pins to make your Pin rank high.
Here’s how Pinterest works using the keywords:
Pinterest uses a smart feed to bring the most relevant pins using the keywords so if you’ve placed the targeted keyword at the right place, your pins will be ranked ahead.
For example: if someone’s searching for journaling prompts and you failed to mention this keyword in your pin description; Pinterest won’t show your pin to the potential audience.
The best thing is if your Pinterest account is well embedded with the keyword even Google will rank your pin in its search engine. Isn’t that amazing!!
In the end, due to recent updates and all the algorithm changes, getting your pins in front of people has become challenging. However, if you’re following the simple tips of using proper keywords, your chances of going viral increase.
I hope this piece helped you in understanding how to use keywords and where to embed them so as to get maximum results.
I would love to know your Pinterest strategy in the comments below.
We all dream of a clean and tidy home as if it’s something supernatural or impossible to achieve. Supernatural – definitely not. Impossible – well, it can feel that way if you are a working mom who spends all day working and running, only to come back home dead tired, and on the edge after finding their home nothing but a mess.
The same goes for the work from home mom who spends all of their time in front of their desk only to come out for lunch and sometimes a water refill. Many would assume we would have all the time in the world working from home to keep the house clean during our working hours.
Does that sound familiar? If yes, then I can understand how bad you wish to have a clean home. It might feel impossible, but it is not. Given, there are working moms out there who manage to keep a clean house.
You must be wondering, “How the hell do they do that?”
Well, they have their secrets, which I am going to spill out in this very article. So, keep reading.
10 secrets to keeping a clean house as a working mom
1. Prepare the night before
Tell me if you don’t throw away your sweaters, jackets, and scarves on the bed or floor every time you leave for work, all because you don’t have enough time to keep things in their proper place. Guilty, right? Well, the morning rush does that to everybody. So, the trick here is to prepare the night before so you save time and don’t leave a mess behind. Here’s how
Select your clothes, iron them, and hang them by the hanger on a door, or at the front of your cabinet.
Keep your essentials in the bag the night before.
Chop vegetables for breakfast. While you are at it, look for quick breakfast options that won’t create a huge mess.
Keep the cosmetics you would need to get ready nearby.
2. Don’t procrastinate
Have a jacket to put in the closet? Well, don’t just leave it there, even if you think you’ll pick it up later. Just know the word, Later is a scam.
So, make it a rule to do things then and there. Don’t procrastinate, pick up the things, wash the dishes, and keep things properly right at the moment. You wouldn’t want to come back home to a messed-up home, would you?
The same goes for your kids, if they have something laying around, it’s good practice to teach them to pick it up and put it where it goes the second they (most likely you) see it.
3. Encourage your family to do their own chores
Yes, you are the mother, but it doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself – even the chores that are not yours to do in the first place. Gender roles are history, so it’s time you encourage your family to do their chores – whether it is washing their dishes, doing their laundry, cooking their food, or cleaning their rooms.
In our home, my husband does his own laundry because he likes to wear the same things multiple times a week, even with a closet full of capable clothing. Our girls do the dishes and are responsible for keeping their rooms cleaned as well as the dog messes in the yard once a week.
Leila’s teacher let them play a game in school in her 5th grade class and one of the questions was if they had to do chores at home. Out of 20 students, only 3 of them had chores. 3! It’s no wonder us moms and dads are overwhelmed by housework! Now is the time to teach your children how to do chores and at the very least clean their own rooms!
4. Encourage your family to help you out
Another variation to the former point, but the logic is the same – you are not a superhuman who can do everything. Your family should help out. Ergo, if everybody is in favor, consider dividing chores between your family members – You can reserve the easiest for your children – like collecting dirty clothes in the laundry basket and picking up things.
Sometimes when we have a lot of laundry from returning from travel, or just a hectic week I will start a load of laundry and let them collect in the laundry baskets. Steve is very adamant about the 4 of us getting all the laundry and dumping it on the couch and folding and putting it away together. While we do have a cleaning crew that comes once a week, sometimes the laundry is out of control and needs help. This is a nice relief when we can all do it together.
5. Use technology to make your work easy
It’s simple – if you can afford cleaning technologies, why wouldn’t you? Cleaning machines like vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and washing machines exist to make our lives effortless. You cannot remain an old school for the rules of it. Be open-minded if you aren’t already.
Pro Tip — We have the iRobot vacuum (this is the exact one we have) and also a mopping robot that clean and mop the floors because our dogs are major shedders! They go off on a specific schedule each day and it’s one less thing I have to worry about because they clean the whole floor and when they are done, they go back to their home for the rest of the day.
6. Don’t over clean
Do you wash your clothes after every wear? If you do, you’re making yourself work for no reason at all. This needs to be said a lot – some clothes don’t require washing after every wear. Considerthis guide for details.
7. Keep everything organized
Does cleaning seem like a mountain to climb? Well, it can certainly feel that way if one doesn’t have everything organized. If you want your cleaning to be quick, organize right by allocating a place for every type of item.
Tip – If you find your drawers extremely cluttered, you can invest in storage items like small boxes, and trays to make everything more organized.
8. Own fewer things
Do you know the root of the problem? Our homes are full of clutter, which is why cleaning seems a hassle. The solution is easy (but requires you to have a strong heart to let go) – Declutter and own a few things. The fewer things you own, the less will be the mess.
9. Get professional help
Don’t hesitate to dial cleaning services when you are in desperate need. These services can be a little investment but are totally worth it if they can save the day.
10. Take it easy
You are a working mom who runs like a robot – cut yourself some slack and take it easy. The world won’t collide if you don’t clean for a day or don’t make cleaning your priority if you have other things to worry about. It’s okay. Try your best, and it will still be enough.
Hey there, do you have some cleaning tips we all can use? Feel free to share them in the comment section.
One of the secrets to a peaceful, stress-free, healthy, and productive life is a healthy nighttime routine. As breakfast is the most important meal of the day, your nighttime is the most important part of the day. The reason being – it’s the time your body sleeps and relaxes, to boost itself for the next day. What you do every night before bed could mean the difference between a good night’s sleep and not.
So, if you want to make your next day healthier and productive, you have to follow a nighttime routine to reap all the benefits. Here are all the things you need to do.
10 things you need to do every night before bed
1. Read a few pages
Want to relax and unwind? Reading is a great way to relax your mind and body. Not to forget, reading comes packed with benefits – for starters, you acquire knowledge, develop analytical, comprehensive, and critical skills. The list can go on but the point remains the same – reading is the best thing you can do for yourself.
While you are at it, do not finish the entire book in one night. You cannot compromise your sleep even when you are hooked to the book. Additionally, make sure you don’t read digital books, but paper books as they would be much healthier for your eyes.
2. Keep gadgets away
We have been told for ages that long and continuous exposure to gadgets is not good for the eyes and brain. They are not good for your sleep either as the blue light from the screen can strain your eyes and affect your sleep quality.
So, make sure you keep gadgets away at least an hour before you sleep.
3. Turn on the diffuser
Want to have a calm and peaceful sleep? Diffusers are the answer. They have been a rage in recent years for the right reason – Essential oils in diffusers produce an aroma that can leave you enchanted and de-stressed in no time. Ergo – plug them in before you sleep. We use them in the girls’ room to help them wind down and actually get sleep right away instead of tossing and turning and not getting sleep. My favorite oil for them is Lavender because their problems are minimal compared to us adults, so Lavender is generally great for them. If you want to use doTERRA like we do, you can grab yours here. I use the Serenity Blend for Steve and I to help relax our minds and help us settle the problems we might be trying to get away from during the day.
However, if you are worried about electricity consumption – be assured that diffusers typically use little electricity. If you still would want a different alternative, you can go for room fresheners and tea-light diffusers. (If you choose the latter, make sure the tea-light is away from anything combustible – including curtains, sheets, and wooden surfaces.)
4. Prepare for the next day
Have a bag to set? Clothes to select and prepare? Vegetables to cut? Refill and refrigerate the bottle? Do them the night before if you want to spare yourself the morning rush. If you have kids to get ready, knowing what to make for breakfast and also how you will get them to school is important to plan so you leave on time.
5. Stay away from caffeine
Addicted to coffee? We all have been there and we all love it unconditionally. However, as much as you can’t keep yourself away from coffee before you sleep – you have to if you don’t want to stay awake like a night-owl. Having said that, ban all caffeinated products, including green tea as it contains trace amounts of caffeine.
6. Plan the next day
Have lots of tasks to do tomorrow? Plan your day ahead. Prepare a to-do list and a schedule to stay motivated and productive the entire day.
7. Do Breathing exercises
Do you know why Yoga and meditation are life-changing? Because they include breathing exercises. Ergo, if you cannot indulge in meditation at night, do a five-minute breathing exercise before you go to sleep – Not only will it relax your body and mind but will also improve your body functions through an increased supply of oxygen.
8. Stretching
Stretching in the morning certainly has its own benefits, but stretching before you sleep is no less beneficial for your body and sleep. Stretching can increase blood circulation, relieve muscle tensions, and can even make you feel more relaxed.
However, ensure that you do not indulge in workout-like stretches – be gentle, you don’t need to get your body alarmed – you have to relax it.
Bear hugs, Knee-to-chest, Spinal twists, Child’s Pose, Butterfly stretch are some of the ones you can try for a good night’s sleep. If you need a better routine and want to do yoga classes, or even foam rolling, I love my Peloton app for that exact thing. Use this link to get 60 days for free!
9. Remove make up- Do some skincare
Your skin goes through a lot during the daytime – the stress, pollution, dust and dirt, whatnot. The least you can do is take care of it at the end of the day. For starters, remove your make-up, apply a face pack, and moisturize your skin. Aka give your skin the care it deserves.
10. Lastly, some tips to improve sleep quality
Make it a rule to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Go to bed early if necessary to achieve that goal, or sleep late if you are more of a night owl. Here are some additional tips that can help you have that sound and deep sleep you wish all night.
Sleep in total darkness – Close the curtains
Make sure your bed is cozy.
The room is cool.
Sleep with an eye mask. – Our favorite one here which Steve uses nightly and I use when we travel.
Play calm noises in the background.
Refrain from midnight snacking.
Exercise during the day.
Have a few more tips to share? Feel free to enlighten all of us in the comment section. You are most welcome there.
At the end of the day, we desire a financial standing. But for those of us with limited income, it’s extremely difficult. So, what do we do? We begin saving a little. We skip buying a bit costly yet nutritious groceries, turn off the ACs and sweat, go walking or biking long distances, and buy cheaper bread. But the thing is, you are doing nothing but torturing yourself by making drastic changes, and on top of it you are not even saving significantly.
I say, change your approach. In fact, money-saving does not necessarily involve drastically changing lifestyles. However, you have to be slow and steady and make small changes to collectively make big changes in the end.
If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips.
How to live frugally in 2021
50 simple frugal living tips that work
Make shopping lists. Make sure you stick with them and do not go buying something that is not on the list.
Look for cheaper brands for every product you use. (Collectively it will make difference)
Is it cool outside? Great, open your windows, turn off your AC to save on electricity.
Use coupons and schemes that help you save more.
Pack your lunch, don’t eat out.
Opt for homemade meals even on weekends.
Draw yourself a budget and operate on that.
Buy in bulk if you find money-saving deals.
Look for second-hand products.
Walk short distances, or cycle your way there. But do not take cars for short distances.
Plant your own vegetable garden.
Create a zero-waste week (Save the environment while saving money)
Always check on Amazon before you go buy something at an offline store. In fact, you can get things at a very low price on Amazon.
Do not buy bottled water. Take your own water bottle and fill it wherever you can. My go to is my Hydro flask – durable and also keeps the liquid nice and cold!
Go for homemade cookies, jams, and bread.
Set no-shopping months to control your expenses and shopping instincts.
Do not do window shopping, even on shopping apps. If you have to pass your time, read some books instead.
Borrow and wear. Have a party to attend this Saturday? Cool, instead of buying a new dress. Consider borrowing it from a friend. Another way to get new outfits each month is to use a service like Fashion Pass. In fact, they are my favorite for borrowing outfits and returning unlimited each month! Use my code AJ4W to also save on your order!
Differentiate between what you want and what you need. Buying what you need, would help you save money.
Invest in energy-efficient appliances to save your bills.
Downsize and then shift to a smaller house that fits your family. (When you can save on rent, don’t think twice)
Be self-reliant. Have a tap to fix? A bulb to change? Don’t hire help, learn these basic skills.
Cut the cable, instead invest in subscriptions.
Go for handmade gifts. They save money and express your feelings best. In fact, our favorite way to do birthday cards is have the girls make them for people.
Look for free community classes. The local library usually has great resources!
Opt for automated saving.
Create an emergency reserve to practice risk management right at home.
Invest your extra money in equity. We’ve done well with stocks and real estate! But it does take a little time to learn and perfect. But once you get it, it’s so helpful!
Go side-hustling to make additional income.
Sell your clutter for cash.
Invite your friends for get-togethers instead of going out for lavish dinners.
Cut your gym membership and then invest your energy in equally effective home workouts.
Program your thermostats optimally. Our favorite ones to use and program are the Google Nest theromostats. We also use them in our own home as well as our short term rentals!
Stop using your credit cards.
Buy second-hand goods.
Opt for line drying your clothes, it saves electricity.
Make use of local libraries.
Lend books instead of buying new ones, this helps you also cut down on the clutter in your home.
Avoid wastage of resources to cut out on your electricity bills.
Use online wallet services to get cashback, discounts, and offers.
Family outings? Visit places that don’t cost a thing. For instance, a picnic near the lake, or even camping.
Embrace minimalism.
Consume leftovers if they are not stale.
Always bargain.
Get a free hobby.
Go for e-newspapers
Do thorough research before buying anything.
Go for DIY tricks.
Recycle and Reuse.
Go for homemade remedies.
That’s all from my side. So I hope these tips help you to live frugally. Start today, and then save for a better future.
Hey there! How do you save money? Have some tips that you want to share? Then feel free to drop them in the comments below.
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