Has it ever happened to you, that you suddenly woke up with an epiphany that you are not being your best self, and this might not be the life you would want for yourself? Or you have been feeling that your life is lacking something, and it’s high time you have to do something about it? Been there done that? If yes, you are one of the many.

Sometimes, life gives you moments wherein you rethink everything. You evaluate yourself, your habits and thoughts, and conclude that you are done waiting for life to work its magic and you have to do it yourself.

Or perhaps you are someone who is still waiting for a wake-up call. But why wait, when you can wake up on your own? If you think that you are not living how you should be, or you are just sick and tired of your current habits that you think would be your downfall, then that is just enough to consider changing your life for the better.

All the answers lie within you, you just fail to find them, or look in the wrong places. But not anymore, here are 25 questions you need to ponder to change your life.

25 questions to ask yourself to change your life


  1.     Where will I be in the next 10 years if I keep doing what I am doing?
  2.     Am I in the right place? Does it make me happy?
  3.     Do I try hard enough? Do I give my best?
  4.     Do I just give up too soon?
  5.     Am I going ahead with it because I want it?
  6.     What was the last thing I did for myself?
  7.     Do I give up my desires to fulfill others’?
  8.     Do I value myself enough to stand up for myself?
  9.     Is it just in my head? Am I only overthinking this and getting scared for no reason at all?
  10. Do I want to associate with such kinds of people?
  11. What does my intuition say? Am I listening to myself or just others?
  12. Am I taking my life in command or just depending on destiny to move things in my favor?
  13. What am I most afraid of? How can I overcome them?
  14. What are some of the flaws that stop me from killing it in life?
  15. Am I happy in this place?
  16. How am I contributing to my household?
  17. Am I trying hard enough to help someone?
  18. Is it really something I cannot do, or something I do not want to do?
  19. Am I running away from it just because it is difficult?
  20. Why did I give up in the first place? Did I have valid reasons or was it because I was just scared?
  21. Do I believe in myself at all? Or just depend on people for believing in me?
  22. How can I be a better person?
  23. Am I being too hard on myself and complicating things than they really are?
  24. Do I just spend my time thinking rather than taking action?
  25. What would I like to change about my life?


Final thoughts

There are a million things that we do not know about ourselves. Or perhaps we know them, but this knowledge often is hidden away in our subconscious mind, and we just need to find it. Remember, sometimes all it takes is a change of mind to change everything in your life. And this change of mind starts with thinking things through and knowing yourself better. These twenty-five questions are here just to do the same, to help you know yourself better and change your life accordingly for the better. For, haven’t you heard, you are the writer of your own life? Always remember that.


Hey, how have you been? Do you involve yourself in some self-questioning from time to time? How has it worked for you? Did it help to change your life? Feel free to share your experiences if you have any, in the comment section. 

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