Misery likes Company. Rise above Misery
Do yourself a favor and start disconnecting from those conversations and people who are always out to harm or talk about others. As you rise in your awareness, they won’t resonate anymore anyways, so the sooner you can disconnect from them the better.
See, in order to have true happiness and everything you want out of this life, you have to raise above all of the low vibe things, or those things that only bring you down i.e. talking about others or engaging in drama.
Each time you raise your awareness and your energy level, the less and less you need the people who are lower than you. You may be already noticing this. These people don’t know how or aren’t ready to raise themselves up and do better. They will continue to come back to you wanting things to be the same, or wanting to carry the same conversations, wanting you to feel sorry for them, etc. but it won’t resonate anymore.
The important thing to remember is that some people and some situations are only here for a short time. Some things are here for much longer, while others are here to serve a specific purpose. If you are struggling or having bad feelings with situations or people in your life, I encourage you to take a few minutes (maybe longer if necessary), and look at all the areas you are having not so great feelings about. Once you have this list, ask yourself Why? Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like I have to continue this way?
After the Whys are out of the way, ask the What’s. What would I feel like if I didn’t engage in this anymore? What could I do/have instead? What other things are possible when I let go of this?
Now, ask the How’s. How can I make this change? How can I connect with other things that I want instead? How will this change me? How do I tell these people/activities that I’m done?
Write about anything else that comes to mind, and don’t judge yourself for this activity. It will allow you to get what you really want to happen on paper, and the things you no longer desire will also come on that paper, which allows them freedom from your body and mind.
By doing this writing activity, you will be raising your awareness and your energy levels which people will start to notice. Those who you have been dragging around for so long will no longer feel like they can talk or hang out with you because they won’t be a match anymore for your positivity.
It’s time we really take control of our own future and outcomes, and it starts with releasing those people and activities that aren’t a match for us anymore. It’s time to take a stand and raise your energy so you can start connecting with those who are waiting for you to get on their level!
Make these changes for yourself first, and notice how the people in your life also start to change. Notice what your kids start saying to you, notice how your spouse starts treating you, notice how you start thinking, treating, and talking about your own body. It all starts with you and releasing those things that are no longer necessary in your life!
Now is your time to make a difference for you! Are you ready?
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