Failure – why is it such a negative word?
When people close on their businesses we think of it as a failure, but what if it wasn’t serving them, what if it was draining them of their energy and their love and passion.
Is it a failure then?
We think of people who file bankruptcy as failures but in reality you look at what they’re doing now or ask them how much of a weight off their shoulders? What about the things that you learned?
One of those things that you learned could actually be something that you were truly successful at now, is it a failure then?
If you don’t believe me, look at your children or think back to when you were a child. I’m sure you don’t remember or can’t count the times that a baby tried to crawl, tried to set up or even tried to walk. Surely they didn’t learn to do all of these things the first time they tried. Imagine if that baby gave up after the first time of not succeeding. Never learn to walk or talk. Baby never learned to form sentences or even learn how to count.
Why do we forget the simplest things in our every day life were a result of several failures?
We live in a society where failing has become this taboo topic or this bad thing when in reality it could be the thing that saves you.
Think about the things in your life, maybe it was at ballet, painting, I don’t know wherever thing it was, what did you learn from that failure?
If it was painting, maybe you learned that you aren’t great at mixing colors but you prefer looking at art that’s already done. What if it was your business, you learned that you can do many things and you actually make a better employee than a business owner.
Failure isn’t a bad thing.
Failure teaches us so much.
Failure allows more doors to open because you have more experience and more knowledge of the things from the past that you didn’t do so well at. So how about let’s stop saying failure as negative and look at failure like the opportunity that it is to grow and make you better in the future.
Let’s support each other and give each other props for knowing when it’s time to throw in the towel, and collect quits. So let’s start failing up instead of failing down and feeling sad and sorry for ourselves.
It’s OK to fail, and I’m right here, right beside you, failing at may things, every day.
For that matter, I was so afraid to fail, at anything that I wouldn’t start it at all. I begged my husband to keep our gym open for 6 months and a $50,000 loss because I didn’t want it to fail and ultimately me fail. I was so crippled that failing meant I was disappointing someone or something, that I would hold on to things, businesses, relationships, etc far longer than was healthy for either entity.
Until I learned it was ok to fail, I was miserable. I’m sure those around me could see and feel it, but I always tried to make it not fail. I didn’t want to be a failure.
Then something amazing happened.
My husband told me “It’s ok to fail, there are a bazillion things out there in this world you can do. Try something else and see if that works.”
Then I did and I am and I have never felt more alive. And I like to believe everyone is much happier now! I learned from the things that weren’t for me and found something that was. I applied those opportunities to this new experience and feel at home with my life and business.
And you can too. Don’t be afraid to fail. Do it.
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